Manipulations end
"You blew up the community house, there is proof you did, so why are you denying it?"
"Because I didn't, you're just a voice, you can't be tell the truth"
This had been going on for 15 minutes now and the stupid voice wouldn't shut up. He know he didn't blow it up, hes not the type of person to do that right...?
The voice he was talking to was Dream, he somehow managed to talk to Ranboo in his head, the enderman hybrid knew it was Dream but kept trying to convince himself it was just a voice. But it never worked. The strange thing about it was that he only ever heard Dream when he was in his panic room, he didn't know why but he assumed it gave the green hooded figure an opening into his mind.
"I've had enough of you, leave me alone.." Ranboo muttered, leaving the panic room he was in.
The 'voice' chuckled, "as you wish."
Ranboo let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. It can get really exhausting, so he usually just leaves the panic room all together when he eventually gets fed up of it.
The tall hybrid walked along the shore line and towards the nether portal. Visiting Tommy didn't seem like a bad idea, he hadn't gone to see the child in a couple days so now wouldn't be a bad time. And the young boy probably needed some company any how, so it was a win win situation in his opinion.
He slowly made his way through the nether, following the green arrows to Logstedshire to where Tommy was banished. The hybrid admired the boys attempt at making a clear pathway to where he was exiled to, shame that no one other than him and a few others would be the only ones walking along the path.
Ranboo ran his fingers through his hair as he walked, slowly coming up to Tommy's portal. He stopped infront of it, took a deep breath and put on a happy smile to greet the child.
He walked through the portal and looked around, trying to catch sight of the suicidal teen. The hybrid took a few steps away from the portal, hoping to get a better look at Logstedshire. He managed to locate the teen but another person he was not so fond of was infront of the child, presumably manipulating the kid into thinking things he shouldn't. He managed to catch a few words said to Tommy which did not settle well with Ranboo, he heard the words and phrases, "nobody cares, die, I'm your only friend, exiled."
Ranboo felt something snap in himself at the scene unfolding before him. He teleported himself between Dream and Tommy, an intimidating aura surrounding his being.
"Hello Ranb-" Dream didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Ranboo had grabbed the masked man by the collar of his shirt and effortlessly threw him a few feet away from the duo. Ranboo looked to the boy behind him, immediately a soft and caring atmosphere surrounded the two as the enderman hybrid softened his gaze at the teen, before turning back to Dream, anger and menace radiating from the tall boy.
Tommy stared in shock at what Ranboo just did. Ranboo knew how strong Dream was and he was basically asking for a death wish. The child whipped out his communicator and started sending messages to all the people online, saying it was urgent. Conveniently, the whole server was on, apart from Gogy because hes never on at this time.
While Tommy had been doing that, Ranboo had now walked up to dream, anger and frustration coming from his stance.
"What was that for!?" Dream yelled, rubbing his head as he stood up.
"You know exactly why...." Ranboo growled, glaring at the masked man.
"Haha, I totally know..." Dream uttered, a sly grin creeping onto his face.
Ranboo shook his head, "why do you keep trying to manipulate people!? Especially minors!? What's your deal" he questioned, wanting to know the elders intent.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Dream chuckled, hand on his hip.
By this point, everyone that had received a message from Tommy had shown up and were looking at the two individuals, they were all behind Tommy who was behind Ranboo, his big silhouette. Ranboo knew they were there, he hid a smirk. Now to rat Dream out.
Ranboo growled under his breath, "alright, but answer me this, why can't you keep on manipulating me!? Leave Tommy and Tubbo out of this! They're trying to do what they can but you aren't making anything easier! You know what you can do to make me break and you know what can happen if they break. So why do you keep going after those two!? Is it because you find it fun or is it for your own self benefit?"
Dream stayed quiet, his hands starting to clench into fists. Ranboo at this point was being an annoyance, he knew Dreams true intent because Dream told him what he was trying to do. Ranboo was taunting him, the tall boy was trying to make Dream go mad. And it was working.
"You know exactly what I'm trying to do, so why are you asking!?" Dream yelled, annoyance clear in his voice.
"Because I want to hear it come from your mouth and not some voice in my head! Are you going to say it or are you too chicken to?" Ranboo asked, lifting a brow.
