How does someone get pregnant?
Eliza- Father
Eliza- How does someone get pregnant?
Philip Schuyler- I- well- two people fall in love
Eliza- Just like me and Alexander
Alex- *glances up from his plate*
Philip S- And they....sleep together...
Eliza- We slept together
Peggy- *spits water out*
Alex- Not like that no we didn't-
Eliza- You're my baby daddy
Angelica- The fuck-
Alex- I'll punch you in your mouth
Eliza- Not infront of the baby
Alex- There is no baby
Eliza- There is a baby Alexander we slept together
Alex- We slept in the same room
Eliza- And now I'm pregnant
Alex- You are not fucking pregnant-
Eliza- Look at him
Eliza- Cussing at the mother of his child
Alex- I can't stand you
Eliza- Then why'd you sleep with me?
Alex- It was a sleep over Eliza-
Eliza- Yeah I was on bottom you were top
Philip S- *face palms*
Future Philip Hamilton- ma were you high-
Future Eliza- UHHHH
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