(This is set when L'Manberg wasn't blown up and Phil was situated next to Ranboos house)
Ranboo paced around his house silently, running his hands gently across his itchy skin; his head down and eyes focused on what was beneath him with his tail dragged limply behind him. His torso void of any sort of clothing, just the cold, wet liquid clinging to his skin.
You may be wondering how the tall teen got into this predicament but it's simple really, he had been outside when it had started to rain and was, unfortunately, not near any shelter so it led him to run all the way home, drenching his clothing to the point it was dripping water and his hair plastered to his head.
It took a while for the tall boy to reach home as he was quite a distance away but he eventually managed to get home, although very wet and itchy. As soon as he stepped through his door he ripped his shoes off as well as his socks and quickly started taking everything on his torso off as the itching on his chest was a lot more overbearing than the itch in his legs, his tail closing the door behind him almost immediately as he was preoccupied with his clothing so he didn't have the hands to close the door to stop water from coming in, forgeting to lock the door however. Boy, were tails useful when you needed them.
He disregarded his blazer, tie and under shirt, not bothering to worry about the state of his clothes as he was way too focused on refusing the urge to itch his black and white skin.
This is what led the boy to pacing around his house absentmindedly, ripping his twitching hands away from his skin as soon as they even grazed it. He would've dried his skin already but he doesn't own any towel and all of his other clothing was drying from getting washed earlier.
A chill ran up his spine at the cold atmosphere in his house, hearing the rain fall heavily on his houses roof. Ranboo always wondered why his house was always so cold and colourless on a rainy day. He could only assume it was because of how lonely he was, sure he had the warm light from his candles to keep him company and give him warmth but that never seemed to warm his frozen soul, not even a little bit.
He also had his pets but they were usually asleep before a storm even happens and you could quite literally yell into their ears but they won't wake up for nothing so he was usually very alone in these kind of things. It almost hurt, almost.
You see, he always tried to imagine a bunch of his friends in his house and how welcoming and comforting their auras are and that usually got the job done because he would usually indulge his mind into a light-hearted conversation with the people he imagined, mostly them being Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo with Ghostbur every now and again. But that was what he usually did if he wasn't covered in water so his plans for this storm had changed drastically compared to what he would usually do, and he wasn't too fond of the change in his opinion.
As he paced, his hands kept creeping closer to his skin, his nails grazing his skin ever so slightly. He fought with himself, an argument soon forming in his head, voices repeating the same thing over and over again.
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch!
He tried fighting the recurring urge, pulling his hand away from his skin only to have his hand drive closer until, inevitably, his nails touched his skin and he starts scratching, he couldn't help it anymore.
One. Two. Three. Four and many more times his sharp nails rubbed against his skin, relieving his skin of the itching sensation for a moment before it swiftly returns but worse than before. This cycle repeated for a few minutes, with Ranboo occasionally trying to pry his hands away from his white and black skin but it never worked, this led to Ranboo giving up on trying to stop, instead, doing it with purpose.
The teen urgently tried getting rid of the itching by scratching over the areas that itched, now fully aware of what he was doing. He just wanted the itching to stop.
Pretty soon, the itching had made the enderman hybrid go through a couple layers of the teens now very red skin until his poor dermis gave way, lime green blood soon pouring from his now open wounds.
The tall teen did little to notice the blood, scratching his skin more causing more blood to gush from more injuries. Thoughts overwhelmed his head, every noise soon becoming almost nothing but a buzz in his ears. But this made it hard for him to hear the banging on his door, the banging progressively getting louder as the teen paced around his room once more.
He started muttering incoherent words, it all coming out as a pathetic excuse for a sentence or sentences, even he didn't know in all honesty.
Eventually whoever was banging at the door twisted the door handle, it opening with ease as the mysterious person walked in, only to stop and stare in shock at the pacing boy before throwing off their coat while pushing the door closed before running up to the hybrid, firmly grasping his shoulders and shaking him slightly.
