Ranboo was peacefully sleeping in his bed, a gentle smile on his face. But it was rudely interrupted by his communicator buzzing on his bed side table. He tried ignoring the continuous buzzing but it wouldn't stop. This wasn't his ideal way to wake up.
He shifted over and looked at his bed side table and grabbed his phone. He sat up slowly and rubbed his heavy eyes and checked his phone. All the notifications were coming from a group chat he was in with his friends. He quirked a brow and opened the group chat, his eyes widened.
There were pictures of his friends with some sort of animal features attached to them. Ranboo stumbled out of bed and stood up, quickly standing up and hitting the ceiling with his head. He recoiled in pain and held the back of his head. He had definitely changed along with his friends.
He rushed to the nearest mirror and was stunned, one side of his face was white while the other was black, along with his hair, his eyes were different colours as well, one being red and the other green and his ears were very pointy. He had gotten a bit buff as well, his muscles were a bit more distinctive on his body, he had definitely gotten somewhat stronger if that's the case. His teeth had also gotten a bit sharper as well and he got a serious manicure because his nails had gotten sharper like his teeth. He suddenly felt something tickle his ankle and found what appears to be a tail with some fur at the end which correlates to his hair colour. He also had little horns on his head which correlated to the colour of his skin. He looked down at his hands, one was black and another was white.
He just looked at his hands for a minute before a buzzing caught his attention. He looked down at his phone to see his friends had arranged a time and place for all of them to meet up, he had just over an hour to get ready and the place was a small park down the block.
He sighed, but now was the tricky part: to find clothes that fit him.
He groaned internally, starting to search through his closet.
He quickly found a bunch of clothing to wear, thank god he liked wearing big clothes. He had a normal striped shirt with jeans, a tux with a pair of black trousers with a white under shirt and some other random clothes which he didn't know he had.
He rushed to try on his clothes, he eventually settled on the tux and trousers and white under shirt with a red tie which he found in the bottom of his closet, it was a tight fit but he made do.
His multicolored eyes shot to the clock, he had half an hour til he met with his friends.
He trondled down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, getting his normal breakfast. He took his time eating his breakfast, but he took a bit too long. He checked the clock to find he only had a minute or two to get to the park, he panicked. He grabbed his phone.
Quickly remembering the place he had to meet his friends at, what he didn't expect though was to be teleported there, which startled the young boy.
He somehow teleported in the middle of his friends, but quickly stumbled back and fell onto his butt. Ranboo groaned rubbing his bum.
"Ranboo!?" A familiar voice yelled, he looked up to see Tommy infront of him.
"Heh, hey?" Ranboo chuckled nervously, waving his right hand.
"What happened!?" The younger boy asked, standing up and examining the other.
"Honestly I have no clue, just woke up like this" Ranboo replied, trying to get up.
Tommy, noticed the others struggle and offered his hand, to which the boy gratefully accepted. Tommy pulled the other up to only stare up in awe and annoyance.
"HOW ARE YOU SO TALL!? YOU WERE ALREADY TALLER THAN ALL OF US TO BEGIN WITH!!" Tommy yelled, gesturing to the taller individual.
Ranboo looked down, his tail subconsciously coming up infront of him. "I wish I knew" Ranboo giggled, scratching his neck.
"Dream, Wilbur stand next to Ranboo" Tommy demanded.
The two mentioned just looked at eachother but complied. Ranboo managed to get a good look at the two, Wilbur had gills and fish ears as well as having a blue tint to his skin with bright yellow eyes with slits like a cat. Dream, however, just looked the same.
The tall boy scanned over the crowd, seeing a couple people with animal features or just looking like something entirely different. Schlatt had ram horns, ears and tail, tubbo had bee wings and antenna, bad had angel wings, a halo, a tail and horns, skeppy had what Ranboo could only guess to be diamond attached to his skin, Phil had grey wings, Techno looked like a pig, Tommy a devil and the list continues. (I'm too lazy to write what everyone looks like but you get the idea)
Wilbur and Dream stood next to Ranboo, they both came up to about Ranboo's upper chest. Ranboo stifled a giggle at the height difference, his tail flicking at the two.
"This is amazing..." Ranboo muttered looking down at the shorter two.
"THIS IS BULLCRAP!!!" Tommy yelled, racing towards Ranboo, about to give him a firm punch.
Ranboo closed his eyes and waited for the impact but it never came, he opened his eyes to see he was a couple feet from where he was standing.
He stood there bewildered before a yell interrupted his thoughts.
"YOU CAN TELEPORT TOO!?!" the child yelled, flailing his hands in the air.
"Apparently..." Ranboo muttered, walking back to the group.
Ranboo sat down on a nearby bench, his tail curling around him. The others walked over and created a circle.
