Silence and Solitude
this was our time in those old woods. We didn't know what was going to happen. But this was the story after the events of a boring summer, or so we thought.
Waking up on a groggy morning in the middle of nowhere with my best friend, my brother, and my other friendships came on what was one of the strangest (and uncomfortable) mornings of my life.
Sitting up, I was trying to remember what exactly happened with my friends. That was when my grey fluffy kitty friend Orea sat up, rubbing her eyes and face while yawning.
"Hhnnmmn?" She looked over at me as I stood up looking around to make sure everyone was here.
Blurry. Check.
Toastie. Check.
Sasha. Check.
Blyke. Check.
Cuppie and Allie . Check
Blue. Check.
There was two missing- Pixl And Travis..
I walked over to Orea and helped her to her feet. She looked around.
"Where do you think they went?" She asked still partly tired.
" Don't know but, I'll look for them. They can't be too far away right? "
When I turned to grab my bag, we heard shuffling and leaves and twigs crackling under footsteps
Me and Orea could hear Pixl and Travis talking back and forth about what was the better decision.
" we should of gone down the road instead of through the woods, everyone would of slept better at that motel in town. "
" are you stupid? If we went there we could of been tracked! They have people everywhere watching, if not they buy their information from people! "
"The problem is you can sleep anywhere.. Most of us had trouble sleeping."
" oh? Like who? You , Blyke and Cloud? "
" You wanna go ya dumba--" Pixl was interrupted by Orea. " would you two knock it off? "
They stopped talking and walked through two bushes before coming back to the site.
They both had backpacks full of fruits and a few edible plants.
"Want me to wake everyone up for breakfast?" I asked Travis and he nodded.
I woke my brother first. Blyke's attitude wasn't a good one after that.
Next i woke Toastie and Sasha. The first thing Sasha said was " coffee... "
I dug around in my backpack and opened my last MRE. Inside was a chef boyerdee spaghetti dinner with Apple sauce and a cheese cracker as the main meal (Which I didn't cook yet..) , a two piece pack of gum, a coffee packet, sugar packet, creamer packet, and Tabasco sauce.
I gave her the coffee, sugar, and creamer packet and a water bottle. "Sorry it's not Starbucks but it's better then nothing." I walked off to wake up The twins- Allie and Cuppie.
Sasha woke Blurry by dumping the last 3rd cup of bad coffee on his head. Blurry gagged and coughed and that woke Blue up.
When they woke i started helping Orea pass out food. Two fruits per person. I didn't take any fruit because I wasn't a breakfast person. So we had a few left.
While the rest were Eating, Travis, Orea, and I started marking our route out of the woods.
We were looking down at our map when Blyke came by to see how things were going.
"Blyke, can you go get Pixl for me please?" Travis asked finishing an orange. Blyke nodded and went to get Pixl.
" we can go this way. But it will be more difficult than the other way. But it's more safe. " I said pointing to the map at a blotch of green.
"Where are we trying to go?" Orea asked setting down a water bottle.
" Well for now we'll flee the region They will have a harder time finding us because they are a regional officials. It's a very long way to go but this would be the best plan. " Travis said, he glanced up as Blyke returned with Pixl.
"We are fixing to head out, can you take Blyke to the fruit trees and gather more food for the trip?" I asked Pixl. He sighed and left with two empty backpacks. While everyone was getting ready and packing their things, I hopped up into a tree and climbed to the top.
I looked around for a few minutes (about 15) . There wasn't anything new so I climbed down. When I got down i noticed Pixl and Blyke were back. So I picked up my bag and put it over one shoulder. I took the fruit bag from Pixl and sling it over the other.
I was the navigator through the woods. I had to know where we were going. The problem was i had no idea what I was doing..
So after everyone got their things together, we decided to split the group in two. Travis and Orea being team leaders of the first group and me and Pixl being leaders of the second.
the first group was Cuppie and Allie, Blue and Sasha.
the second, Blyke, Blurry, and Toastie.
Blyke pulled out two short wave walkie-talkies and gave them to me and Travis.
we split up and took the two most known safe routes. When we were out of sight of each other, the talkies clicked and Travis started talking. " You remember the rendezvous point right? " I clicked the rubber button, "the twisted oak near the stream above rocks." I replied. " a quarter north. "
It was like I could hear Travis smile through the talkie . "good. "
after the walkies clicked off, that was when things got interesting.
@ LordSasha543
@ PixlTheKat
@ Toast10
@ Natalie50221
@ OreaRizuS
@ ItzBlurry
@ CupCup42
|•to be continued•|
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