"You know what? Fine.... what i was is death and destruction. I want L'Manburg gone and all the citizens living there to perish! I want no one left alive, there! Ya happy!?" Dream questioned, taking a step towards the taller individual.
Ranboo smirked, "Very." The tall boy stepped away from where he was standing, revealing the whole smp behind him, faces filled with betrayal, fear and anger.
"You sneaky bitch..." Dream muttered under his breath.
"Hm? What was that?" Ranboo asked, looking towards Dream.
"I said... YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" Dream yelled running at Ranboo, netherite sword in hand.
Ranboos eyes widened, he quickly side-stepped the man. But Dream was three steps ahead and he quickly changed his direction. Piercing the sword through the enderman hybrids chest.
The tall boy shrieked, pushing Dream away from him. Everyone in the crowd looked on in horror as their friend fell to his knees.
Phil, Techno, Niki, Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo all ran over to the hybrid while everyone else started to surround Dream, anger and sadness on all their faces.
Phil, Fundy and Niki all layed their dying friend on the ground. All of them having tears in their eyes. Techno, Tommy and Tubbo sat down with their friends, eyes glazed. Even Techno was letting a few tears go.
They all sat in silence, none of them wanting to say a word. Ranboo smiled and looked at the people surrounding him. He coughed light before uttering the words, "I love you guys...." and those words were the last anyone would hear from him as he disappeared in a puff of smoke, his belongings taking his place.
Fundy, Niki, Tubbo, Tommy and Phil all started to cry, all of them hugging eachother in an attempt to comfort their grieving minds.
Techno stood up and walked over to Dream, the people on the smp making way for him. Techno stood infront of the hooded man, pulling out his sword.
"You killed one of my friends, you deserve a punishment. How would you like the same fate you gave my friend?" Techno asked, sword clutched tightly in hand.
Dream opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when Techno put his sword through the masked mans chest, just as he said Ranboo.
The man sputtered and trembled, falling to his knees, quickly vanishing in a puff of smoke.
"I'm an atheist but I hope you get sent to hell. And damn that was a quick death... Ranboo lasted longer..." Techno muttered under his breath, collecting his sword from the pile of items before walking over to the group hugging eachother infront of their friends items, Phil being in the middle of the hug, his wings gently wrapped around the grieving bunch as he whispered words of comfort to the four.
Techno gently put his hand on Phil's shoulder, making the older man look up at his friend. The piglin hybrid guestured his head towards the people behind him, all the people having a look of sorrow or displeasure on their faces, a majority of them having tears in their eyes.
Phil sighed and gently moved the people that were hugging him to hug one another. He stood up and looked at Techno, giving the sorrowful piglin a nod to which the other returned.
"I think it's time we go home..." Techno muttered to the crowd, all of them nodding and slowly heading towards the nether portal, a couple people looking back at the pile of belongings only to tear their gazes away and onto what's infront of them.
Techno stayed behind the small crowd, still staring at the stuff on the ground. He stayed there until everyone had gone through the portal except Phil. The older man stared at the sad piglin hybrid for a moment before a sigh escaped his mouth. He turned for the portal before sparing one last glance at the still man, he gently shook his head to himself and went through the portal.
Techno stood in silence for a while, reflecting on all the times he shared with the enderman hybrid. He knelt infront of the items before gently picking them up and heading towards the portal. He looked back at Dreams stuff, quickly rummaging through his pockets for something to burn them. He came across a flint and steel, he lit it on, looking at the flame for a bit, admiring how it danced on the metal and tossed it over his shoulder, a smirk on his face.
The piglin hybrid walked through the portal, a gentle hold on the tall boys stuff. He was going to bury the boys belongings, he hoped it would be enough.
Techno and Phil arranged a funeral in memory of the boy, nothing big, just something they would do to pay respects to the dead.
The funeral was short, everyone taking a short turn to say a few words. Tommy said thank you to Ranboo for protecting him and apologising for not knowing the same thing was happening to him. Everyone dropped a bit at the comment.
Apart from that, nothing special happened. The only thing they knew now was that they were pawns to Dream for a fun game but they were really thankful that Ranboo had won the game, even if it did cost his life...
1815 words
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