An Idiot's Guide to 60 Good Dragons
*kicks down the door*
Tfw I'm making a guide to 60 card Dragon Link before 60 card Earth Machine
Hi, hello, howdy do, welcome back to An Idiot's Guide season 2!
Season 2 because it's been way too long since I made one of these, so after being on YGO hiatus for so long, we might as well call this the second season of another half-assed explanation of how a deck works courtesy of me.
As you can tell from the intro, despite the fact Scythe wasn't banned, Bird Up was brutally murdered, Drytron finally died for their past sins, Swordsoul is why we lost Desires, PENDULUM got back Astrograph, and Eldlich players are rejoicing with from Skill Drain to 3 (fucking why Konami), there's actually one major winner of the banlist that slipped past everyone's radar.
That deck... is Dragon Link.
That's right, we're kicking off this probably unimpressive season with one of my favourite decks, Dragon Link! But better! And in a 60 card format, which is my favourite type of deck to play!
Despite being responsible for the bans of Eclipse Wyvern, Union Carrier, Agarpain, and Elpy, as well as the limit of Striker Dragon, Dragon Link actually got a W thanks to Destrudo and Snow coming back to 1. It's like I'm playing 2018 format all over again!
I think the fact the deck has still not died after all this time is just a testament to how easily the deck can adapt to what the banlist does and good the quality of cards are for Dragon decks in general. Like Jesus, there's so much cool shit you can play, I didn't even have space to fit everything! But I'll get to that later in the idea section...
Anyways, while it's probably not as competitive as a 40 card version of Dragon Link, it's still just as functional and has a higher ceiling since you're playing so many extra cards. I can consistently blow through half my entire deck on turn 1 (yes, 30 cards) with an opener and an extender. Imagine if I was playing 40 cards, that's just a deck out speedrun any%.
While it's recommended to have read my previous Dragon Link guide, you don't have to, since I'll be running through the main combos here as well. Without further adieu, let's get into the list!
Unlike my usual lists where I go monsters, spells, traps, I'll be grouping these into the different engines/packages the deck uses to make things easier.
Main deck:
[Rokket engine]
3x Rokket Tracer
1x Rokket Recharger
1x Rokket Synchron
2x Absorouter Dragon
3x Quick Launch
1x Boot Sector Launch
1x Dragon Ravine
[Chaos engine]
2x Starliege Seyfert
1x White Dragon Wyverburster
1x Black Dragon Collapserpent
1x Chaos Dragon Levianeer
1x Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon
3x Chaos Space
[Red-Eyes package]
3x Black Metal Dragon
1x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[Rose package]
3x Red Rose Dragon
1x Roxrose Dragon
1x Basal Rose Shoot
1x Fairy Tail - Snow
[Dragonmaid package]
1x Chamber Dragonmaid
3x Dragonmaid Tidying
2x Noctovision Dragon
1x Galactic Spiral Dragon
1x Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frission
[Brave engine]
3x Water Enchantress of the Temple
3x Rite of Aramesir
1x Fateful Adventure
1x Wandering Gryphon Rider
1x Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
[DPE package]
1x Destiny HERO - Plasma
1x Destiny HERO - Celestial
1x Fusion Destiny
[Hand traps]
3x Nibiru, the Primal Being
3x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3x Effect Veiler
Extra deck:
1x Borrelend Dragon
1x Triple Burst Dragon
1x Crystron Halqifibrax
1x Dragunity Knight - Romulus
1x Predaplant Verte Anaconda
1x Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
1x Guardragon Pisty
1x Striker Dragon
1x Baronne de Fleur
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
1x Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon
1x Borreload Savage Dragon
1x Shooting Riser Dragon
1x The Zombie Vampire
1x Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
Side deck:
3x Artifact Lancea
1x Number 22: Zombiestein
1x Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
3x Cosmic Cyclone
3x Forbidden Droplet
3x Evenly Matched
Honestly, for the side deck, just play whatever you think is good. That being said, I'll still go into the reasonings behind my picks, but later, after we first take a look at the main deck!
The Rokket engine is pretty much a staple in Dragon Link at this point, I don't think I need to over explain it. Before I was on 2 Tracer, 2 Recharger, but I changed the ratio to be on 3 Tracer and 1 Recharger for two reasons.
Firstly, Recharger is a brick. I was only playing 2 in the old version since I found myself in lots of situations past turn 2 where I wanted to tutor a level 4 with Tracer to make a level 8 Synchro, but now you find yourself less in that situation since you don't run 2 Savage anymore.
