My issues with That Vegan Teacher
Yo what's up everyone it's Mario and Sonic fanboy and today we're going to be going over the problems of Kadie Karen Diekmeyer otherwise known as That Vegan Teacher.
She's someone who is said to be a vegan and animal rights activist who uploads on the Internet daily to try to spread her message of veganism. However the way she spreads her message is the most disrespectful way possible. She uses so many tactics that are aggressive, racist, homophobic, predatory, sexist, creepy, and outright stupidest. Vegan Teacher is the walking definitely of Karenism which is why her middle name is Karen. Miss Karen tries to force those who are non-vegan to become vegan — in her image and hers alone — and she's caused more people to turn away from veganism more times than now. So we're going to be going over the issues with this old hag and roast the Hell out of her along the way. I was originally going to talk about her in my previous chapter talking about my problems with vegans but I decided to skip that and make an entire chapter about her because she's so bad that even vegans hate her. So without further a do let's get started.
WARNING: This page does contain follow rasist, homophobic, sexual assaults, and graphic images if you're not a fan of this type of stuff please click off the page. You have been warned.
That Vegan Teacher history and backstory
Before we get into the roasting I just think it's appropriate to go over That Vegan Teacher's history so you guys can get a great idea on what type of person she was before and after she became vegan. Vegan Karen is born on September 24, 1964 in Montreal, Canada. In her early life she worked as a nurse for 25 years and as a teacher for 9 years. Or so she says. During her this time in December 13 1994 this happened
It seems That Vegan Teacher has been causing problems ever since the 90s (and the 80s according to someone) she went to some barber place to get a man's hair cut to save money but was denied as they only cut actual man's hair cuts. Vegan Teacher got mad and claimed she was "discriminated" against because of her gender in other words she tried to use her title she even asked for his name but the man grabbed her by the arm and kicked her out. After that incident Vegan Teacher claims she was "assaulted" and her rights were "violated". Now this right here should be an immediate sign about this woman because even as earlier as the 90s she was acting like a Karen, and if you're familiar with Karens you should know that Karens are known for causing trouble all the time and based on what I'm looking at here clearly she was not discriminated or assaulted or violated or bullied as she claimed to be because she was probably walking into a males only barber shop and therefore no females allowed but she clearly was complaining that she couldn't get into a male only barber shop and tried to make excuses and honestly they had every right to kick her out, she deserved it. Moving on during her time as a teacher she actually got suspended for her behavior.
Look at how a former student described her
So yeah as you can see That Vegan Teacher is so Karen that even schools aren't to fund of her. But this was just the begin as this was BEFORE she became vegan after this things take a hard turn to the left.
She attacks people
That Vegan Teacher started her YouTube channel in summer of 2018 and most people has never heard about this woman.... Until....
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After her song to McDonald's went viral she decided to use her fame to make videos attacking others who are not vegan, she grades them with a checkmark and X if they do good or bad in her eyes. She attacks so many random people and YouTubers such as Gordon Ramsay, SSSniperwolf, KallmeKris, Teacher Eddie, Anna oop, BenoftheWeek, Dazz Games and many more all because they are not vegan, she's made countless videos on these people and even tagging them hopefully they will watch them and go vegan all of these guys have had enough of this vegan skeleton and are trying to move on and mind their own business and she continues to make videos constantly harassing them in an attempt to "teach" them about veganism. Luckily all of these guys didn't take this old hags bait and ignored her and most likely blocked them. She's made so many "diss tracks" of a few of these guys like Gordon Ramsay, Dazz Games, and MrBeast but their all the same.
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If you listen to all of them you would know that their all basically the same lyrics except different people. She did this with Anna oop and Aba & Preach
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Literally these "diss tracks" are basically the same in other words Vegan Teacher has no creativity. She also takes SSSniperwolf out of context when she said punch a cow thinking she's LITERALLY going to punch a cow.
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Uhh Karen have you ever heard of this thing called figure of speech?
Clearly you haven't because your brain is made of vegan food and not a normal brain but even then even before becoming a vegan you never had a brain because you like all Karens they don't have a normal human brain like the rest of us. And also she says the same arguments over and over in an attempt to become vegan even trying to get them to watch documentaries like Dominion,, Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, Earthlings, and many more. I won't lie it's find to recommend these documentaries to help people learn the truth but if you constantly try to shove these down in people's throats they're not going to listen, also these aren't the only documentaries out there that talk about what's happening in all these industries so stop acting like they are. Even when these guys do take this woman's bait they roast her in the most savage way possible here are some examples.
