Running to a home
He had an opportunity and he went for it and he succeeded and he just ran, he was not going back there; he never wanted to be in that place to begin with.
He weaved through the trees, his tail trailing behind him, occasionally looking back to see if he had been followed. He could still hear the wailing of the sirens in the distance but he paid no mind to that and instead focused on running further away from that place.
It had started to rain by this point and the boy kept trying to duck under some trees to avoid being hit by the water but failing miserably.
He felt so tired he wanted to collapse but he knew he had to keep moving if he didn't want to get caught by them. So he trudged on, he kept under the trees as much as possible but he eventually came to a stand still, he was at the edge of a pavement next to a road. It held no cover for the boy and he was almost certain he would die.
He let out a distressed sigh and looked for a way to cross it. He went up and down the length of the pavement but couldn't find a way across. He eventually gave up and sat under a big leaf for shelter. He watched the pitter patter of the rain fall off the leaves and drench the ground, making the young boy scoot further under the leaf.
He sat there for what seems forever, hoping, begging for the rain to stop, but it just kept coming.
He leaned against the tree with the leaf hanging over head, his arms wrapped around his legs and head buried in his knees. He sat like that for a while, listening to the rain and wind. He didn't realise someone was getting closer until he heard multiple footsteps right infront of him.
He looked at the feet of the people, 3 of them seemed to be children and another an adult, although one of them had hooves for feet. The boy pressed further against the tree and started to shake, he didn't want to be taken back there. But little did he know, his shaking had made the leaf above him shake, making the people passing by stop.
He immediately stopped moving when the leaf he was under started to get lifted. He hesitantly looked, seeing an older man with what the boy could only describe as a bucket hat.
"Hello little one, what are you doing out here?" The man asked gently, looking down at the small boy.
The boy tried to answer but all that left his mouth was a small glitches murmur.
"Oh.... you poor thing.... why don't you come with us. You don't look too well" the man suggested, looking at the boy in sorrow.
The boy hesitated, looking up at the man warily. What if he worked there? But he doesn't seem like a person to work there, he seems too.....nice. The boy tilted his head, and what did he mean by us, but then he remembered the different pair of feet. He didn't think they meant any harm.
The young boy, slowly crawled forward, keeping his eyes trained on the man. The man in questioned widened his eyes. He was able to get a good look at the child, he had black and white hair, a tail with a tuff of fur at the end, horns, his skin was black on one side and white on the other, and he had one green eye and another red. The mans eyes softened.
The man slowly put his hands on the ground. The boy backed away a bit, eyes fixing on the hands. The boy slowly crawled up to the mans hands, he looked them over before slowly crawling onto them. By now, the three children from before had tried looking at what their father had stopped for. They all managed to get a glimpse of the being their father had stopped for, they all stayed silent as their father scooped up the small being in his arms before turning to his boys.
"Let go home" the man said grabbing the hand of his youngest and started walking home, trying to keep the young one in his arms dry.
They eventually managed to get back to their home, the three little boys scurried to their rooms once they took off their soaked coats and shoes.
The man placed the little boy on the counter and grabbed a towel and clothes for the small boy. He dried the boy off and put him into some comfortable clothes before situating himself and the little boy on the couch.
"What's your name" the man asked, looking at the small boy.
The boy only titled his head, hes never heard of the word name. Is a name the thing you call a person or the person is labelled as? The boy did not know.
"Do you not have a name?" He asked again.
The boy shook his head.
"Do you want a name?" The man questioned, looking at the little boys features.
He nodded.
"Alright, how would Ran do?" He asked.
The boy shook his head.
"Boo?" Another no.
"Ranboo?" The boy thought about it before nodding his head.
"Ok, Ranboo it is. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Philza or Phil, you can choose what you want to call me" the man now named as "Phil" stated.
The boy only nodded in response.
"Do you want to meet my sons?" The man asked, looking towards the stairs.
The boy hesitantly nodded.
"Alright, let me call them. Boys! Can you come down here!!!!" The man yelled, making the smaller wince from the sudden change in volume.
Multiple pairs of footsteps could be heard before the three people came out from a doorway and infront of their father.
"Boys, I would like you to meet Ranboo, Ranboo meet my boys, Techno, Wilbur and Tommy" the man voiced, gesturing to the boys with each name.
Ranboo smiled and waved at the three before looking back at Phil.
"Welcome to the family Ranboo"
1033 words
Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't know what I should've done for the ending so it was kinda rushed.
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