It was another day for the enderman hybrid, walking around the dream smp and having light hearted talks with anyone he came across. It was days like this when Ranboo felt relaxed, no wars, no fighting, no conflict, just peace.
The teen was well aware that this was a rare activity so he took advantage of this opportunity and had decided to take a look at all the progress all the Dsmp members had made.
To say the last, he was rather shocked. There were so many new buildings and the community house was almost completely fixed and back to its former glory. All the different types of buildings sort of put Ranboos small house to shame compared to some of these monsters of builds. Different members he came across also had improvements done to their armour as well as their looks. Quackity looked like a gambler, Puffy had some sort of captain's robe on and so many people had upgraded armour.
All these changes surprised the boy but he knew something was going right if people were actually making progress with themselves and their builds.
He felt kind of bad as he hadn't done anything to help the members of the Dream smp, but he was away from a majority of the conflict and didn't know most members were in need of help until a little while ago. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty but he couldn't help but feel this was partially his fault.
The tall boy quickly pushed these thoughts out of his head, not wanting to ruin the peace and quiet around him with the deafening whispers from regrets and mistakes he had made from the past.
Since hes been living with Techno, things have been rather peaceful. He got along well with the anarchist and had made a very thorough bond with the bloody warrior to the point he considered him his 'father' I guess you could say.
He was really happy that he actually had a home to go back to, people to call family. It always made a smile rise to the boys face at the thought of all the accomplishments the boy had made after he had befriended the blood god. He finally had something to protect.
The only thing that concerned the boy was if Techno found out about his marriage to Tubbo and his son, Michael, considering Tubbo is technically the government and Techno is an anarchist so that was bound to cause conflict between the two. And then theres Michael.
As niether Ranboo or Tubbo had birthed the baby zombified piglin since they had adopted him, he was an orphan and Techno killed orphans, so it was fair to say the teen was rather afraid to introduce Techno to his family so he was going to keep them a secret for now in hopes of protecting them from death as they both have one life.
But other than that, life was going great!
While Ranboo was in deep thought, he hadn't realized how late it had gotten, the sky soon turning from bright and sunny to pitch black with the moon and torches illuminating the night.
He quickly started heading home, killing any mob which attacked him son finding himself at his door in the arctic. The teen let himself in and removed his armour, flopping onto his sofa in exhaustion. Sure today hadn't been eventful but it was still tiring as he had been lugging around his armour and tools all day which could become tiring, even for him considering its weight is about fifty pounds or under depending on the armour piece or weapon.
As Ranboo layed face down on his sofa, there was a soft knock at his door, causing the tall teen to stir slightly and sit up, looking to the door in curiousity. Who would be knocking on his door at, he looked at his clock, one in the morning?
He shook his head softly, standing up and heading to the door, quickly opening it to be met face to face with the person he sees as a father figure.
"Hey Techno! What are you doing here at this time?" Ranboo exclaimed, looking at the heavily built warrior in question.
"Nothing much, just wanted to see how you were doing and to have a nice chat. Mind if I come in?" Techno replied, his monotone voice echoing slightly in the chilled night air.
"Of course! Come in." Ranboo stated, stepping to the side to let the warrior in to which he recieved a thankful nod from said warrior before closing the door, locking it after.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Ranboo asked, looking at the now seated piglin hybrid.
"Anything really, I just wanted to catch up in all honesty." Techno replied, fiddling with his fingers.
Ranboo raised a brow at that, glancing over his stature for a moment. Techno seemed..... tense. He was looking in every direction, avoiding Ranboos gaze as well as fidgeting with his cape and fingers. Something wasn't right.
"Is that all you came here to talk about?" Ranboo questioned, his gaze hard but filled with concern and worry.
"....yes" Techno mumbled hesitantly, his fidgeting increasing.
Ranboo raised a brow at the warrior, as if asking, 'do you believe that?'
Technos breath hitched for a moment before he let out a long sigh, finally raising his head to look at Ranboo.
"I-" he sighed. "Iwaswonderingifyouwantedmetoadoptyou" Techno spoke quickly, his words being a fumbled mess.
"Come again?" Ranboo asked, not understanding a word that had flew from the piglin hybrids mouth, his tail flicking behind him in curiosity and concern.
The bloody warrior took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you wanted me to adopt you...." Techno muttered, his voice being unsure and slightly shaky.
Ranboo stood bewildered. What did Techno just say? Did he..... want to adopt him? Seriously? He never thought in a thousand years he would be adopted, much less by someone who killed orphans and kids as well as burn down orphanages.
Techno sighed, taking Ranboos silence as a no and starting to make his way to the door.
"....yes" Techno turned to look at the boy, a brow raised in slight anguish and curiosity.
"Yes....yes yes yes YES YES!!!!!" Ranboo repeated, running at the shorter and engulfing him in a hug, making the warrior stumble slightly at the sudden embrace.
Techno stood in surprise at the others answer, quickly returning the hug; tears starting to gloss over his red eyes at he hugged the enderman hybrid tighter, the other doing the same.
They both finally felt the care and love of a family they had finally managed to attain. Techno felt the love of a father, Ranboo felt the love of a son.
They were family.
1135 words
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