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(*Cues: 11:18-11:55*)
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Bro all of those roast of this vegan Karen are all incredible she's obviously raging when watching these videos but that doesn't matter cause she got her ass roasted and it serves her right calling her out on hypocrisy and speaking mad facts. As I said even vegans dislike her the best examples are Unnatural Vegan, Raleigh Link, Earthling Ed, The Queer Kiwi, and many more all because their not vegan in her image and her's alone and considers them non-vegan because of it. Vegan Teacher even said that anyone who doesn't like her is not vegan. Like that just shows that she's an attention seeker because she's angry that their are better vegans and animal rights activists out there, like she literally called Those Annoying Vegans not vegan.
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However Those Annoying Vegans have actually done some good in the world but I'll address that in later points. She also said that this vegan should dump her boyfriend because he's not vegan.
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Uh Karen she can date whoever she wants and she can break up with anyone whoever she wants she doesn't need your approval or help. Luckily like 95% of her victims she's attacked the person didn't take her bait and ignored that vegan Karen and is having a good time with her boyfriend. Speaking of which it's not up to you, Karen to decide who should people date and who should not. On top of that even Earthling Ed disagrees with this lunatic I'm not sure why he took down his video but still even he's not too fond of her. She even attacks vegans who are not even animal rights activists like Tabitha Brown.
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Like what? She's not a brownnoser for not speaking up against the animals it's HER choice to be vegan and not an animal rights activist not YOURS. That's a issue you here whenever someone is being vegan but is not an animal rights activist this white Karen starts going insane and mental because she just saw proof that not all vegans care about the animals. She tries to make it seem like veganism is only about speaking up against the animals when in reality when you look up the definition all it simply means is not eating animals or animal products.
Some people are vegan for the environment and for their health but their not vegan for the animals that's their choice. Not all vegans are animal rights activists and you have to accept that. Not everything is about the animals and it never will be. The fact That Vegan Teacher is attacking vegans and animal rights activists all because they are all not vegan in her image and calling them not vegans because of it just shows that nothing you do is enough unless you're a karen like her. People have their own choices on if they wanna eat meat or not or be vegan for the animals or not you can't make that decision for you and it's inevitable that not everyone will become vegan.
She compares humans to animals
The next point is she compares humans to animals. She like many other vegans often compare what humans go through to what animals go through and make it seem like their the same. One of the prime examples is the Holocaust where they kill Jews in gas chambers and she tries to compare it to when pigs go into gas chambers the reason why despite both having gas chambers the reason why their not comparable is that pigs ARE NOT HUMANS for those of you who you know humans have gone through far worst situations than what animals go through like I don't see a pig getting shot to fight for rights alongside Martin Luther King Jr or none of that. Vegan Teacher also compares racism to animals
And even say that you can be rasist towards animals but really you can't like animals are NOT a race, also speciesism isn't a real word it's just made up by vegans like That Vegan Teacher to make it seem like it's the "first form of racism" I guess with speciesism vegans are basically finding another word for "Why love one but eat the other" but a good example of speciesism not being a real word is the fact that China literally eats everything.
Yep. So how does it exist when some people eat both? Bottom line animals are not a race. She also compares sexual assault and rape to animals suffering. She literally mocked KallmeKris for it.
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Like.... what? What Kris went through was horrible and you're going to tell me that someone who actually has the guts to speak up about her assault is a liar? What cows and pigs go through is horrible but Kris went through MUCH worst also she's not a farm animal so just
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Also we need animals to be breed into existence to increase their population to avoid extinction which I will explain later on. Bottomline is that Kris is much stronger than Ms. Karen will ever be. This is just scratching the surface but the bottom line is that she will compare EVERYTHING to veganism literally. Like she actually thought that the 9/11/01 plan crashes and more recently more recently the bombs of Ukraine are good because meat eaters are dying.
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This is straight up messed up. PEOPLE ARE DYING HERE AND YOU'RE SAYING ITS GOOD WHAT HAPPENED?! Oh but I guess if their vegan it's sad like WTF? This skinny old bat's brain can never get her mind off of veganism and look into the real world. She just can't accept the fact that veganism is not even comparable to real life events.