Secondly, we play Tracer at 3 because seeing him in our opening hand lets us skip the Rom play completely. Ravine's role is to dump Abso for Tracer, but if we already have Tracer in hand, that isn't exactly necessary to do anymore. It's nice to have the option, since Rom is usually a hand trap magnet, meaning if you miss Ravine, a lot of your combo can fall apart.
Similarly, I also cut Synchron down to 1. I was on 2 for the longest time, but after testing, I came to the conclusion 1 is enough since we're not using it for follow up anymore, he's just there to make Hot Red. Despite all these changes, I think it's fine to play Tracer at 2. I just prefer 3 in this version since you don't mind seeing him early.
The Chaos engine is cracked, Chaos Space is still one of your best starters. In general this entire package is nuts, with Wyverburster and Collapserpent providing so much extension, and getting Levi is basically a free hand rip on turn 1.
The one major change is putting Seyfert down to 2. He's no longer a great normal summon, since using his effect turns off Aramesir, but we still play him for his GY effect, since bouncing back level 8s to hand lets us recycle Levi. I think running 2 is necessary to increase the odds of milling it with Pepega, but you can use 1 and be fine with it.
The new major addition to the Chaos engine is the Chaos Emperor himself, mainly because he's both an extender and can return a banished monster to your hand. His pendulum effect is surprisingly very useful, since it lets us recycle cards we banish off Levi or Snow, and being able to special summon him from the hand or extra deck by banishing a Light and Dark is piss easy to do. He's also level 8, making Xyz plays even easier in this deck.
His second effect is also useful in a pinch, since you can board wipe and deal a bit of damage to your opponent. Probably useful in time, but I don't use it often unless the situation is that dire, since you need to trade equal cards that you're going to blow up your opponent's board. The 300 burn damage is also pretty much a meme.
Next up is the Red-Eyes package, and the return of Black Metal Dragon, the main monster starter of this deck. Before, I wasn't a fan of this card since all he did was tutor Red-Eyes Metal (compared to Seyfert and Chamber who netted you more impactful cards like Collapserpent and Tidying) but he's actually the best starter in the deck now since his effect doesn't conflict with Aramesir.
That's basically the main reason why I switched over to him and why he's played at 3 now compared to the other two. You want to see him + Aramesir as often as possible to go full combo. Another funny application of Black Metal is the fact he's level 1, meaning you can dump him with Riser to make Riser a level 6, then synchro summon Baronne off the level 6 Riser and any level 4 you have on board. It's a niche but nice option to have at your fingertips.
And yes, while Red-Eyes Metal is now unlimited, you only need the one tbh. He's a great extender, but playing 2 (or even 3 wtf is wrong with you) is too bricky, I feel. I guess that's another W for Dragon Link coming off the banlist but I was more excited about Destrudo and Snow.
Speaking of Snow, I put her with the Rose package since in the main combo, you use Roxrose and the Brave token to make Shooting Riser, who can dump her in GY for a free disruption on your opponent's turn. Snow isn't even a Garnet in this deck, drawing into her is completely fine since you can pitch her with Ravine and make her an extender.
Honestly, I spam the revive effect way more often than I'd like to admit, and being level 4 means you don't necessarily have to use Tracer's effect to bring out Recharger anymore, since you can just banish 7 to bring back Snow instead, and make a level 8 Synchro off those two, then revive Snow again to be used as Link material. She's honestly insane, this card is fucking cracked.
As for the actual Rose engine, most people would go 1 Red Rose/Roxrose/Basal in 40 card Brave DLink since Halq can tutor the Red Rose out, but since we're playing 60 cards we have the leeway to run 3 Red Rose and make her a starter. That's right, Red Rose + Aramesir is also full combo! Best of all, it's hand trap protected (read, Nib proof) since you make Baronne on summon 4. (Will he explained later in combo section.)
Shout to my boy kaiishida who wanted me to try and fit Rose Dragons into this 60 card monstrosity since he liked the archetype, since that led me to stumble upon the Rose package and it's application of the Brave engine in Dragon Link. These two honestly raise the ceiling of the deck so much, since you now have access to Baronne and Riser to dump Snow thanks to the Rose Dragons being level 3 tuners, which gives you 2 more interactions on your opponent's turn. Absolutely nutty stuff.
