Kidnapped (part 3 of changed...?)
It had been a while since the building incident and everything was normal. Ranboo was living his life, hanging out with friends and going about his normal routine, with the exception of his new found abilities. They really came in handy and made his life that much easier.
Whenever he went outside to hang out with his friends, there would be at least one person that thanked him for saving people from the building. He would usually brush it off and say regardless of his powers, he would've done it anyway and hes true to his word.
He had made quite the reputation with the police and they have said he is free to pop in or ask anything of them. Ranboo would usually just chuckle nervously and say 'I know' because he gets told this whenever he encounters the police. It's best to say that Ranboo is well known where he lives.
His routine would usually consist of going down to a nearby cafe and order a coffee at around eight, then he would usually just chat with the employees about anything and everything for half an hour, the tall teen had befriended all the employees in the cafe so nothing was very awkward when they were together. He often joked that if he were to get kidnapped, which he highly doubt he would, he wouldn't be in at eight like he usually would. The employees always kept note of this little fact because things don't always go according to plan and its always better to be safe than sorry.
Ranboo walked down the pavement, hands in his pocket and humming a tune, his tail swaying gently behind him. It was weird to have a tail to say the least, it was like another limb. It's like an extra hand if you have enough control over it. But can be a real pain to sleep with your back to the mattress, so Ranboo usually sleeps on his side.
The hybrid was walking down to the cafe he goes to every morning, hoping to have a cup of coffee, but as he walked past an ally; he was suddenly pulled in, something quickly hitting him in the back of the head making his body fall limp and hit the floor. The person responsible for the hit grinned before him and a couple men dragged the unconscious teen into the darkness.
It had reached quarter past eight and Ranboo still hadn't shown up at the cafe. Everyone had been growing concerned until one eventually called the police, reporting him as missing. The police wasted no time in trying to find the boy, everyone in the police department going on a search with his friends chipping in to try and help find their missing friend.
While all that was happening, Ranboo started to wake up, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He opened his eyes fully and scanned the darkness around him, he managed to make out multiple figures in the dark, none of whom he recognized. He tried to teleport but nothing happened, the boy was stuck. He tried to move his hands but was met with the slight jingle of chains. He was curious, why chains? But he shook his head lightly, looking to the man infront of him.
"Well well well.... 'the boy who held up a building' glad we could finally be acquainted with you," a dark voice chuckled, the lights turning on to show a silhouette of a man.
Ranboo growled lightly, baring his sharp teeth. The tall teen didn't know where he was or what he was doing here but he knew he wasn't in any place good. The boys actions only made the man chuckle, malice evident in the man.
"Oh, I'm so scared, the boys getting angry, I'm gonna die," the man mocked, using hand gestures to rub salt in the wound.
Ranboo growled to himself, the sound of metal rattling from the movement the boy did to trying to get the chains off of his wrists.
"Don't bother trying to get out of those my boy, they are made of pure steel, something you shouldn't be able to break out of," the mysterious man stated, walking towards the enderman hybrid, putting his face infront of the boys face.
Ranboo smirked to himself, this man was making this too easy. The hybrid unhinged his jaw, making the gag over his mouth fall to his neck.
"What the-" the man started but was quickly interrupted by the shriek Ranboo produced, causing the people in the room to cover their ears.
He soon finished his yelling because it had already done its job. The police were bound to of heard that and to make things better, he made his captors momentarily deaf. He looked down at the gag before biting down on it, chewing through it easily, it slipped down Ranboos neck, the teen letting out soft pants from the shriek he had given off before hand. He thanked the heavens, thankful he was able to use his powers now.
"Now that wasn't very nice now was it?" The man asked, staring at the now not gagged captive.
"And it isn't very nice for you to kidnap me now is it?" Ranboo responded, staring right back at the man.
"If you're going to talk like that then we'll have to..... punish you. How about we blow up another building?" The man asked, a sly grin on his face as he scratched his chin in thought.
"Y-you were the one that blew up that building?" Ranboo stuttered, staring at the man in shock.
"Why of course! Who else would it have been?" The man questioned, walking around the boy.
"People could've died!" Ranboo yelled angrily, shifting the chair he was strapped down in.
"Fiesty aren't we? Yes, people could've died, that was the whole point. It would've worked too if you hadn't stepped in. We plan on blowing up another building and we plan to be successful this time. Therefore, we have to 'dispose' of any threats to our mission" the man stated, a smirk making it's way onto the mans lips as each word left his mouth.
"Y-you aren't gonna do what I think you're going to do...." Ranboo muttered, looking at the man, fear clear in his eyes.
"Oh~ so you've caught on~ how sad. I was hoping you'd be clueless to make this more fun. Oh well...." the name uttered disappointed, looking at the fearful teen.
"Guess its time to go" the man smirked, pulling out a knife and slowly creeping forward towards the boy.