She's racist, homophobic, etc
Moving on to the next point Vegan Teacher is racist, homophobic, fatphobic, literally every phobic word out there, sexist, and much more and I have some perfect examples of this let's star with racism
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And finally the best one of all (This is sarcasm by the way)
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Those videos that I just showed you are perfect examples of That Vegan Teacher being racist. She even made a song on the day George Floyd died to push her vegan agenda and comparing him to animals. On top of that she tried to make the N word a "nicer" language as you saw with the in that last video about the black doll. She thinks that words like the N-word shouldn't be banned and that black people should "reclaim" it which shows how racist she is. There are some words that can never be positive no matter how hard you try also black people can't "reclaim" it because it was created by racist white people so they can't reclaim anything, so that's just BS especially since she made fun of a person with dark skin color. Next we have her being homophobic.
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So once again you guys can see That Vegan Teacher is homophobic as she says coming out as gay is a selfish act in comparison to coming out as a vegan which is ridiculous, coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community from my understanding is encouraging because those people are the type of people who get bullied on a daily basis and that's why they are afraid to speak out so by speaking out with some courage they inspire others to do the same as they all get together and try to be accepted by the world. I'm not an LGBT never myself but I can understand them. Vegan Teacher tries to make it seem like vegans get made fun of just as much as LGBT members even making up words like veganphobia and carnists (Which are not real words BTW) but vegans are not being made of and even if they are the reasons I see is because some of them are Karens. Ms. Karen claims that she is bisexual but I think she's lying because a true member of the LGBTQ community would never say or act the way she's acting also she said she was bi at 5 years old but I question that because based on the research I found 9 or 10 years old is the age where kids identify themselves as gay, trans, etc.
There's nothing that says being identified as bi or gay at the age of 5 so I believe she's lying just to push her vegan ideology. But let's say she's telling the truth and she is bi. Vegan Karen is a fucking disgrace to the entire LGBTQ community because no one can say that their apart of the that community and be as homophobic as possible. It's disgusting. She also fat shames people like what she did with Anna oop and Dazz Games but honestly Imma avenge them and say that Vegan Teacher is as skinny as a skeleton from the museum.
Shame religious people
Coming up next we have religion. Now this one is going to piss everyone regardless if their religious or not she's outrage shaming people for religion and tries to get people to change it don't believe me the evidence is in these videos
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She even says that Jesus Christ is vegan.
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She even said to get to Heaven you have to be vegan.
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Okay this pisses me off because one you can't change your religion that's not how that works you can't say people who are born Christians can change become another religion unless you don't wanna be religious at all that's like saying white people can change into black people. Also if Jesus was vegan than why did he feed people over 1000 fish? If God was vegan why did he create the animals for us to eat? Like you're saying animals are here with us not for us yet people have been eating animals since the beginning of time and is not stopping so clearly they are here for us not with us. That's right Karen the animal "holocaust" has been around since the beginning of time. Cry all you want but that's just the word we live in. She even said that you need to "get a new God" if God tells you to eat meat. Like what first of all there is only one God and two you are no God Vegan Teacher, like that logic is so stupid even people who don't believe in God find this argument very funny. Vegan Teacher actually believes that she's going to Heaven because she's vegan but based on her attitude and her disrespect towards Jesus and God, if she keeps up this attitude she's going to Hell and God doesn't care if she's vegan or not.
She forces her dog on a vegan diet
Next up we have her forcing her dog to be on a vegan diet. For those of you who don't know she has a dog named Bella and she's been forcing her to be on a vegan diet since around August 2017.
In my Problems with Vegans chapter I explained how forcing a cat, dog, or any animal that eats meat on a vegan/vegetarian diet is a bad idea and I showed evidence that back this up. Like these two videos.
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She claims that dogs are healthy on vegan diet and a vet approved but not only does she show ZERO evidence backing up her claim but also in reality dogs are forced to eat a diet they don't want as shown in the videos above how dogs are forced to be a vegan/vegetarian diet and to prove this even further here's Bella eating grass.
According to Vegan Teacher herself Bella eats grass before their walk all the time and says it's a snack. Dogs eating grass is normal however dogs eating grass is a sign of health problems and being unable to disgust food in digestive system I know this because I have a dog myself named Buster and he only eats grass if he has health problems, not because it's a snack and considering that Bella eats grass ALL THE TIME that means something's wrong with her health and is not reserving the amount of healthy, vitamins, food, and diet she clearly needs and wants. Also if Bella truly wanted to not eat animals then how do you explain this?
