5 reasons why I'm no longer a Death Battle fan
What's up guys it's Mario and Sonic fanboy and today I'm doing another top 5 but this one is important. Recently you all got an announcement that the fifth season of Mario, Sonic, Mega Man DEATH BATTLE will be the last season and left a link to this chapter promising I'd go into further details as to why and the reason is that I am no longer a Death Battle fan in other words I have officially stopped watching Death Battle nor will I be associated with them in anyway. Before I thought Death Battle was a good show with perfect sources for animation it was funny and I've heard about it since I was younger, but I didn't fully become a full fledged fan until around 2018, but now everything has changed with everything that's going on I don't think I want to be part of the Death Battle community anymore and I'm not going to force myself to be apart of it. That being said this list is not meant to discourage anyone or disrespect DB fans in anyway I'm only making this list helping you understand why I am no longer a Death Battle fan but if you are someone who is easily offended at what I'm about to say my advice is for you all to click off this chapter because I don't feel like dealing with salty fanboys you have been warned. With all of that out of the way let's get into the 5 reasons why I'm no longer a Death Battle fan.
5. Death Battle is completely overrated
Starting with something that is probably going to be triggering to some people is Death Battle being overrated. Now I want to make this clear being overrated doesn't mean it's bad, it simply means it's not as good as people think it is. When I used to watch Death Battle especially years ago I thought to myself "Wow they are definitely amazing and totally flawless." But looking back at it now it's not entirely flawless. One of the many problems people have with Death Battle is that it's completely overrated and people give it WAY too much praise to the point where people would sometimes often use Death Battle as a source (more on that later) for vs debating which I won't lie I have used them as a source of vs debating but honestly after some further thought not anymore the only tike I did use them (or any other source) is when they are correct if not I would not use them. Another reason why I think Death Battle is overrated is because of the animations. If you have been apart of the Death Battle community for a long time you would know that most people watch Death Battle not because they want to know if their favorite character wins or loses against a non favorite character but they also watch it strictly because of the animation and nowadays they have great animation however some of the animation I have issues with as most of the fights are mainly 2D sprites some of which they don't even own and honestly as amazing as they sound I always found sprite battles on Death Battle pretty boring I think some of the 3D models and hand drawings while they have flaws are definitely better than sprites. Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem against sprites in fact I think One Minute Melee, Riot Rumble, Super Mario Bros Z, and a few others have better sprites than Death Battle, but even so there are quite times to where I was bored out of my mine. If you want to know what I mean by that I have some examples. Here's the sprite animation for their Sora VS Pit.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And here's the animation for Link VS Sora on One Minute Melee.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Both fights feature Sora fighting a young swordsmanship Nintendo character, I think the One Minute Melee one is better because it's really well passed and gives it a lot more operation for action pack it may not be as long as Death Battle's version of Sora VS Pit but even so it's well animated, choreographed, and better pasted. Another example of what I mean by this is Mega Man VS Astro Boy. Here's Death Battle's version.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And Riot Rumble's version.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Both fights have sprite animation but the difference is that whereas in Death Battle's version Mega Man used his arsenal of power ups and lost to Astro Boy, in Riot Rumble's version Mega Man didn't use any of his weapons yet despite that still beat Astro Boy. But still Riot Rumble's version is still well pasted than Death Battle's sure I did have a problem of Mega Man not using any of hie weapons the point still stands Death Battle's sprites feel boring in comparison. Hell even on some occasions Animation Rewind and Rewind Rumble have better sprites than Death Battle does. I will give Death Battle credit when it comes to music and they do have great sprites every now and then but even so they'll never compare to the others I've mentioned in my opinion. (I should also mention yes Death Battle did use to own One Minute Melee but due to issues they don't anymore.)
4. Death Battle's matchups are overhyped and they use composite too much
Another reason why I'm no longer a Death Battle fan is the way the choice their matchups and how they handle it. Now they have said they've taken matchups to an account and they do requested matchups. I wouldn't say that their lying but I would like to make an argument against that and ask this: Outside of the Death Battle fandom many of you guys requested Aang VS Edward Elric?
Or Korra VS Storm?
Or Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight?
Or Link VS Cloud?
Or Omni-Man VS Homlander?
In case you guys aren't seeing my point yet, they're taking selected fights that I'm positive are not the most popular requested matchup. I've been told time and time again that they do popular requested matchups if that's the case then why didn't they do Roxas VS Axl, or Meta Knight VS Zero, or Omni-Man VS Bardock? And how did Korra VS Storm and Omni-Man VS Homlander happened? People have been telling me time and time again that popularly matters but clearly most of what Death Battle's done says otherwise in other words:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I don't give a damn about legacy matchup or some other bullshit if they truly were doing requested popular matchups then I guarantee you fights like Omni-Man VS Homlander, Korra VS Storm, and Scoorge McDuck VS Shovel Knight would not be here. And even when they are popular requested most people often overhype them (more on that later), like I've seen people (generally not Death Battle fans) want Link VS Sora than Link VS Cloud, Shit I've seen people wanting Korra to fight Rey and Delsin Rowe than fucking Storm. But another problem I have is how they handle some of these matchups, they often times use composite versions of characters and putting them all into one. Even recently there still doing it like in the 100th episode with Mario VS Sonic they composited the cartoons, movies, and manga none of which are canon to the games and put them together. Death Battle has done this type of thing so often I've lost count. Personality I don't mind composite as long as it makes sense but they not only use composite that makes no sense but they use it more often than not, which is a huge problem if you don't believe take a good look at the Goku VS Superman videos.
