+ Refine Tastes - H2OVanoss +
+ Refine Tastes – H2OVanoss +
Jonathans P.O.V
I sit, impatiently swinging on the cushioned office chair. A red lollypop clamped between my lips as I gaze down upon the people, obliviously walking past the business buildings windowed wall that I'm hidden behind.
So naïve, so innocent, yet so infected.
Drawing the candied treat from my mouth via the white stick that was jammed into the middle, I examined the glistening saliva covered sugar until a male walking past caught my needy eye. Focusing on the man dressed in a retro red leather jacket and slightly tight dark denim jeans, he cloaked his eyes behind tinted sunglasses, and a slight strut with his step as a pair of red n white headphones occupied his ears.
What a fascinating specimen.
He leaned up against the window right in front of me, oh how convenient.
"Hello beautiful~" I purred to the tanned man, even though I knew he couldn't hear my voice. Rising from my chair I approached the window and raised my hand to have at least the slightest contact with this captivating, anonymous face.
So close- "Jonathan!"
Turning towards the voice I was faced with Luke Patterson. My boss. Gazing around myself I saw that everyone in this shared office was, staring at me.
"What are you doing here Jon?" Luke dragged my attention back to himself, while tapping his foot impatiently, "working? What else would I be doing?" I responded in a highly irritated manor.
"It's your day off, did you forget?"
"No I did not forget, I just wanted to come to work today." I can't stand to be home alone lately; I need to do something that companies my mind . . . "Go have a break. Go on."
"But Lu-"
Growling at the dark ginger bearded man I stuffed my hands into my suit pockets and shoulder barged him on my way out, throwing the lollypop into the small plastic bin as I exited the 20-storied building.
But all wasn't bad, for I see a little kitty still leaning against the glassed window. With a wide smirk I reach into my pocket once again and grab another pop, unraveling the plastic and tossing it onto the ground while continuing my non stop approach to this man.
Sticking out my singularly pierced tongue I placed the red treat onto it and slid it slowly back into my mouth, managing to keep my signature smirk in place.
Oh isn't he just a gem
I was so close to him until I hear a ladies voice calling out a name in the opposite direction, he seemed to turn and face her, "hey Sydney."
Mmmm his voice is so delicious, "How are you, Evan?"
Evan. Little Evan.
"I'm good now that you're here~" Evan muttered to her as they embraced, I hissed at the sight and they turned and face me, but I had turned away before I exposed my face.
The 'couple' huffed and then started walking away, as I just stood there with my head low, but the smirk still remained. It always remains. I know that I always. Get. My. Way.
And unfortunately for him, but Evan appeased my appetite.
+ Yush/ writer dude: Alrighty guys here's a small teaser for my next book : )) when I reached 200 followers I offered you some things and a few wanted a new book... so that's what I'm doing.
People also wanted a Q&A, soooo I'll also start up something to do a Q&A, maybe a Youtube account, or a book or something. .
+ I AM SO SOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY FOR BEING OFF! I wont explain why.... But I'm back and I'll try and write trash. I'm sorry : ( I do this too much.
+Thank you for all your comments, Votes and support ^^ it amazes me how far we've gone, 'As Straight As A Pencil' is still being read and 'Territory' is very loved. Thank you guys for 230+ followers and allll the bloody views ;p
+ALSO (sorry for all the admin writing) On my next book I'll have an editor so ya'll wont cringe at my shitty writing and mistakes all the time ah hahaha. (It's a friend of mine who is aspiring to become a book editor, so I may as well help her with her future and let you guys enjoy a better written book, two birds with one stone.)
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