Ranboo headcannons #2
-he has paw beans on his hands but they are really flat but they can help him recognise different materials when in complete darkness
-you know when you press a certain place on a cats paw, their claws come out? You can do that with Ranboo and his claws are sharp, like, really sharp. He can literally, if he does it for long enough, chop down a tree
-his tail has two tips to it and they both end in tuffs of fur, he usually keeps the tips of his tail together either by tying them together with a small string when hes lazy or he uses his tail muscles to keep them together since he doesn't like how they just part at the end and he doesn't want anyone to know about it as he sees it as abnormal but he usually keeps them separated from eachother when home as when they are pushed together for too long, it can create stress and it can hurt a lot
-Ranboo can become extremely violent when he gets agitated in his enderwalk state and can quite literally kill everyone and anything that stands in his way, including Techno, DreamXD, Foolish and Dream
-Ranboo, on occasion, will just stop and stare off into space, pondering on different scenarios that could happen but will snap out of it when the scenarios become too violent or aren't very pleasant
-he hears voices like Techno but they are much more civilised and tend to try and help him protect the people and things he cares about instead of crave blood but will on occasion ask for blood when his family (platonic husband Tubbo and adopted son Michael) are in danger and they try and comfort him when anything goes wrong
-his voices can and will talk with Technos voices and usually keep them calm so Techno tries to stay around Ranboo because of the lack of demands he receives from the voices despite being able to ignore them and will sometimes even get compliments from his voices which surprises him
-Ranboos voices are usually quiet or he just can't hear them most of the time unless he mentions them
-he likes talking with his voices because they can be great company and they always give him advice when hes stuck on something
-his voices can fight against the Dream voice but it takes a lot of effort and the consequences can be fatal to Ranboo if they can't fight the voice off so they can't do much but will try and alter what the Dream voice is saying to let Ranboo know they are there
-Ranboos sword is the most powerful out of everyones on the server from all the grinding he has done with it to improve it
-Ranboo is really good with a sword but sucks at using crossbows and bows so he usually sticks to close combat
-Ranboo has a ring on one of his horns from when he platonically married Tubbo, the same with one of Tubbos horns (Tubbo is part goat)
-Ranboo has an ender eye earring on one of his ears
-he is slightly sensitive to loud noises
-his ears are either elf like or are like a goat, you get what I'm saying?
-he tries to carry an umbrella on him in case it starts raining
-Ranboo wears a mask most of the time to cover his mouth but will usually forget to put it on
-Sam has two sets of arms cause why not? I'm gonna have to do something to clear up past chapters come to think of it, oh well-
-he can make his eyes glow willingly in the day to the point that you just see a pair of really bright red and green headlights with slight formation of an eye in a dark place like an alley, however, not at night as they have a natural glow that you can't see during the day because it's so light, so he basically increases the brightness of his eyes like how you increase the brightness on a phone and he can look so intimidating and eerie when he does this.
-his eyes are always glowing faintly basically
-Ranboo has lime green blood as well as purple blood, it depends on the side of his body that is bleeding. If his white side is bleeding, its purple. If it's his black side, its lime green (idk)
-when Ranboo is in his ender walk state, he is very, and I mean VERY protective of Michael. He will usually lurk around snowchester and you can sometimes catch him in Michael's room, on his bed with the small zombified piglin in his arms, his purple eyes staring out into nothingness.
-Ranboo sometimes wakes up in Michael's room when he doesn't move in his enderwalk state
-All the members on the smp can bring up their inventory like a hologram and interact with it and it shows their health, hunger and items in their inventory
-while in enderwalk, he'll let Tubbo come near Michael and will occasionally hug the ram hybrid out of the blue cuz why not?
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