Pokémon Natural Disasters (Part 2)
Okay. Now I have an idea for a new story.
—A tsunami.
Very original, I know, but I thought it would be interesting, and also no one has done any Pokémon natural disasters.
Anyway, it'll be very short, only about 3 or 4 parts.
And I've been working on it for the past few days, and already have the first two parts pretty much finished... that is, if anyone would want to even read it.
As this is going to definitely be one of the more "dark and deadly" stories that I write, I know that not everyone would want to read it.
Of course, you're not forced to read it, but if at least a few people show interest, I'll go ahead and publish the first part.
And, unlike my other works, I'll actually post an excerpt! Here it is:
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She froze in fear at the wall of ocean water way off in the distance. It would be here in less than a minute. Then her senses seemed to return. In the back of her mind she could hear her brother shouting her name, screaming at her to run.
She grabbed Mienfoo's Poké Ball and returned the Pokémon, then looked at the four boys around her. Even Conner, who had hated her less than an hour ago, was gripping her hand tightly. She had to stay strong.
"RUN!" She screamed, looking at everyone. Conner and Matt wasted no time in breaking away from her and towards higher ground. Their Croconaw and Pikachu followed close behind.
The blonde looked back at Josiah and Abe, shaking next to her. She picked them both up and ran to the grass up ahead. But even with her speed and strength, she knew deep down that she couldn't make it to safety in time.
The one name is what kept her running; is what kept her from giving up. She had to protect these two boys. She had to return home!
Josiah let out a bloodcurdling scream, and she glanced back, only to be slammed to the ground by the wave. Her grip on the boys was lost immediately, and she felt her special headband fly off.
She was spinning, not knowing which way was which. Air! I need air! Her lungs and throat burned, and she fought desperately to return to the surface— whichever way that was.
She was confused, disoriented. She was trapped in the very thing she needed most as a human. And to think that she had gone to the beach in order to see the waves with her brother!
She had to see him! With that thought in her mind taking priority, she let out one final kick and emerged from the ocean. All around her was water, as far as the eye could see. And it was moving quickly.
"Dylan!" She screamed, her voice coarse. "Dylan! Dyl-"
Her foot caught on something. Either that, or something caught her foot. No matter the case, she was sucked down under the torrent in a split second.
Everything was moving too fast. Her vision blurred around the edges.
Was there really any use in fighting?
Wasn't it better to just give in?
I'm a fighting master. . .
She sure didn't feel like it.
Her efforts were futile, and every movement only seemed to tire her out more.
The ocean seemed so. . . welcoming.
She gave in. Her nose and lungs no longer stung. It was almost as if the water was apologizing for the pain it had caused, and was now trying to comfort her.
Her limbs drifted away from her, but she felt as calm as ever.
There was no use in fighting.
She closed her eyes and gave in to the calming silence.
- - - - -
And that's it! Dark, and on a cliffhanger, I know.
Of course, this is the most climatic part (there's only so much you can have in a tsunami story) but I hope it at least seems interesting.
As for the identity of the main character, I'm keeping her a secret, but there should be enough clues in here that you should figure out who she is.
Anyway, please let me know if this seems like something you would want to read. Is it too dark? Too uninteresting? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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