A visit
(Slight gore warning near the end)
Ranboo trailed behind the duo, watching as Bad guided Puffy and Techno to the egg, the demon hybrid holding a friendly grin that spread across the hunters face which hid the malice he intended to inflict on the pair.
Ranboo didn't know how or why Techno thought it was a good idea to follow the tall man but the boy shouldn't have thought of anything different considering the blood god can take anything, whether it be physically or mentally; but he couldn't help but worry. Techno had welcomed the teen with open arms, even though he sort of just showed up, he felt safe with the fierce warrior for some reason and he wanted to do something to repay the man for his kindness. And that was to keep an eye on him.
Ranboo watched as the two followed the demon hybrid, taking a slightly different path to the trio as to not draw unwanted attention.
He wondered, what was Bad hoping to gain from this? He knew Puffy and Techno could resist the voice of the egg so how would he get them to join the eggpire?
The teen followed behind the three silently, eventually following the trio to the entrance to the egg. He was about to step through the doorway, but he hesitated. He knew what the egg could do to him. He knew how the egg could affect him. He knew the consequences.
He began to question himself. Should he have to take the risk of possibly losing a life to save his friends he knew could take care of themselves? Should he? Yes. He would. He has three lives and can spare two. He didn't want to seem like a bad friend.
Carefully, he stepped through the doorway and slowly started to make his way down the stairs which led to the open and infested room of the egg. As the teen drew closer to the room, he could feel the voice of the egg start to invade his mind, he could feel the heat that the vines of the egg radiated get hotter the closer he got to the room.
With each shaky step the boy took to the room, the voice got louder. He kept pushing the voice down but it kept coming back, louder and more aggressive than before. He eventually stopped pushing the voice out of his head as he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it out. He instead started to ignore it, forcing himself to make the voice mumble incoherent words.
To the teens surprise, it worked.
The enderman hybrid was rather pleased with himself but he quickly pushed the thought to the side, wanting to celebrate in a less secluded area later on, but still held onto the little amount of pride of quieting the voice nonetheless.
He soon found himself on the last step, he almost had full view of the room, all of the eggs vines and spores twisted in their own sickening dance.
He inhaled a breath and pushed through the door, quickly taking refuge behind a thick vine, peering round it, his eyes scanning the room for the people he followed.
He quickly spotted them right next to the egg, sending the boy into a slightly alarmed state. The teen swiftly but quietly started making his way towards the trio, jumping and ducking through the vines as he drew closer to the small group.
The boy soon stopped a few meters away from the three, glancing at the trio and straining his ears, hoping to hear what they were talking about.
The tall teen managed to make out a few words like, 'cringe, wanted, no' and a few more but decided to stop as he could guess that Puffy and Techno were refusing to join the eggpire, much to the boys relief.
After a few more words were exchanged, the sheep and piglin hybrid started to make their way back to the exit of the room, disappointing the possessed demon hybrid greatly.
The boy watched as the two exited the room, the last thing he saw being the blood red cape that belonged to Techno. Just as Bad was about to exit the room, his head snapped to the boys hiding spot, his glowing white eyes staring unblinking at the spot, the mans eyes holding little to no emotion in them as he started walking to the boys hiding spot.
Ranboo froze, hoping that the man was looking at a different spot but was greatly mistaken when the man stood over the boy, his white and black hood hanging over the demon hybrids face.
"What are you doing here Ranboo?" Bad asked, his voice being monotone, something that deeply scared the boy at the lack of emotion.
Ranboo remained silent, frustrating the man further than he was from the lack of things he was hoping to accomplished.
"Not talking? Well, I guess we'lldo this the hard way...." Bad mumbled dangerously, his tone of voice turning to a threatening and deep one.
Ranboos eyes widened. He scrambled to get away from the evil intended man but was stopped when his tail got stepped on, causing the boy to wince in pain. Damn it and his long appendage.
Bad slowly drew his sword from his side, starting to drag it across the boys skin, drawing lime green blood from the boy, a sickening smile starting to sprout onto the mans face.
Ranboo muffled grunts of pain and whimpers from the numerous cuts that the demon hybrid inflicted, refusing to let the man have the satisfaction of knowing the boy was in pain.
This continued for a while, Bad taunting the boy and dragging his blade across the boys skin, occasionally kicking and punching the boy, hoping to get some kind of reaction from the pain.
While Ranboo tried his hardest not to yelp or scream from the numerous cuts and bruises he attained from the demon hybrid. It was a struggle but he managed to bite them down.
On occasion, Ranboo would try and push the demon hybrid away from him, but it just ended up with the cuts across his body being deeper, so after a few attempts, he stopped and just sat there.
But that angered the hunter, he wanted screaming, yelling, maybe even some kind of resistance. Something, anything from the boy but no matter how many cuts and bruises that littered the boys body, he wouldn't make a peep.
This also frustrated the egg, after a couple minutes, it just wanted to end the enderman hybrid, and so did Bad, but he held off, wanting to do a few more things to see if the boy would react.
Eventually, the egg grew restless, deciding to take matters into their own hands. They raised a vine and hung it limply over the boy, fear flashing through the boys eyes, only driving the bloodlust that raged inside it further.
Before anyone could even blink, the vine penetrated the boys chest, a sickening crack and scream erupting from the boy, his screams echoing around the big room. A sadistic smile crept onto the demon hybrids face, satisfied with the outcome of what the egg had done.
Without sparing a glance, he turned away, blade still in hand and left, the last thing he heard being the sputtering of the boy as he gasped desperately for air.
1223 words
I honestly had no idea where I was going with this, sorry if this doesnt make sense
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