10.) Tiger Lilies
I'm back, and I had a lovely holiday! British beaches maybe mostly pebbles and rockpools but I love them all the same!
I know it's kinda old hat me keep saying this is from my favourite story, but it is! I'm in so many different fandoms and I have so many different favourites in them...anyway!
This is from a fabulous story called *12* Dustin Henderson and is written by Lonelytrash16 who is amazing and has written another of my most favourite stories called Peculiar Witch *Fred Weasley*, it is a Harry Potter and Miss Peregrine crossover which I would also HIGHLY recommend, I love them both so much I've lost count how many times I've read them!
Please go and give them and the author some love! 💕
Awe I love my little Dusty so much and he loves his Ve! 🥰
P.S. I think it's pretty obvious what powers Ve has...oR iS iT!?!?! 😱
Dustin is honestly a character I just want to squeeze and never let go, I just love him so much, the only person I love just as equally is is Mum Steve!
Also, was no-one going to tell me that Gaten Matarazzo could sing or was I meant to find his cover of Michael in the Bathroom by myself? 😠
Dude was also Gavroche, like WHAT?!?! how did my musical nerd brain miss this?
I'll admit clothes and their textures are not my forte but I didn't think they turned out too bad, you can't learn if you never try! although I spent and an embarrassing amount of time trying sketch the right mouth for Ve 😳 (srsly what was up with that)
📚Random fact of the day📚
Did you know that for a man of his time Napoleon was actually considered tall?
He was above average height (5'5-5'6) coming in at 5'7.
This was due to British propaganda and a cartoonist called Gillray portraying him as a small man.
Admiral Nelson however was short for his time and was 5'4
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