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In this video Bella is seen chewing on the leg of a rabbit clearly showing us that she doesn't want to be on a vegan diet and showing that Vegan Teacher doesn't know her dog as much as she thinks. Dogs are omnivores not herbivores and they mostly need meat in their diet their digestive system is similar to a wolf's so clearly they need meat in their diet because they can digestive it much well than with vegan food. She tries to make excuses by saying that her pee, poop, behavior, blood work is normal and Ben try to say that one of the oldest dogs on the earth lived to be 25 years old was vegan as an excuse that herbivore dogs can thrive not only is another oldest dog who is 30 years old not vegan but having pee or poop normal doesn't change the fact that she's living an unhealthy life. Also she's being a hypocrite here she says that if Bella eats a animal is okay because the animal is already dead but when humans eat already dead animals it's not okay.
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The hypocrisy is real. Also if you look at Bella she has has her tail and ears down, normally this shouldn't be a cause for concern as dogs also show these when they are relaxed, but Bella shows them in every video. Look at my dog, Buster (who is not vegan by the way)
And look at Bella and you tell me which one is happier
So as you can see my dog is more normal than Vegan Teacher's because his ears and tail aren't down. Like the only time I can see Bella even being happy is when she's playing but regardless deep down Bella is unhealthy compared to the other dogs she plays with. Forcing her dog on a vegan is not the only problem here she forces her dog to wear socks at one point in a TikTok video.
Bruh what? Why are you making your dog where human clothing? She could've slipped (which she did) and fall (which thank God didn't happen) I'd you want your dog to wear clothes go buy some dog clothes and if she doesn't want to wear them DON'T FORCE IT ON THEM. Another time is she doesn't shower her dog after coming back the lake.
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You can't be serious right now. You've been letting your dog swim in the lake and you're meaning to tell me you can't give her a bath? You do realize that lakes carries germs right? And yet you want her wet self to be on your bed. Disgusting. That's like me going to bed in my room after going to the beach and swimming and not showering. Take care of your dog and give her a bath. You can clearly see she's forcing her beliefs on her own animal which makes me understand why many people signed multiple petitions to have Bella taken away because she's disrespecting her dog, she talks bout meat eaters not having compassion for animals yet she's not even showing compassion for her own dog. Thank God SSSniperwolf, KallmeKris, Raleigh Link, Doctor Mike and many others give their dogs the diet their dogs need/want and not have them suffer a fate worst than death Bella is suffering. Clearly this skeleton should not have a dog at all as well as other vegans and I have more evidence to back this up.
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Vegan Teacher is the type of person who would force a wolf on a vegan diet. She's trying to make it seem like dogs don't need meat in their diet and but meat actually provides more nutrients and protein than vegan pet food does as they can digest it well more than with vegan food.
Quick heads up: A few things: While I am happy that Bella is eating meat from a rabbit leg I'm pretty worried at the same time because that rabbit while it was a alive could've stepped on some poison plants and the fact that Ms Karen let her dog eat it is very much proving she cares little for her dog because if she did she would've taken that away from Bella, rabbits in the wild carry all types of diseases that could make her sick or kill her. Another thing she claims there are vegan dogs all over the world but I did some research myself and found that only 3% dogs are in a strict vegan diet around the world implying that their aren't that many vegan dogs in the world, she also claims that vegan dogs live an extended life but the oldest dog in the world who was 30 years old wasn't vegan and outlived 5 years from that 25 year old forced vegan dog she mentions debunking her claims.
I've said it once and I'll say it again: If you don't like if you don't like feeding cats, dogs, or any animal that eats meat a diet that's clearly suitable to them like a raw meat diet and something they obviously want and enjoy then don't buy/adopt a cat or a dog get a rabbit or any animal that actually eats a plant based diet. Plain and simple I don't care if she's surviving or is still alive on a vegan diet you should've never adopted Bella in the first place if you aren't going to give her the diet she wants. Period. If animals like pigs have to be "raped", tortured, and murdered so dogs can be feed then so be it, it's is infinitely times better than forcing a dog to be a herbivore.
Quick heads up: I also would Like to say that she thinks buying a dog or cat is bad because their a breed to existence to be bought and they should only be kept as pets if their rescued. She fails to realize that even if a pet is breed to existence and is bought at the end of the day the owner will take care of it just like animal rights activists do when they rescue animals.
She has VERY disturbing behavior
One of the issues I have with her is her behavior. If you didn't like That Vegan Teacher because of her aggressive behavior you won't like this one. Her main audience on her channel is children and she encourages them to do all kinds of things like running away from parents for not being vegan, say curse words, she even says that people of all ages should do Porn!