We play a very reduced Dragonmaid package still since I believe Tidying is a fucking cracked card. I know at of 40 card lists have just cut it completely, but I disagree with it since Tidy-Balls is still one of your best conservative openings if you don't want to overextend or get disrupted to hell.
The trap just adds a whole layer to the deck and is good to see regardless of the situation. In hand or milled, it acts as both a disruption and extender. The only time it's bricky is if you see more than 1 in your opening hand, but since we are on 60 cards this is very unlikely to happen. You can play 2 if you want, but I like it at 3.
As for Chamber, I put her to one since, like with Seyfert, due to the inclusion of Aramesir, she's no longer your best opener for the deck. Similarly, it's why I cut 1-of Hospitality from the deck. Chamber's new role is mainly to be your Heavenly Spheres' target, since we don't run Aether anymore. Summoning Chamber off Balls (I shall be referring to Spheres as Balls from now on) is actually really good and was a pretty common play in most Dragon Link decks since it netted you a +1 in the form of Tidying.
Speaking of Aether, I mainly cut him because he was a massive brick (a true Garnet) and because of space issues. On a biased note, I kept drawing him in my testing (SOMEHOW DESPITE BEING ON 60 CARDS) and it felt awful. You can chuck him back in for another disruption, but I don't know if that's necessary anymore with the main combo being able to produce upwards to 6 or 7 disruptions.
The extenders are pretty self-explanatory, Nocto and Galactic Spiral are good. I used to be a firm believer in 3 Nocto since he was such a good extender, but after bumping him down to 2 for space, I actually find it more comfortable here. He's not necessary to see, but when you do see him, it feels great. You can definitely play 3 Nocto though if you want, I just prefer 2 now after testing.
Destrudo is the new addition and can act either as extender or tuner depending on what you need. It's also a great target to dump off Ravine, since if you open Abso, you can discard Abso and dump Destrudo instead for another extender. It's another reason why I bumped Abso to 2, since opening him leads to more extension via Destrudo. Alternatively, dump Galactic Spiral for more rank 8 shenanigans.
Also, Nocto and Abso being level 7s are very relevant now, since you can use them + Red Rose/Roxrose to synchro into Baronne. There were plenty of games where I special summoned Nocto/Abso off their effects, made Halq with Tracer + an extra monster, tutored Red Rose, and made Baronne with Red Rose and Nocto/Abso.
This will also proc Red Rose to special Roxrose who can grab the Basal, giving you 2 more extenders to continue your plays with. Plus, if you haven't used Abso's effect yet, you get a free Rokket search too, essentially turning this entire line of play into a +1. The synergy in this deck is fucking insane man.
Now, we come to the Brave engine... and oh my god, this shit is cracked. Like, busted. Fucking insane. The amount of ceiling this 9 card package adds to the deck is fucking insane. Opening without it honestly feels bad sometimes, since the board you build off these cards is way stronger than whatever end board you'd get without them.
I think Dragon Link actually uses the Brave engine the best out of all decks that can use it, mainly because, unironically, we aren't playing this just for the Gryphon omni-negate like other decks. We're using the Brave engine for extension, leading into even more disruption, rather than just 1 omni-negate: see Baronne and Snow as the two big disruptions we get off the Brave engine.
The Brave engine also makes going second much easier, since you can remove 2 cards inherently by using it, through Dracoback bounce and Baronne pop. And if shit goes very wrong, we can leave Gryphon on board as a negate no problem. Also, Gryphon being level 7 is very relevant for synchro plays, and the token being level 4 makes Aramesir an extender in this deck.
What turned me off from using it initially was the fact it was 9 cards, but honestly it deserves all 9 spots in this deck. Seeing Enchantress/Aramesir + a starter is the best feeling in the world since you know you're about to not let your opponent play the game.
Okay, yes, I'm playing DPE in this deck, don't boo me! If shit hits the fan, you can always just go Verte make DPE pass, this is valid! And it only takes 3 slots in the main deck, so if you don't want to play it, by all means replace it with something else.
But I think the DPE package just gives this deck another meaningful layer, since I often found myself with 2 spare material at the end of my combos (I'll explain why in a bit) to make Verte. The only time this becomes bricky is if you mill one of your materials off Pepega or Vampire, but like, we're on 60 cards, this has a very low chance of happening. And like I said, it's only 3 cards. It's not a problem if we miss it.
