Sinnoh stuff
Okay so a couple of days ago there was a huge leak of the beta designs of Pokémon, Trainers, Town names, and music in DP
Basically the original designs and ideas for the games were revealed, so uhh.. here's some of what was revealed..:
Professor Rowan
The two protagonists, Lucas and Lucy (left is beta, right is final)
Shinx line
Cranidos and Rampardos
Combee and Vespiquen
Hippo(potas) and Hippowdon
Snover and Abomasnow
Finneon and Lumineon
Gible line
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Barry's original encounter theme (sounds a lot more energetic and fitting of him)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Professor Rowan Encounter/ Professor Rowan's Lab (instruments are different and it just sounds different..)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Cynthia's battle theme (not as exciting or fear-inducing. Too many trumpets....)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Route 209 (my favorite theme from DPP, and it sounds just as good in the beta version. The instruments and notes are changes, but it's still really good.)
Ideas for the games:
- Dawn's name was originally Lucy (Lucas and Lucy would be the names of the protagonists)
- Froslass was originally pure Ice-Type
- Plan to have weather-based Pokemon and various weather changes (added in SwSh)
- New Hatch System
- Enhanced Pokemon Center
- Online tournament mode with PC screen based on Colosseum Code
- New maps for Pokémon Capture and Treasure Hunt with online play in PC screen
Other things:
- Team Galaxy (Team Galactic)
- Briny Lighthouse (Vista Lighthouse)
- Perennia City (Canalave City)
- Jubilee TV (Jubilife TV)
- Airy Ruins (Solaceon Ruins)
- Shale Town (Sunyshore City)
- Meander Cave (Wayward Cave)
- Valance City (??)
And yeah, that's pretty much all that I can put here. There's a lot more information and stuff online and on Mixeli's Twitter. Also I'll be adding some of the music to my second YouTube channel throughout the day, so if y'all want to hear that, go check it out.. (it's the channel with the four videos above)
And if y'all want I can make a new chapter showing off some more original sprites..
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