So the world gonna end in like 2 min
I fuck love frimzy
So I didn't feel like remaking a book so or remake a page so I reuse this thingy okay let go
I got tag wonderful
Tag by xXOtaku_BabyXx
1. Do you like someone?
➡️ no I don't like anyone they like you
💋 how the fuck should I know I don't like anyone
3.middle name
🌸 Michelle
4. Single of taken
☄️ single 🔓
5. Last person I texted
📝 my mom and my best friend
My mom I send her " mom I'm hungry " but I said in Spanish so " mamá tengo hambre"
To my best friend " yo Alex face time me I'm bored af "
6. Last song I listened to
☯️ here listen for yourself
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
7. Battery percentage
💯 54% smh
8. Girl best friend
🐶 nope I don't Have one I have a girl that I'm close too I won't say her name but she sweet
9. Guy best friend
👫 hell yeah that my best friend that my best friend go best friend alexxxxx he my best friend
10. Fave Otp
👬 Evan (vanoss) and Jonathan (delirious)
11. Why You made your account
🍫 why the fuck not I made my account like what 2 year ago in like 2015 and I had another account I made 3 year ago in 2014 and so I lost my password then I made this
12. Current lock screen
🐈 my cat that pass away
13. Birthday
👓 June 3rd
Tag peoples I don't have friend wtf lmfao well yolo if you don't have to do it if you don't want to so okay
Lmfao yolo I only did 10 I'm lazy af and I don't feel like tagging more then 10 so that all no tag back
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