Panic Attacks and Anxiety
So I've had questions at school (mainly from teachers, as students are sh*ts and they don't care) about how to help me if I am having a panic attack. I thought it might help some of you too, so I'm putting all the things that help me personally when I am having a panic attack.
I will be writing this as if you saw me having a panic attack, and you had this in front of you.
1) Depending in the situation, distract me. Obviously is you are doing something life or death for example if you were driving, don't distract me - you wouldn't end up distracting yourself. However, if we are at school, please DON'T ask me if I am ok. That is the worst thing for me personally to do. Point out something, make me focus on it, make me say words associated with it, just anything to take my mind off of what is making me panic.
2) Reassure me that everything is fine. Keep telling me that everything is fine. During this time, I will be shaky, and my thoughts will be all over the place. Please don't try to ask me what I am panicking about, chances are I won't know, even if I do know, I won't be able to answer clearly. Tell me that I am going to be fine, that I am not going to die.
3) If asked, please stay silent. Contradicting the last two points, if I say please stay silent, jut stay silent. If I saw this, chances are my social anxiety is kicking in and I just need to be in my own bubble for a while, and you talking is just going to make it worse.
4) If possible, please take me somewhere private or where there is not a lot of people. The worst feeling when you are having a panic attack is when you feel that everyone is staring at you, judging you. Even if u don't ask for you to do this, take me by the arm or hand, into a small, private room, and keep me there until the panic has passed. Then do steps 1 and 2 or 3
5) During or after, please go get a teacher. It helps me to be surrounded by someone older than me. Please stay with me though. If I feel like I am going to cry, I need someone my age there.
6) Please don't judge me. I can't help panicking, so please don't judge me, and please don't tell anyone but the teacher.
If I think of anymore, I will put them in another chapter.
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