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Hello! my name is Cloud, i am a decently/poorly balanced character.
i have the ability to teleport and pick up heavy objects about 200x my own weight. (125 lbs. which is normal for a human 15 year old female.)
now, how do i balance teleportation? i can't teleport far. i can only go about 10 miles maximum- when i teleport, i cant go 10 miles and go again. i have to stop and rest for a while- and depending on if i have (lets say 5 people.) i can't go as far, or teleport as fast.
how do i balance my strength? i can only pick up heavy items for a short amount of time.
lets say.. i'm picking up boulders.
the first one is 130 lbs, i can only hold it over my head for about 45 minutes before the weight of it starts to take effect. that and holding stuff over your head? wouldn't you get tired eventually?
=Power Scale Time..=
throughout the 'AFT' story there are characters who can wield elements (example: Ash), others who can use abilities (Example: Clover), others who have to use weaponry (Example Scooter. and ima call those Wielders. ) because they don't have any powers,abilities, morphs, or forms; Morphing any Atlasian can do it but it takes time for those who have forms,but its still possible..
some of them, have two things:
Elemental x Abilities.
Elemental x Morph.
Elemental x Wielders.
Wielders x Abilities.
Wielders x Morph.
Abilities x Morph.
and so on..
but there is a story of a few people having all of them. crazy right?
so through that rant,
Elemental Users : lets use Ash as an example again. also using UnOrdinary's Character stat chart.
more Power = less Speed.
more Defense = less Recovery
and vise versa.
tbh i duno what the 'trick' part is. so. ye.
NOTE: Every Elemental User is BORN with their Power
For every Elemental user it comes in two parts.
A Main Element and a Secondary.
usually the Secondary is weaker then the Main Element
( like.. COD or Halo, you have your Main Assault Rifle then you have your Secondary Pistol.)
Her Main Element:
she can Control how Plants grow and Bend them at her own will.
Her Secondary Element:
she can bend and summon fire at will.
Element users are more powerful then Ability users.
Ability Users : we will use Clover as an Example. again using the Stat Chart.
(forgive me i haven't updated Clover's look in a while TwT)
NOTE: you are capable to LEARN most Abilities.
Ability Users can be born with powers,
but Most of them can be learned. there is only a handful that can't be learned.
Clover's born Ability:
she can 'Shift'.
Shifting is an Ability that can let you phase through walls and objects. like a ghost.
(Shift Note: Shifting can't let you Phase through people or posses them.)
Shifting is something that can be learned, but it takes about a year to actually shift.
Clover's Learned Ability:
none, yet.
the handful Abilities that you can't learn, you have to be born with or, in some Very extremely rare cases, came in contact with a "G. Orb" you can be granted any Ability. the G. Orb was made by a powerful person named -
* it was supposed to continue to the next Page but it was ripped out?*
Ability List:
Switchfur: Common 12.5% chance born with it
Invisibility: Common 12.5% chance born with it
Shift: Uncommon 12.1% chance born with it
speed boost: Uncommon 12.0% chance born with it
illusion: Rare 10.3% chance born with it
clone: Rare 9.4% chance born with it
Teleportation: Extremely Rare 5.2% chance born with it
Mind manipulation: Cannot Learn 2.0% chance born with it
Healing: Cannot Learn 1.0% chance born with it
Portals: Cannot Learn 1.0% chance born with it
Ability theft: Cannot Learn 0.05% chance born with it
most abilities are still unknown. but these ones are 'popular'.
Ability users are weaker then Elementals, but are more powerful then Wielders.
Wielders : we will use Scooter as an example. again using the chart.
NOTE: 88% Wielders usually DON'T have Powers!
Wielders depend on speed and Strength (or in the chart 'Power').
being a Wielder is tough on your muscles and mind, you have to think about your next move like a game of chess that takes place in a blink of an eye.
most of the time Wielders are mindfully Collected and don't start fights, unless seriously provoked (Cough* or Drunk ).
my drunk comment is true, when lets say 22 year old Scooter has been drinking.
here's the chances of him Losing.
when he's drunk he has like a strength boost and a no consequence mind-play. it's short lived when the police are called and he gets arrested for destroying a whole bar. ._.
Scooter's main weapon:
Gravity hammer:
The Type-2 Energy Weapon/Hammer is a large hammer that serves as an excellent and powerful melee weapon.
The Gravity Hammer is best used as a secondary weapon to pull out if faced with nearby foes on a ledge, an incoming vehicle, or a grenade coming towards the player. The Hammer is apt at dealing with all three of these threats.The Gravity Hammer's blast can go through walls and floors, and this can be used to hit players in an adjacent room.The Gravity Hammer can be used to propel the player higher than normal, if the player times the attack as they jump, it will elevate them farther and higher.
(Thx Fandom.wikia.com )
Scooter's Secondary:
a simple Desert Eagle. (if you play CoD MW2 its the default Secondary.)
he's not very good at using it, he is more of a melee type.
Morphs: we will use Owl as an example, i dont really have a picture of him not in his morph so we will use his wolf pic.. using the same chart
Note: Morphs is one of the weaker powers.
if you have no element, no weapon, no ability, then you might have a morph.
the chances of you being born a morph is 30 out of 100..
if you have a morph and you are any animal out there, you will be the same animal just.. you would look the same as if irl. so Owl will look like this. (kinda :T)
Morphing is stronger then forms, when you have a form you are on a time limit.
when morphing you have unlimited time..
when in morph, you have the ability of your animal spirit. will it be running, flying, digging all of it you will be better at it.
for Forms, well... they are the weakest link of power. besides ones who don't have powers at all.
Forms are by genes. one of the parents will have a forming gene, take myself for example, only my dad has a form, that form is Zora, i too have a Zora form..
Star, she has her wisp form, as does Galaxia.
there are some who's forms can't be passed on. in some cases, that is sad. but in less, it keeps monstrous creatures in line..
some forms can start out with one person, and end just as quickly, with the same person.
lets take Candy.as an example.
she has a monster form. it only shows when she is aggressive or protective. she is the only one in her family to have this form.
Ash, she too has a form. like Candy she is the only one with this. she calls the form "Vine Guard"
the Vine Guard form only takes place when Ash is in serious danger. Black flowers that look like roses will grow in a ring around her, each flower having purple dust shift around it.. this form causes Ash to have loads of stress and anxiety placed on her shoulders. this forces her to find ways to calm herself, now without this form Ash NEVER laughs. like, ever. but using this form everytime she thinks she'll loose (thanks to anxiety) she laughs. and its not a controlled "haha!" its a inner laugh, like Yandere's Laugh almost. but a little more nerve wrecked.
Cloud) sooo yeah ...
??) =w= that was Cloud's rant on powers and stuff. So, now you can go enjoy your-self. 23 days till Christmas! Hope y'all have fun! ^w^
Cloud) who are you?
??) you don't need to worry about me, what you should be worried about is your brownies burning in your oven.
??)hahaha~ goodbye.. till next time.
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