Some more comedy by Philip!
All the comedy will be how are you here unless I say it's Modern War
Pip- So I turned 19 this weekend
Pip- It's really weird because
Pip- I feel getting older, but my face doesn't-
Some- *laughing*
Pip- It's tough having a baby face
Pip- I wanted to celebrate having a bottle of wine
Pip- So i went to the store got it and slammed it on the counter
Pip- Cause that's what everyone does right?
Pip- First time at the grocery store myself
20- *laughing*
Pip- She looked at me, the bottle, then back to me and said
??- HA NO!
Most- *laughing*
Pip- I wasn't mad she thought I was underaged
Pip- I look 15 at best
Pip- I was upset that she thought an underaged person would buy wine
Pip- Like what world do you live in where a 15 year old dude is showing up to a houseparty like
??- *kicks open door*
??- Y'all not gonna believe this!
??- I got pinot grigiooooooooo!
Everyone- *laughing*
??- Yeah the grigioooooo
Pip- So I had a crush I met at high school
Pip- I was thinking about proposing to her
Pip- Since we had been together since 11th grade and I am pass college now-
Pip- But SHE told me this
??- You got 4 months to propose to me or we are through
Pip- So I start freaking out since I am broke
Pip- And my parents doesn't know I have a girlfriend
Pip- So a week later at dinner I got on one knee and she was squealing
Pip- Naw I got to tie my shoe
*laughing hard*
Pip- Anyways my father keeps nagging me to get a new car
Pip- I got a crappy car
Pip- I do it on purpose
Pip- With a nice car it's impossible
Pip- You gotta be polite and let people cut you off because you don't want to mess up your car
Pip- With a crappy car I can do whatever the hell I want I run these streets
Almost all- *laughing*
Pip- So I got cut off by this dude last week
Pip- I'm not gonna let him get away with it
Pip- So he saw me glare into his soul
Pip- I drove next to him and flicked him off then he flicked me off
Pip- I cut him off he cut me off
Pip- We ended up in a parking lot
Pip- He got out his car I got out of my car
Pip- He was like
??- Yo homie I will key your car
Pip- And I was like
Pip- Yo homie
Pip- I key my own car
All- *laughing*
Pip- Yo this dude wanted to fight me and I was like bring it on I am not scared of you I was bullied when I was younger I seen worse
Pip- And if you fight me your at a disadvantage cause if you beat me up
Pip- You just hurt someone that got shot
Pip- And if I beat you up
Pip- You got your ass kicked
Pip- By someone that got shot
Everyone- *dying laughing*
Pip- Me and my sister got a puppy recently from the shelter
Pip- Lady at the shelter said she was a German Shephard
Pip- I was like yo
Pip- I got a police dog
Pip- I had her for 2 years
Pip- She is still big as a ruler
Pip- Which means the lady lied to me
Pip- Or my dog has Benjamin buttons disease
Pip- She is slowly turning into a pug which is the worse their the ugliest
Pip- They don't have noses and looks like they smoke
Almost all- *laughing*
Pip- Pugs look like they smoke a pack a day they look stressed
Pip- I got a dog so when stress happens in the real world I know when I get home and open my door my dog gonna be there like
Dog- Heyyyyy
Pip- And I'm gonna be like
Pip- Heyyyy
Pip- You can't do that with a pug you walk in and your like
Pip- Heyyyy
Pip- And your pug is like
Pug- *poof* where you been
All- *laughing*
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