Plus, shoving Celestial in GY lets us use it's draw 2 effect (assuming we can get another Destiny HERO in there) which is insane. Like, who doesn't like drawing 2 free cards? Come on. Seeing Fusion Destiny in your opening hand doesn't hurt either, since you just skip Verte and make DPE using it.
Hell, even Plasma has it's applications in this deck! And yes, we're playing Plasma over Dasher for a couple of reasons: firstly, I think Dasher is weaker in Dragon Link since you already have so much extension, you don't need his GY effect to special a guy out. Secondly, Plasma is a level 8 while Dasher is level 6. Since we're playing rank 8s, I find Plasma's level to be more relevant than Dasher's. Granted, Dasher + Tracer is Baronne, but I'm questioning how you're putting Dasher on board without normal summoning.
Thirdly, you can return Plasma to deck off Chaos Space. So if you do mill Plasma, it's not a problem if you banish it and then use Space to return it. Fourthly, if you draw into Plasma, you can special summon him. While you do have to tribute 3, the cost is pretty whatever since you can easily shit 3 monsters on board with DLink, and it has a funny interaction to trigger Balls' effect if you decide to tribute it.
Fifthly, and probably the best reason to play Plasma, is that he's a Skill Drain and monster steal on legs. I don't think I need to say anymore. Like, come on, this is way more impactful than whatever the fuck Dasher is doing.
Sure, you can't special summon Plasma out off DPE's revive effect in a pinch, but who cares? Who's even doing that? Just play the Skill Drain on legs with 3 other benefits in this deck lmao.
Finally, hand traps. As you can see, we're not on Ash because she's a Fire attribute and this deck runs best on Light/Dark monsters. However, if you want to play Ash, go ahead. I just think with such a heavy Dark line up, we needed to prioritise Light hand traps to balance it out so we don't cuck ourselves from special summoning cards like Levi and Chaos Emperor. Of course, being all Light, you can add one off the Pepega mill.
As for the reason why I chose Nib/Ogre/Veiler for this format, it's pretty simple. Ogre is very good going forward because she can break the Brave engine which is very popular right now. Nib is to respect combo decks, since this deck doesn't play many going second cards to break those sorts of boards. It's also good to force a Gryphon negate early.
Veiler is the weird one. You'd play either Veiler or Gamma (since they're both negates) but I'm choosing Veiler for two main reasons. First is the space, Veiler only takes 3 slots while Gamma takes 4 slots (one being a huge Garnet). Second is longevity. While Gamma is sick to use when you combo it with Nib or when your opponent hand traps Chaos Space, Veiler has more long term viability since you don't need an empty monster zone to use it. It's reminiscent of Imperm, basically.
However, I will argue in favour for Gamma for three reasons: firstly, getting Gamma + Driver out on your turn is an instant level 8 synchro (read: Pepega). Secondly, you can put Gamma back with Chaos Space, making it useful in a pinch or recycle. Thirdly, Gamma can hit effects that Veiler can't, such as ones that proc when the card is in GY.
It's probably the biggest weakness of the hand trap line up since we don't run cards like Ash. We can't do much to stop effects not on board - we just hope our opponent summons more than 5 times to hit them with Nib.
I run 9 hand traps to ensure we see one or two early since we're on 60 cards. I know some people would take this to a more extreme and run maybe 12 or 15, but 9 feels comfortable and you see it often enough.
Before we move onto the extra deck, you may notice I've cut World Legacy Guardragon from the deck entirely. Honestly, I'm pretty late to the party on this, since lots of players had already cut it, but I stuck to 3 because I really liked the extension it offered and Pisty plays it enabled.
But now with the main combo, we inherently make an active Pisty for it, making this spell pretty redundant. I thought about keeping one in, but then I realised at that point, I should just play Reborn since they're practically the same card, but Reborn is better since it doesn't restrict you to level 4 or lower Dragons. I don't think the card is needed anymore.
Anyways, going onto the extra deck, the Link line up is fairly standard, only there now being more emphasis on Halq and adding Triple Burst for the main combo. Verte is also there of course, as well as his partner in crime DPE, but if you don't like those two, just replace them with Masquerena and Unicorn (in their alt arts, preferably).
I cut Apollousa mainly due to space and got rid of the second Balls since you don't actually go into him as often anymore thanks to the new combo lines ending on Borrelend in the EMZ.
As for Synchros, we still run Savage/Pepega/Hot Red, but now also have Baronne for a pop and a negate, as well as Riser for a Snow dump. These two are great, love their inclusion and what they add to the deck.
