This is the story of Hamilton act 1
Inspired by the Olaf series in Disney +
Me- This is the story off Hamilton act 1!
Me- So Alexander Hamilton was born dirt poor
Me- But atleast he has his father
Me- His father left
Me- Atleast he has his mother!
Me- His mother is dead
Me- Atleast he has his cousin.....
Me- His cousin is dead
Me- But he wrote a pamphlet that got him out of the Caribbean and set sea
Me- The ride was smooth!
Me- His ship caught on fire
Me- Anyways he got to New York and in 1776 he met a person named Aaron Burr
Me- And Burr was all like
Me- Talk less smile more
Me- But Hamilton being himself ignored him and met Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette!
Me- But woah oh some ladies got introduced
Me- Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy!
Me- But Peggy isn't important-
Me- But Samuel Seabury comes by and Hamie and his friends are pissed
Me- Hamie is like
Me- My dog speaks more eloquently
Me- Then surprise the king is all like
Me- You'll be back
Me- Which will "totally" happen
Me- Then BOOM
Me- Washington is like
Me- Yo guys we fucked I need a right hand man
Me- And Hamilton is like
Me- ME!
Me- And Burr wanted it but Hamie got it so he is pissed
Me- We need a love interest
Me- So the squad goes to the winters ball and Eliza got a love for Hamie
Me- So she is all like
Me- hElPlEsS
Me- So they get married and Angelica is sad and probably stares at the wall for 5 minutes during the flashbacks-
Me- Then they are all drunk-
Me- Burr is like
Me- She's married to a British officer
Me- And Hamie is all like
Me- Then Burr is all like
Me- Wait for it
Me- Then BOOM
Me- Charles Lee is all like
Me- Washington is a bad commander
Me- So Laurens and Hamie get super pissed and Laurens duels him
Me- But woah oh Washington comes and sends Hamie home
Me- Lafayette is then all like
Me- Dude get your right hand man back
Me- And Washington is like
Me- Yo you right
Me- Then Washington admitted about his mistake getting first command
Me- After King George is all upset
Me- Then BOOM
Me- Then Eliza is like
Me- SURPRISE Laurens died
Me- So Hamie studies law with Burr
Me- Writes 51 essays in 6 months
Me- And becomes secretary treasury
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