3. They get some of their fights wrong (or they downplay combatants regardless)
For my third reason is probably the most infamous reason ever: Death Battle gets some of their fights flat out wrong regardless if the character wins or loses they get many of their fights so wrong it's not even funny. Now this is the part where some of the Death Battle fandom says "Oh you're just salty" or some other type of bullshit which I don't care they have no power over me so I have no regrets as to what I'm about to say next. Death Battle gets many of their fights wrong regardless on who wins. If you want some examples fine I'll show you. Let's look at the 2018 version of Mario VS Sonic. It was very clear that they lowballed Sonic ON PURPOSE so that they can have Mario win. Like Sonic should be able to speed blitz Mario. Another example is the Naruto VS Bleach fights they have with Naruto and Madara being able to beat Ichigo and Aizen by using the same logic except slightly different. I love Naruto more than Bleach and I think Madara is a better villain than Aizen but when it comes to who wins Ichigo and Aizen clearly would DESTROY Naruto and Ichigo. Chakra and Reiatsu are not the same and are not similar. Chakra comes from a fruit created by the Otsutsuki.
Whereas Reiatsu is a natural power system that exists in all living things even animals, plants, and solid objects.
Therefore any attacks that negate ninjutsu and genjutsu or any other chakra based attacks such as the Truth Seeking Orbs, Sharingan, and Rinnegan will not work because they are nit as similar as Raiatsu I don't care if they have spiritual energy one is natural while the other one was created. The only reason why Reiatsu works against chakra is because it exist in all living things and can attack the soul directly therefore any Kido attack can definitely work on the Naruto characters. More examples is Batman beating Captain America, Wonder Woman beating Thor and a few others. Even Archie Sonic should've won against Wally West because he has more raw power and is omniversal thanks to the Genesis wave while Wally is at best multiversal. Like there are some fights where they downplay the characters just so they can make the other characters win. And even when they do have the outcome correct they still lowball them the best examples being Ben 10 VS Green Lantern (which I honestly don't care about who wins anymore), Obi-Wan VS Kakashi, Sora VS Pit, Yoda VS King Mickey, and several others. Like I'm not trying to call Death Battle biased or anything but they've have so many fights wrong and they way the had them wrong is so mind blowing that they might as well be biased. But that's not the worst part here. The worst part is the people who buy this type of BS.
2. The Death Battle community
Ohhhh boy where do I even begin with this one? I guess I'll start things off by saying this: If you're one of those people who don't like me or anyone else who criticizes Death Battle you're about to hate me with a burning passion. And you know what? I don't care anymore because you guess are the reasons why I quit Death Battle in the first place. One of my biggest reasons as to why I'm quitting Death Battle is it's fans. And boy do they piss me off. Now I want to make this VERY clear not all Death Battle fans are like this but some of them are, with that being said though yes this community is one of the reasons. First off they buy some of Death Battle's logic and agree with some of their outcomes like Mario VS Sonic and Naruto VS Ichigo for example, and even going as far as to say they get almost nothing wrong and considering them a reliable source. Now that is just complete an utter bullshit how can you all say that they get 90% of the fights almost right? That's like me saying I get all of my fights right. Like that sounds like utter bias to me as Death Battle has at most 50% of their matchups wrong, plus to say they are a reliable source is just.... Downright bullshit especially given the hypocrisy and here's one thing that NOBODY can dispute or deny even if they wanted too. Whenever someone makes debunks Death Battle with facts and evidence this fandom will riot. Not even salty because that's a clear complaint to them. The Death Battle fanbase are willing to give people like SethTheProgramer, Chuck, Clyde, Jobbers and Goons, VS Battle wiki, and many more shit and call them biased yet they don't even consider the wrong information Death Battle has and when they do they only see it as minor details and that overall they got it right. Listen to me very carefully I don't give a fuck if Death Battle has a research team if they get it wrong debunkers such as myself will respond and we will debunk anything that is wrong, call us biased all you want at least we acknowledge that we're wrong some that you failed to do 90% of the time. I'll admit I and a few others get shit wrong Hell there's a point in time where I question if I got some of matchups right or wrong . We're all human beings nobody is perfect nor a reliable source, for example if you wanna use me as a source go ahead I'm not stopping you but don't you dare consider nearly 100% accurate or a reliable source of information as even I get things wrong. The Death Battle fandom not seeing Death Battle as humans is a perfect reason why many of them agree that Zero somehow beats Metal Sonic and that he's only shown copying techniques even though Sonic Heroes proves he can go beyond that, or that Silver can't access his super form without help or Scarlet