Tagged by Itosuzuno29 and LapisLazulli2
1. What's your full name?- A name that is in my birth certificate.
2. Do you have any hobbies- Does neckroping count? OwO
3. What's your favorite song?- I have lots of favorite songs. Don't make me choose ;-;
4. What's your phone's home screen background- I'M GLAD THAT YOU ASKED. ALLOW ME TO-
Please, stare at it.
5. Do you have any big dreams?- As in, ambition? Yes. But they will never be real ;-;
As for dream dream, yes again. That won't be real either TwT
6. Did you sleep well last night?- Hell yeah I did! But I woke up with a huge pain in my back. It's still paining as I write ;-;-;
7. How many friends do you have?- Irl, like five or something. I have tons of great friends on here though! :3
8. Do you like Maths- I hate it with every fiber of my being. And no, you can't change my mind.
9. What's your favorite subject?- English all the way ÙwÚ
10. Where are you from- I'm from the very last end of the galaxy. The place from which all the vampire cattos' come :3
11. Do you like sports- I skip school on P.E. and sports day. Go figure :'))
12. Are you healthy- If by that you mean I'm fat, then yes. I'm fat. And with Mom's new scheme of shoving potatoes down my throat everyday, I'll get even more fat.
No more potato jokes, please. I see you.
13. How much do you cost- *gaSp* Are you fúcking serious? I'm limited edition. You can't buy me :3
14. Do you have any favorite singers- I'm a Swiftie. But I do like other artists too! ^^
15. Do you have any siblings- Not from my own parents. But I've got plenty of cousins. So that counts, I guess.
16. Can you draw- Oh trust me, you'd rather die than see my drawing. I just draw that good :'))
Please note the sarcasm.
17. How many lessons do you have on Monday- None atm since it's exam season, but3
usually, eight. None of which I actually concentrate on.
18. Do you have a crush- *iNsErT fRuStRaTeD sCrEaMs iN sPaNiSh*
19. Are you single or taken- Definitely taken. I married Karma last week. LapisLazulli2 was the priest :3
20. If you had a chance of taking home an idol, who would it be- Either Taylor Swift or Alan Walker :3
Tag 15 friends!
NotPods (Since for some reason, Pods' actual account isn't showing. So DO IT.)
Some of you might have done it already, but oh well :3
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