Finally, the rank 8 of choice... yeah, it's not Zombiestein... I'm sorry mommy Saionji, I betrayed you 😭
Okay, why this Vampire card? Why this over a negate and 4500 body? Well, it's pretty simple really, he's an extender who also mills like Pepega. Summoning both lets you mill 9 cards in a turn which is insane. Not only that, but you mill 4 of your opponent's cards too, which is good or bad, depending on the match up.
If you get shit off Zombie Vampire, you can link it + him away into Verte and make DPE, but if you hit nuts, you can extend into stuff like Borrelend in the main monster zone. It's honestly great, but really you can run whatever rank 8 you want (preferably Dark attribute) in this slot. I just chose Vampire since that's what I've been testing with.
(I'll probably cave back to maining Zombiestein tho for mommy Saionji)
Finally, the side deck. Honestly? I'm awful at building side decks, I just put cards that would help me go second and hand traps for niche match ups.
For other hand traps I'm on Lancea for turning off banishing and it being a Light. Against match-ups, Dharc is an excellent choice to steal cards like DPE. I chucked Zombiestein in the side deck since I couldn't abandon it entirely, but you could play Sanaphond here to turn off special summoning from the GY.
Droplets and Evenly are how you break boards going second. I'm not a huge fan of Droplet in DLink since you have to discard so much, but you kind of it need to play around cards like DPE (thanks Scythe).
Cyclone and Feather Duster are just back row hate since I expect to run into dirty Eldlich players coming from master duel thanks to Skill Drain coming back at 3. The banish is also more relevant vs them than the generic pop off Lightning Storm, but both are good.
As usual, before we get into combos, here's some suggestions and ideas you can try in the deck:
The Iris Swordsoul - A level 8 Light hand trap that has funny synergy with Borrelend since she can special summon herself if a card is negated (which Borrelend does for it's effect). She can let you draw 2 if your opponent special summons from the extra deck which is neat.
Albaz package - 1 Fallen of Albaz and 1 Titaniklad. For another layer of disruption on your opponent's turn. You special summon Albaz off Balls (since it's a Dragon type for some reason) then use Albaz's effect to Super Poly out Titaniklad to get rid of your opponent's monsters. Very funny.
HERO package - 3 Mask Change II and 1 Dark Law. Like Verte, it's a bit of an "oh shit" button since if you get disrupted you can play Mask Change to convert a Dark monster into Dark Law which is an amazing floodgate. When I did summon Dark Law, I basically won that game since my opponent couldn't play through it, but Mask Change II is just too bricky for my tastes.
D.D. Crow/Phantazmay - These are Dark hand trap options available to you. Crow is a bit like Called by and can disrupt decks reliant on the GY. Phantazmay is nice in DLink since he's a level 7 dragon but his actual effect is a bit niche and only effective vs Link spam decks.
Accesscode/Borrelsword - Self-explanatory finishers that I didn't have space for in the deck. I actually prefer Access now (before I was on Borrelsword) since Redrose + Aramesir can lead to 5 "pops" - 1 with Dracoback, 1 with Baronne, 1 with Unicorn, and 2 with Access.
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison - As I mentioned in the side deck, he's an alternative rank 8 to Vampire/Zombiestein. Sanaphond turning off the GY is amazing, and he gets really big the more monsters you load in both players GYs. I decide not to run it cuz Snow banishes 7, and I usually target Links I don't need for her cost so I can recycle them off Chaos Space/Emperor.
Dark Armed Dragon - LMAO I KNOW THIS IS WEIRD BUT he's a level 7 (good for Synchro plays) that can special summon himself and pop cards when you go second. His Xyz version (Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation) is also an option, since you can make it off a singular Pepega. It's also funny to summon DAD since he's such a GOAT in YGO history, so being able to play him in DLink feels super cool.
Anyways, that's all my suggestions and ideas for the deck. Let's move onto the combos now, shall we?
I'll be focusing on combos with the Brave engine since you can still apply the non-Brave combos in my first Dragon Link guide to the deck. This iteration of the deck is also more dependent on what you have in hand, so the combos I'm showcasing are more like "starts" towards possible end boards depending on your extenders, since you can pivot very easily with the deck.