"Does anyone know what happened?" A voice muttered, turning out to be the voice of Tubbo.
A chorus of nos and nopes came from the group. Tubbo let out a sigh.
"Do we at least all know what we are?" Wilbur asked, eyes scanning his friends.
"I think we do" Phil muttered, his wings flapping on his back.
"Alright, raise of hands, who knows what they are?" Wilbur asked raising his hand. A fair amount of the group raised their hands, Ranboo not included.
"Ok, raise your hand if you don't know what you are" Wilbur continued, lowering his hand.
Ranboo raised his hand this time along with a few others.
"That's a start, should we try and figure out what everyone is who aren't sure of what they are?" Wilbur questioned. Murmurs of agreement followed.
"Ok, who wants to start?" Wilbur asked, raising a brow.
"Me!" A voice replied enthusiastically, it was Skeppy.
"Alright, let's start shall we?" And they started.
The group went through each individual, running random tests to see what they were. Eret turned out to be part ghast which surprised everyone, including Ranboo. But when it came to the tall boys turn, nobody could figure out what he was. They eventually turned to books and started looking for answers.
~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
They had been searching for answers for about an hour now and still no luck, or so they thought.
"Hey Will, look at this!" Dream ushered, flicking through the pages of the mysterious book.
"What is it dream?" Wilbur asked, looking at the book Dream had in his hands.
"I think I found out what Ranboo is..." Dream uttered, scanning the pages for anything about what Ranboo might be.
"Stop! Look at this, 'Enderman: a mythical creature known for its teleportation abilities and strength, its a tall and lanky creature, its height reaching 7 foot. It has the ability to pick up blocks and the strength to pick up sky scrapers. They can't be killed by projectiles as the creature will automatically teleport away from whatever is thrown at it. When scared, can produce an ear-splitting shriek, causing its mouth to open abnormally wide and causing any living being in a proximity of 6 feet to go temporarily deaf, the deafness only lasts for a few seconds. The creature is neutral but can become highly aggressive if you look into its eyes, there are two eye colours, green and purple. Purple is the common eye colour while green is the rarest. It can take damage from water. Where its found is unknown and it's current where abouts is also unknown...' " Dream and Wilbur finished together, looking at eachother in astonishment.
"We need to tell the guys...." Dream muttered, Will only nodded. They both sprinted to their friends who were all chatting happily together.
"GUYS!! WE THINK WE FOUND OUT WHAT RANBOO IS!!!" Wilbur yelled, running towards the large group with Dream trailing behind.
"Ya, then what is he?" Tommy asked, crossing his arms, Ranboo quirked a brow in interest.
"Well, he may be an Enderman" Wilbur muttered nervously.
"Excuse me- I'm a what?" Ranboo repeated, sitting up properly.
"An Enderman, it's a mythical creature that can teleport and can apparently pick up sky scrapers if it wanted to" Dream replied, standing next to Wilbur.
"The teleporting makes sense but I doubt I'm that strong and I don't want to test it out, any other ways to determine I'm an Enderman?" Ranboo reasoned.
"Well, apparently they don't like eye contact and some have green eyes. So, how do you feel about eye contact?" Wilbur asked, staring directly at Ranboo.
"Eh, I can maintain eye contact for a while but it can get very agitating the longer I maintain eye contact which is kinda annoying" Ranboo replied, staring directly back at Wilbur. "Is there anything else?"
"They take damage from water, so, does anyone have any water?" Dream inquirred.
"I do!!" A happy voice replied, it being the owned by Niki. The girl chucked the water bottle in her hands to the supposed Enderman hybrid who caught it easily.
The boy opened the lid and poured a bit of water on his hand, it didn't hurt it was just a really unpleasant itch.
"So, how does it feel?" Tommy spoke up, raising a brow.
"It doesn't hurt, it's just a really bad itch" Ranboo stated, trying to get rid of the water on his hand, hoping to get rid of the feeling on his hand as well.
"Oh, I almost forgot, theres also another thing about an Enderman I forgot to mention, when they get scared, they produce this screech, it like makes their jaw open abnormally wide. Apparently its suppose to make people hear ringing in their ears for a bit" Dream implied.
"So I need to be scared?" Ranboo asked, putting his head in his hands, letting a short sigh escape his lips
"Apparently" Wilbur hummed.
"BOO!" Tommy yelled behind Ranboo, putting his hands on the taller shoulders.
Ranboo released a short but extremely loud shriek, his jaw unhinged, just like it said in the book.
"...Guess that confirms that then" Tommy muttered, uncovering his ears.
"Sorry..." Ranboo uttered, sending apologetic glances at his friends.
"So you're an Enderman, that's fun" Dream chuckled.
"Ya, guess I am"
1870 words
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