Witch not being omniversal without the Phoenix Force even though the Chaos Emerald and the Phoenix Force are part of their standard arsenal especially since characters have been shown doing the exact same thing and can get stronger every and doesn't need it. Like all of this makes me lose a lot of braincells from debating with them or even just breathing. And another thing is that they overhype A LOT of matchups that are requested regardless if they are good or bad they are still completely overrated and people overhype them WAY too much. Some of the best examples are Meta Knight VS Zero, Luigi VS Pac-Man, Luz VS Akko, Sora VS Pit, Zuko VS Roy, Meta Knight VS Yoda, Blackbeard VS Shigaraki, etc and while some of those matchups eventually started to grow on me like Meta Knight VS Zero, Luz VS Akko, and Sora VS Pit some of the other matchups are complete and utter garbage like you can have a matchup with like 1 connection and people would still overhype that one like Luigi VS Pac-Man for example. I guess that it's hard to please all of the fandom but still. And another reason why people overhype them is because dynamic, animation potential, and theme some of those I used to care about but honestly not anymore. I'll admit some of the death battle fandom is respectful and sees it's flaws but as long as the majority is around I will never look at the Death Battle Community the same ever again, most of the people just ruined it for me.
And now for the number 1 reason why I will no longer be a Death Battle fan, the number 1 reason why I am not going to continue watching Death Battle, the number 1 reason why Mario, Sonic, Mega Man DEATH BATTLE! Will end on its 5th season, and the number 1 reason why I don't give a flying fuck about what happens next.
1. KickVic
Ladies and gentlemen this is KickVic a movement that is created by a lie. Long story short on January 2019 about a day after the release of the Dragon Ball Super movie Broly the dubbed version a Twitter user named Hanleia asked Funimation if they knew that they employed a known pedo named Vic Mignogna.
And then on that exact same day a Twitter user named Marzgurl creates a hashtag called KickVic which ultimately caused all the uproar events that would change the dubbing community forever.
Many fans in the community have been fighting with each other online and higher ups in communities try to silence YouTubers. Many people have been accusing Vic of sexual misconduct. Including voice actresses Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi.
But here's the thing though all of them showed no evidence to back up their claims yet despite that Vic got fired by both Funimation and Rooster Teeth fired Vic effectively ending his voice acting career.
But many months later we found evidence that the tweet who started all this was a lie Hanleia's friend said that Vic was a pedo because he married a 16 year old girl to avoid rape charges.
But in reality it was actually another ex-voice actor named Illich Guardiola.
Despite this the lies continue and for 3 straight years Vic has been fighting back with a lawsuit unfortunately he lost and therefore everyone who took part in this slander got away with it. Now at this point you guys are probably typing in the comment section asking: "What the Hell does KickVic have any to do with you quitting Death Battle?!" Well Death Battle is made by Rooster Teeth the same company who fired Vic in the first place plus some of the VAs that were featured in Death Battle are all apart of KickVic, Christopher Sabot (Solid Snake), Emily Fajardo (Aang), Mark Allen Jr. (War Machine, Gray Fullbuster), Howard Wang (Natsu Dragneel, Hiei, Genos), Dawn M Bennett (Jeanne, Naruto Uzumaki), Justin Briner (Pit), and several others, this is honestly VERY disturbing when I first found out about this I was completely angry the fact that the people who voiced characters on Death Battle are the same people who threw Vic under the bus is shocking to say the list if you want the full list of KV VAs I'll leave the link right here.
And mind you the same company that owns Death Battle is the same company who was more than willing to fire Vic immediately after allegations but kept quit about Micheal Quinn.
Who was arrested for beating the shit out of his ex-wife.
Honestly I was hoping I can continue watching Death Battle and be a Death Battle fan despite it's problems but what pushed me to my limit is when I found out some of their VAs are not only KickVic but are also the same people who act like children whenever normal people and IStandWithVic calls them out or even just... existing. I do have a feeling that some of the Death Battle Cast is also KickVic but I'm not sure you'll never know what type of people they are behind the scenes regardless I don't give a fuck how good Death Battle's or any other content is if the creators like some of Rooster Teeth are shit people in reality their creations are of no value to me.
So there you have it 5 reasons why I am no linger a Death Battle fan. It was a fun train ride but sadly I can't continue it and I'm not going to force myself too. But anyways guys that's all for now thank you all so much for reading if you're still a Death Battle fan even after this list I have no grudge against you, and if anyone responds to this or tries to tell me I'm wrong I don't care. I'll do whatever I want and nobody is going to stop me. But again that's all for now. See you all and have a good day. Peace.
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