Dying fathers last wish
James JR is Jamie
James who is dying- Come closer my sons
Jamie + Alex- *moves an inch*
James- Closer
Jamie + Alex- *moves a foot*
James- Okay seriously you can get a little closer just-
Jamie + Alex- *Moves to the foot of the bed*
James- *coughs*
Jamie + Alex- *moves back an inch*
James- I want to teach you boys
James- A lesson
James- About life's most valuable gift
Alex- I can barely hear you over here dad!
Alex- You're gonna have to stop talking like a dead guy
Jamie- Alex don't be insensitive
Jamie- He almost is a dead guy
Jamie- What were you saying dad?
James- *sigh*
James- Does anyone have any arrows?
Jamie + Alex- *confused looks*
James- *coughs*
Jamie + Alex- *looks in pockets*
Jamie- *picks up James and looks under him*
Jamie- *throws him down*
James POV- boi-
Alex- No but I have these sticks
James- Okay
James- You two, take these sticks and break them
Jamie- *snap*
Alex- *struggling*
Alex- *snap*
James- now
James- *cough*
James- Take these two sticks
James- and try to break them
Jamie- *struggles*
Jamie- They are really firm....
Jamie- *gives to Alex*
Alex- *struggling*
Alex- Literally unbreakable
Alex- *hands back to Jamie*
Jamie- You sons
Jamie- Are like these sticks
Jamie- Apart you are weak
Jamie- But together you are st-
Jamie- *snap*
Alex- ☆O☆
Alex- He did the unthinkable
Jamie- I did it dad!
James- Let's try something else
James- Any of you have string?
Jamie- I have a shoelace
James- Okay
James- Cut it in half
Alex- Would you like to borrow my pocket scissors?
Jamie- Yes thank you *grabs*
James- Put it in your hands.
James- and try to break it
Jamie- *tries*
Jamie- I can't do that one *hands to Alex*
James- You my sons
James- Are like these strings
James- Alone you are weak
James- But together yo-
Alex- *eats the strings*
Alex- I think I get it dad
James- Oh heaven bless these children-
James- Alex what else do you have in your pockets
Alex- I have some rubber bands
Alex- my lucky rabbits foot
Alex- A small collection of ceramic native Americans figurines
Alex- This one's the chief he is my favorite heh
Alex- And in my back pocket
Alex- I am hosting some rocks
James- Okay just give me the rocks-
James- Okay
James- Okay
James- I'm holding them this time
James- I want you to use your imagination
James- Okay, you my sons
Jamie- *sees plug*
Jamie- *Smirks*
Alex- *Smirks back*
Jamie- *walks over*
Jamie- *pulls plug*
James- Did you really just unplug that?
Jamie- My hand slipped-
James- Plug it back in!
James- You my sons!
James- Are like these rocks!
James- Individually!
James- Weak and Insignificant!
James- But together!
James- With other rocks!
James- And you-
James- *ded*
Jamie- What do you think he was trying to tell us?
Alex- *walks over*
Alex- What were you trying to tell us-
Jamie- Bro I think I know what dad was trying to tell us!
Jamie- Rocks, sticks, and string
Alex- *spits out string*
Jamie- *makes crap*
Jamie- I think dad wanted us to make him a necklace
Alex- Life's most valuable gift
Jamie- *puts necklace around James' neck*
Jamie- Sleep well
Alex- Dad was so wise...
Alex- So so wise
Alex + Jamie-
James- *looks at necklace*
James- You can pull the plug again-
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