Ranboo stared wide eyed at the man, fearing for his life. He shook his head and too a few deep breaths. The teen quickly scanned the room, weighing his chances. He doubted they had guns, so he could take a chance with knives.
Right when the man was about to strike, Ranboo stood up and turned around, hitting the man with the chair, ultimately breaking it into wooden pieces. Now full of adrenaline, Ranboo broke the steel chains around his wrists, rubbing them lightly before immediately starting to tear the chains off his ankles.
The now freed hybrid stood up and looked around the room, growling threateningly at all the people with knives, which was everyone in the room. They all crept closer, Ranboo looking around the room daringly, his tail raised in alert.
One of the men tried running at Ranboo but got tripped by the hybrids tail. This action lead everyone else in the room to try and stab the boy. He kept dodging and throwing people who got close to him. It almost seemed like a dance, every move the boy took seemingly repeated until perfected.
This kept on for a few minutes, Ranboo getting his clothes cut a few times until one of the men managed to stab Ranboo in the arm, purple blood dripping from the wound. The boy let out a roar of pain before swiping at all the men around him, making them all topple over and knock them out. The man that got hit with a chair was still out like a light.
Ranboo growled loudly, he was not pleased. Purple particles slowly swarmed the boy, most of them going to the wound, seemingly healing it. And healing they did, within a matter of minutes, the knife was on the floor and the bleeding seized, the only remnants of a stab wound being a small scar.
Ranboo was about to pounce at the men on the floor but was interrupted by the sound of sirens. The boy relaxed at the sound. He looked at all the men before seeing a loose piece of rope, Ranboo smirked. He got an idea.
The enderman hybrid grabbed the rope and tied all the mens ankles together apart from the one he knocked out with the chair. He grabbed the long end of the rope that wasn't tied to the mens ankle and tested the tension of the rope, it didn't break.
Ranboo grabbed the man that had taunted the boy and slung him over his shoulder and dragged the men out of the small room they were in. He trondled down the long hallway, getting closer and closer to the sounds of sirens.
"Guys?!" Ranboo yelled to the door in front of him, awaiting a response.
"Ranboo!?!? Are you ok!?" A voice shouted back which the hybrid recognised as Tubbo.
"Ya I'm fine, can you open the door please? Or is it stuck?" Ranboo replied, putting his hand on the door.
"The doors stuck! Are you able to open it from your side?" Tubbo questioned, trying the door handle.
The hybrid put the rope and man on the ground before trying the door handle. It didn't budge.
"It won't open, should I just kick it down?" Ranboo asked, silently praying he could.
"I would assume so! I'll get everyone away from the door," Tubbo replied. The enderman hybrid heard a bit of shuffling before hearing 'go ahead!'
Ranboo easily kicked the door down, seeing the happy and relieved faces of his friends and fellow policemen. Ranboo smiled and bent down, grabbing the man and rope and walking through the doorway, wrecking ball of unconscious men following suit.
He dragged the men through the doorway and put the man on his shoulder down roughly. He didn't have time to stand up straight as he was quickly engulfed in a hug. The teen wobbled a bit before looking down and seeing Phil hugging the tall boy, wings wrapped around the two.
Ranboo happily returned the hug but winced slightly at the pain from the now healed stab wound. Yes, it had healed but that didn't mean the pain would stop.
Phil immediately felt the slight twitch and looked at the tall boy before noticing the purple blood on the boys sleeve.
"What happened" the older man asked, inspecting the blood.
"I kinda got stabbed by one of the men but I also found out these men are responsible for the explosion on the building" Ranboo chuckled nervously, gesturing to the unconscious men that were now being handcuffed by the police.
"You were- WHAT!?! BUT THERES NO STAB WOUND!" Phil yelled shaking the boy.
"I've apparently got incredible healing abilities as well, didn't have to take the knife out because these purple particles did it out for me," the hybrid replied, gesturing to the idle purple particles still slowly drifting around him and going over the event in his head.
"At least you're ok now," the winged man mumbled, hugging the tall boy again. Ranboo chuckled and hugged back, looking over the crowd to see his friends all standing there, relief of all their faces. Phil and Ranboo looked at eachother before opening their arms, and wing in Phil's case, to the crowd. They all immediately joined the hug, Tubbo, Wilbur, Tommy and even Techno being the closest to the two.
After the incident, Ranboo ended up going to the hospital for a short day or two to make sure all his bodily functions were in check. They also took a blood sample from the tall teen to try and find the explanation as to why he healed so fast. He also got questioned by the police and he told them everything he was told and knew while he was in their captivity.
The people that kidnapped him got pressed with charges for kidnapping and damage of public and private property, let's just say, they're going to be put away for a long time.
Everything went back to normal after that, he just went back to doing his usual thing and that was the end of it, for now.
2124 words
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