Combo 1: Black Metal + Aramesir
1) Activate Aramesir, make a Brave token, set Fateful Adventure from deck
2) Normal summon Black Metal, Fateful effect to add Dracoback
3) Fateful effect to add Gryphon, discard Dracoback
4) Dracoback effect to equip (if going second you can bounce a card on board here)
5) Special summon Gryphon
6) Link Black Metal into Striker
7) Striker chain link 1, Black Metal chain link 2 = search Red-Eyes and Boot Sector
8) Banish Striker to special summon Red-Eyes
9) Red-Eyes effect to revive Black Metal
10) Link Red-Eyes and Black Metal into Rom
11) Romulus effect to add Ravine
12) Activate Ravine, discard 1, and dump Abso from deck
13) Abso effect to add Tracer
14) Activate Boot Sector, effect to special summon Tracer
15) Link Tracer and Rom into Halq
16) Halq effect to special summon Red Rose
17) Synchro Red Rose and Gryphon into Baronne (if going second you can pop something here)
18) Red Rose effect to special summon Roxrose
19) Roxrose effect to add Basal Rose Shoot
20) Synchro Roxrose and Brave token into Riser
21) Riser effect to dump Snow
22) Link Snow into Pisty
23) Activate Basal to revive Red Rose
24) Link Red Rose and Halq into Triple Burst
25) Pisty effect to revive Tracer
And here is where you can deviate into two boards depending on which link you want in the EMZ (Borrelend or Balls) or what Synchro (Savage or Pepega) you want to go into.
If you want Savage Balls:
26) Link Pisty and Triple into Balls
27) Tracer pop Fateful to special Recharger from deck
28) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Savage
29) Savage equip Triple
You end on a Savage negate, Baronne negate, Balls bounce, and Snow in GY.
If you want Pepega Balls:
26) Link Pisty and Triple into Balls
27) Tracer pop Fateful to special Recharger from deck
28) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Pepega
29) Pepega effect to mill 5 and either:
Add a hand trap for: Baronne negate, Balls bounce, Snow in GY, and a hand trap.
Add an extender to:
30) Special summon the extender
31) Link Pepega + extender into Verte
32) Verte effect to fusion summon DPE
This will end you on DPE pop, Baronne negate, Balls bounce, and Snow in GY.
If you want Borrelend Savage:
26) Tracer pop Fateful to special Recharger from deck
27) Link Triple, Pisty, and Tracer into Borrelend
28) Borrelend effect to negate Recharger and revive Tracer
29) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Savage
30) Savage effect equip Triple
You end on Borrelend negate, Savage negate, Baronne negate, and Snow in GY
If you want Borrelend Pepega:
26) Tracer pop Fateful to special Recharger from deck
27) Link Triple, Pisty, and Tracer into Borrelend
28) Borrelend effect to negate Recharger and revive Tracer
29) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Pepega
30) Pepega effect to mill 5 and either:
Add a hand trap for: Borrelend negate, Baronne negate, Snow in GY, and a hand trap.
Add an extender to:
31) Special summon the extender
32) Link Pepega + extender into Verte
33) Verte effect to fusion summon DPE
This will end you on DPE pop, Borrelend negate, Baronne negate, and Snow in GY.
In all these cases, you get 4 disruptions with no extension. Pretty good right? If you have extenders, you can go way further and bring out stuff like Balls-Borrelend-Savage-Baronne, which is very possible depending on how how you use your resources.
Combo 2: Red Rose + Aramesir
1) Activate Aramesir, make a Brave token, set Fateful Adventure from deck
2) Normal summon Red Rose, Fateful effect to add Dracoback
3) Fateful effect to add Gryphon, discard Dracoback
4) Dracoback effect to equip to token
5) Special summon Gryphon
6) Synchro Red Rose and Gryphon into Baronne
7) Red Rose effect to special summon Roxrose
8) Roxrose effect to add Basal
9) Link Roxrose and Brave token into Halq
10) Halq effect to special summon Red Rose
11) Link Red Rose into Striker
12) Striker effect to add Boot Sector
13) Activate Basal to revive Red Rose
14) Link Red Rose into Pisty
15) Pisty effect revive Red Rose
16) Link Red Rose and Pisty into Rom
17) Rom effect to add Ravine
18) Link Halq, Rom, and Striker into Borrelend
19) Activate Ravine, discard 1, and dump Abso
20) Abso effect to add Tracer
21) Activate Boot Sector, special summon Tracer
22) Tracer to pop Fateful and special Recharger from deck
Here you can deviate between Savage and Pepega again.