This is not only horrible but outright disgusting "We need more people who are doing porn who are of all different ages" (Key words: all different ages in other words children under 18 years old) That legit sounds like something a sex offender would say. This is literally promoting child pornography and she's okay with. It's sickening people go to jail for saying this type of stuff and this kind of behavior and honestly I think Ms. Karen should be in jail too, cause this is a perfect example of what a predator looks like because only a sick person would think that people of all ages including children should do porn. And this is not the only disgusting thing she also asks children their full names, their age, what they look like, where their from, and even email address which is terrible she is Loki trying to expose people's personal information so that kidnappers can find their location. It's very disturbing she even says that if a parent, or doctor, or teacher, or any adult a child trusts say that vegan food is not healthy for them that their wrong and to not listen to them and instead listen to her. She is literally telling kids to listen to strangers on the Internet which is very disturbing because children get kidnapped as a result of it. Want more evidence look no further than here.
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So as you can see Vegan Teacher is truly a terrible influence for children she's so aggressive towards children. On top of that she mocks someone's death.
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Bruh how dense can you get? Someone died because of your ideologies and you think it's somehow funny? You do realize people are allergic to all vegan food and have to be on a carnivore right? Speaking of which according to her not everyone in her family is vegan (thank God) so if she were to give her organs to someone she won't even give it to her own family because not all of them are vegan and she wouldn't even bother saving them. I feel bad for everyone in her family because she would rather save animals than her own family, looks like those family members are pawns to her vegan schemes. This is evil. I don't even know what to say but perhaps the most worst disgusting thing she's done is what she said to a Minecraft YouTuber names Tommyinnit.
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So last year Vegan Teacher made a video of Tommy telling him to show of his fruits and his vegetables but they way she said it and did literally makes a resemblance to a dick and considering that Tommy was 16 years old at the time that means she was sexualizing a minor. This was one of the reasons as to why she got banned off of TikTok for which I am SO glad it happen because that was legit pedophile behavior especially since Ms. Karen was 56 in her late 50s at the time of the video. And the best part is that Tommy actually laughed when Gordon Ramsay eat a burger in front of Vegan Teacher.
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Like I would laugh too if I was in his shoes. Bottomline That Vegan Teacher is creepy, manipulative, and predatory and if you are parents make sure your kids do not look at That Vegan Teacher.
She makes up lies to make it seem like she's innocent
Moving on here we have That Vegan Teacher making up lies and tries to make herself look innocent. One of the prime examples is she claims that 3 teenage boys broke into her house in order to take her dog Bella away from her.
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Okay there are some issues with this story because I believe she's lying just too push her agenda, first off she doesn't show any evidence that backs up her claims like she says she has security cameras around her house why didn't she show us the security footage? Second I found no evidence of 3 boys breaking into her house no news articles no nothing that mentions anything about it because if it truly did happen the incident would be on the news as most true crime cases are on the news on top of that the person who was in her neighbor said that they actually ding dong ditched her house.
Basically implying that all the kids did was ring on her door bell and run away clearly showing no intentions of taking her dog so that's just a flat out lie, nobody was apprehended there was no evidence of this it's just boys pulling a simple prank on her so boys breaking into her house is completely bullshit. So yeah that's one lie I called that Vegan Teacher out on. But even if it's true let me say this: Those boys who broke into her house to get Bella away from her are fucking heroes. Clearly they know animal abuse when they see one and their willing to give up their rights and go to jail to rescue Bella because you are a terrible dog owner Karen. Those boys deserve a metal. The next lie is the claim of everyone was born vegan and that we never wanted to hurt animals or eat them and that we wanted to be kind to them and play with them which is not true that's like saying we were born kind people and that we never wanted to hurt or kill anyone or start school shooting and that we wanted to be friends with them. This is wrong because at the time we don't know what animals are or what kindness is we were just simply born that's it we never had an intelligent mind to know what love for animals is so how can we be born vegan? On top of that, this vegan lady ignores the fact that there are psychopaths out there who hate animals and want to hurt them and kill them the first time they see them that's literally what all past of violent criminals were like we weren't born to love animals people the first time we hear or see them some people are simply psychopaths from day one. She also says everyone can be vegan at any stage of development which is true however not only does she ignore that some people can't be vegan due to health issues and allergies and disorders but she ignores that if you don't be vegan currently one's life can be extremely healthy and no it doesn't take 100 clicks to be vegan. If you look at her songs you'll know that she wants a vegan world.