"Mate, mate! What are you doing!? Are you ok!?" Phil asked frantically, looking down at the teens bleeding arms, grasping the boys arms gently and looking them over carefully.
Ranboos eyes widened slightly at the sight of the older hybrid, causing the boy to get out of his trance like state and to stop muttering whatever he was saying before hand.
The teen stood idly as he watched as the humble man dragged the bare chested teen over to a nearby chair while mumbling small questions under his breath, seemingly in a bit of a panic. Ranboo did nothing but gaze at the winged man, watching as he fumbled with the bandages that he found in a nearby cabinet and started to wrap the boys arms to bandage up the self-inflicted injuries, looking at the tall hybrid once he had finished, letting the teen rest his hands in his lap.
Phil sighed slightly as he looked up at the younger male who had his elf like ears down, seemingly in shame.
"Why did you do that, Ranboo?" Phil asked gently, not wanting to unknowingly set the teen off.
"I-" Ranboo sighed. "I tried fighting the urge to scratch but..." he trailed off, his eyes landing on his now bandaged arm.
Phil hummed, his eyes following the others gaze.
"Did you get caught in the storm?" Phil questioned.
Ranboo nodded slightly, his tail swaying slowly behind him.
"Why are you here Phil? Weren't you in your house?"
"Ya, I was. But I kept seeing you walk by your window with your shirt off and doing something with your arms. It looked really suspicious from my point of view, so I came to check on you and here we are" Phil answered, doing jazz hands at the end of it in sarcasm.
Ranboo blushed in embarrassment at the mention of his bare chest and tried to cover himself with his arms but failed miserably as Phil cackled lightly in glee causing the teen to pout playfully at the mans laughing and perking his ears up slightly.
The winged hybrid coughed slightly as he calmed down, his wings folded behind his back carefully, occasionally shifting to get more comfortable.
"That actually brings up another thing.."
Ranboo looked up.
"One: why are you shirtless and two: why didn't you dry yourself off with a towel or clothes?" The older man asked, looking up at the teens head.
Ranboo coughed nervously, rubbing his neck slightly with a small, anxious grin on his face. "I- uh, I got really wet and I took everything off apart from my trousers since my legs are easier to bare the itching than any of my other body parts and I don't own a towel and all my other clothes are still wet from being washed earlier today."
Phil made an 'oh' face, placing his hand on his chin in thought, a sigh escaping his mouth as he looked at the enderman hybrid.
"What am I going to do with you?..." the man muttered, a small smile resting on his face.
"What are you going to do with me?" Ranboo copied, his tone a bit mischievous and happy.
Phil chuckled. "Whatever I'm going to do with you it'll be fantastic!"
"That doesn't sound good but I'll take your word for it I suppose.." Ranboo replied, his tail coming up and to rest in his lap.
"Trust me Ranboo! It'll be great! But first... I'm staying here for today because I'm not going back out in that, my wings are still a bit wet." Phil gestured to the thundering rain outside and to his wings, making Ranboo nod his head slightly in agreement.
"That's fine by me, I could use the company" Ranboo grinned, swinging his legs slightly.
Phil laughed, "alright mate, how about we make a pillow fort, ya?" The man asked, rubbing his hands together mischievously.
Ranboo perked, a playful grin slipping onto his lips. "You got it!" And with those words, the enderman hybrid slipped away and up the ladder, ready to grab any sort of soft and plushie thing he could find.
Phil giggled at the younger boys antics, starting to move things out the way and positioning them to help make the foundation of the pillow fort.
Let's just say, by the time the rain had stopped, both Phil and Ranboo were snuggled up against eachother in the pillow fort they had made with the raven hybrids wings wrapped around the two. The two of them sleeping soundly with both of them attaining a small smile and a happy aura resonating from the both of them.
Ranboo had never felt more loved in his entire life up until that moment with the person he saw as a father figure. He was finally content.
1708 words
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