If Savage:
23) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Savage
24) Savage effect equip Halq
You end on Borrelend negate, Savage negate, and Baronne negate
If Pepega:
23) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Pepega
24) Pepega effect to mill 5 and either:
Add a hand trap for: Borrelend negate, Baronne negate, and a hand trap.
Add an extender to:
25) Special summon the extender
26) Link Pepega + extender into Verte
27) Verte effect to fusion summon DPE
This will end you on Borrelend negate, Baronne negate, and DPE pop.
Again, you can end on way more if you have more extenders in hand. But if you don't, it's usually because you have hand traps, so it's another layer of defence anyways. This ends on less disruptions, but it's Nib proof thanks to making Baronne on our 4th summon.
Combo 3: Chaos Space + Aramesir
1) Activate Chaos Space and add Wyverburster/Collapserpent depending on your discard (for this tutorial we'll use Wyverburster)
2) Activate Aramesir, make a Brave token, set Fateful Adventure from deck
3) Special summon Wyverburster, Fateful effect to add Dracoback
4) Fateful effect to add Gryphon, discard Dracoback
5) Dracoback effect to equip
6) Special summon Gryphon
7) Link Wyverburster into Striker
8) Striker chain link 1, Wyverburster chain link 2 = search Collapserpent and Boot Sector
9) Special summon Collapserpent
10) Link Striker and Collapserpent into Rom
From here, follow step 11 of combo 1. It's the same here on out.
For this last combo I'll assume I'll hit an extender off Pepega and Vampire to really show off the ceiling of this deck.
Combo 4: Black Metal + Aramesir + Chaos Space
1) Activate Aramesir, make a Brave token, set Fateful Adventure from deck
2) Normal summon Black Metal, Fateful effect to add Dracoback
3) Fateful effect to add Gryphon, discard Dracoback
4) Dracoback effect to equip
5) Special summon Gryphon
6) Link Black Metal into Striker
7) Striker chain link 1, Black Metal chain link 2 = search Red-Eyes and Boot Sector
8) Banish Striker to special summon Red-Eyes
9) Red-Eyes effect to revive Black Metal
10) Link Red-Eyes and Black Metal into Rom
11) Romulus effect to add Ravine
12) Activate Ravine, discard 1, and dump Abso from deck
13) Abso effect to add Tracer
14) Activate Boot Sector, effect to special summon Tracer
15) Link Tracer and Rom into Halq
16) Halq effect to special summon Red Rose
17) Synchro Red Rose and Gryphon into Baronne (if going second you can pop something here)
18) Red Rose effect to special summon Roxrose
19) Roxrose effect to add Basal Rose Shoot
20) Synchro Roxrose and Brave token into Riser
21) Riser effect to dump Snow
22) Link Snow into Pisty
23) Activate Basal to revive Red Rose
24) Link Red Rose and Halq into Triple Burst
25) Pisty effect to revive Tracer
26) Link Pisty and Triple into Balls
27) Activate Chaos Space to add Wyverburster
28) Special summon Wyverburster
29) Synchro Tracer and Wyverburster into Pepega
30) Pepega chain link 1, Wyverburster chain link 2 = add Collapserpent and mill 5 (one being Galactic Spiral) to add Veiler
31) Special summon Galactic Spiral from GY
32) Xyz Pepega and Galactic into Vampire
33) Vampire effect to mill 4 and special summon Tracer
34) Tracer to pop Fateful to tutor Recharger from deck
35) Synchro Tracer and Recharger into Savage
36) Savage effect to equip Triple
37) Pepega effect to banish a Light and Dark to revive itself
38) Link Pepega and Vampire into Verte
39) Verte effect to fusion summon DPE
40) Set Tidying ;)
You end on Ball bounce, DPE pop, Savage negate, Baronne negate, Tidying bounce, Veiler in hand, and Snow in GY. Madness.
Anyways... I've gone long enough about 60 Good Dragons. The deck is incredibly fun and satisfying to play due to all of its small interactions and decision making, and you get to make some really crazy boards depending on how far you can go with your extenders.
I hope you all build this deck, try it out, and enjoy piloting it as much as I have testing it! I can't wait to have Saionji debut this deck in all of its glory in Wings!
Speaking of which... next time, Wings #7 perhaps? Or maybe, finally the idiot's guide on 60 Good Machines?
Whatever it is, I'll probably come to regret it in due time because of ruining my work schedule. Anyways...
That's all, Fox out!
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