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Even before 2026
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You can see she wants a vegan world so bad, unfortunately that's a fantasy that will never become a reality because as long as people continue to demand meat and eat meat a vegan world will NEVER come to pass. Another lie she makes is that she's never broken any laws but this is not true because in on video she was caught trespassing a school.
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And last I checked trespassing is ILLEGAL you can't walk onto someone's property because you can get arrested for that. Secondly she's driving her car.
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Which last time I checked that's also illegal as it can cost serious car crashes. Thirdly she's made MULTIPLE accounts on TikTok and has impersonated someone like Ryan Comedy which again last I checked is also illegal. She's made up multiple lies to make it seem like she's the victim in every situation when in reality she's the exact opposite of this, and there is more evidence that prove this.
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So yeah Vegan Teacher you got caught 4K and you can deny it all you want but we know the truth. Which leads to my final point.
She's not a true vegan, not a true animal rights activist and not a true animal lover
Yep. That's right one of the biggest lies is that she claims she's a true animal rights activist and true animal lover and a true vegan when in fact she's a...
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Yep that's right. Despite being vegan she is not a true vegan or animal rights activist because if she was this chapter would not exists.
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As shown by these absolutely, intelligent, and normal vegans, Ms. Karen is not a true vegan. A true vegan respects people's choices on what they want to eat, a true vegan doesn't force their ideologies on to pets especially cats and dogs who want meat and feeds the diet that's suitable to them, a true vegan educates those who are non-vegan and encourages them to be vegan in a healthy and more respectful way, and a true vegan actually goes out there and puts their LIVES on the line to save and protect animals. Remember Those Annoying Vegans who That Vegan Teacher said who are not vegan? Well if their not vegan then explain this.
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See this video shows them clearly rescuing a chicken that was sent to slaughterhouse and they did this not once but twice.
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And yet somehow they are not vegans they saved two chicken lives from being cut short they actually have done some good in the world. And their not the only ones. Mr. Beast actually donated to Team Seas.
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Despite eating meat he straight up saved so many sea animals and the environment and she's so pissed off about it. He also donated to dog shelters as well. He's proof that you don't need to be vegan to show compassion and kindness to animals and be true animal lovers. And despite what she thinks about zoos, and aquariums there are some zoos and aquariums that are the best that treat animals with kindness and are basically sanctuaries.
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So yeah there not all animal captivities are as bad as you think some of them are sanctuaries and trophy hunting does help animals in a way.
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There's also healthy and humane meat that was approved by even vegans and animal rights activists.
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Hell even Regan Russell who Vegan Teacher idolizes is more of a true vegan and animal rights activist than Ms. Karen will ever be she gave her life to give pigs drinks. Animal rights activist even risked getting arrested to save animals on their way to be In humanely slaughtered. All of these people who I've stated are more vegan and are true animal rights activists and are doing more good in the world, meanwhile That Vegan Teacher spends all day on the Internet attacking people, being a fucking child predator, creepy, racist, homophobic, and a failed attempt to bait people you attack to watch your videos with no avail, and treat animals like humans. Everyone else has compassion for the animals you on the other hand don't even show compassion for your own dog you just hypocritically use her for entertainment in your videos simply by just recording her and force her to live an unhealthy diet. Vegan Teacher let me ask you something: Have you been arrested for trying to rescues 2 piglets and risked going to prison for 70 years?
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Clearly you are too cowardly to put there and actually put your life on the line for these animals and just hide behind Social Media and wasting and rotting the rest of your life wasting away and causing more people to eat animals more often than not and giving veganism and animal rights activists a bad name. If I was a pig I would rather die than be saved by this vegan karen because if this woman wants to be my voice than you can kill me and eat me all you want. Her ignorance, hypocrisy, predatory, racist, homophobic, And idiotic personality is putting everyone vegans and meat eaters at risk, going off this page she's not an animal activist she's just a psychopath who wants to be the center of attention. I do hope she reaches her downfall in the future and is stopped for good I don't care if it's banned from Social Media or gets arrested I just hope that one day she is eventually stopped so that the world can rest easy know That Vegan Teacher will never do any harm in the world again. And if she some how reads this I just want to tell her that the day I end up becoming vegan will be the same day that you die.
And that's all for this chapter thank you so much for so much for reading I'm sorry if this turns out to be a rant but honestly she deserved to be roasted, you guys can eat what you want and nobody not even That Vegan Teacher can stop you. That's all for now thank you for reading and have a good day. Peace.
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