Adult Ana Head canons💙🩵
Adult Ana, meaning she's 25
💙: By 25, Ana's fangirl obsession has died down, and she's definitely more mature. She doesn't get too excited over the things she used to, but rather sees it in a calm state, then a bouncing off the walls state.
💙: Her quills are longer now, running past her shoulders. She's a bit taller, and instead of wearing her black crop top and shorts, she just wears a pair of nice ripped jeans and a white T shirt with of course her gold bracelets and gold earring.
💙: Now that she's an adult, her and Amy co-own a small cafe in Green Hills. Amy's the boss of course, Ana mostly works at making the coffee and meals and waitressing.
She enjoys making coffee the most though, since coffee is always a reminder to her of Shadow. Sonic will always try to get Ana to give him discounts on Chili dogs, but she playfully refuses and makes him pay full price ;)
💙: Ana's feelings for Shadow never left, even after ten years (she was 15 when she met him) and though it's always been one-sided, Ana's happy just to know that he's still there, and hasn't left completely like he always claimed he would. Something keeps him coming back to Green Hills.
And she believes it's because of the coffee.
💙: Sometimes before closing, Shadow will walk in after some long missions and sit down at the counter, and order his usual. Just a black coffee.
He will purposely wait till the end of hours due to waiting to have the place to himself, and that way him and Ana could chat for a while.
She doesn't freak out like she used to, but now talks to him in a normal, calm state.
💙: Her and Sonic's sibling relationship is still as strong as ever, both of them depending on each other when they need help, and always being there.
💙: Ana lives in her own place nearby the Cafe, which is a total bummer for Sonic since now he lives alone.
💙: Sometimes she'll get asked on dates by others, but she always says no. Reason? You know why.
💙: She wants a family, but deep down knows she probably won't be able to have one. Due to being completely in love with Shadow, and Shadow definitely not showing signs of settling down with someone like her.
💙: (A/U!) if Shadow and Ana actually became a thing, got married etc...they would have triplets. Two girls and a boy :) one named Maria, (of course), the other Scarlet (thanks I-love-Stray-Kids), and the son, Kage, (which is Japanese and translates/means "Shadow")
💙: Ana lives alone
💙: During her adult life, she's close friends with Amy since they co-own a cafe. She's still close to her brother Sonic, yet time and things tend to take up there days. She's grown slightly closer to Shadow--who in a way also matured slightly. She sometimes helps Tails with inventions, and hangs around with Knuckles and Rouge when she has days off.
💙: (something cute I thought of) sometimes instead of paying with cash for the coffee, Shadow will either get it for free, or occasionally give Ana a tiny peck on the forehead. (Which she tries not to scream over)
And as he'll leave, he always say the same thing:
"Thanks for the coffee and company, *smiles*"
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