A protective nature
Ranboo could never have a normal day, he knows that all too well. But today had been rather uneventful, apart from a minor pet death earlier that day. So the day wasn't going too bad, hes been through worse.
He was currently wandering around L'Manburg, or L'Manhole since it had been destroyed by Phil, Dream and Techno. His armour and sword clanking against eachother as he walked.
He wondered how he could've prevented something like this, although he knew there was nothing he could've done to stop it. But even if he did do something, what was there to stop? There was a small chance he would've been able to stop the explosion but since the destruction of the nation was inevitable, why should he even try? It was probably only going to be delayed at the least since Techno was fixated on destroying the already falling apart country for the government the citizens of L'Manburg had created.
Ranboo wondered how the country was even able to stay standing considering the amount of death and destruction it had been through in previous 'eras' if you could even call them that.
The country had been through multiple wars and the land had been destroyed multiple times but L'Manburg had somehow still prevailed up until that point, to the point of where there was nothing left to protect.
Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity and so many others refused to let go of the battered and bruised nation despite how much it had been through, that was probably one of the many reasons why the nation had not fallen so earlier on, because no one refused to let it fall, constantly having the weight of the country on all of their shoulders and continuing to repair the walls and supports of the nation in desperate attempts at keeping it standing, to only have it fall to the hands of the two who were always in control.
And even if there was nothing to repair or stop, there was bound to be future conflicts anyway. Why would they fight? Even if they did want to retaliate to the conflict, what would they get from it? An even more destroyed and broken nation? Something to live for? Nope, just more stress and broken friendships.
And when everything was destroyed, that's what broke the fighting spirits raging in every L'Manburgian's heart. Everything they had been fighting for was destroyed, the Drug van, the L'mantree, everything they had held dear, apart from Jack manifolds residence that still stood but that's the only thing that stood standing unharmed as well as pokimanes statue.
As the teen let his thoughts wander, he slowly started circling the edge of the large crater, peering down into the depths of the hole. His heterochromic eyes scanning the edges of the deep crater, investigating the destruction of the nation, finding bits and pieces of the hole unsettled. Someone had been here recently.
This caught the boys attention, causing him to look closer into the pit, following the unsettled dust until his eyes landed on two figures at the bottom, blood vines surrounding the two.
The teen looked closer, his eyes widening as realisation set in on who was down there. Techno and Bad were down there.
The boy tried straining his ears, hoping to listen in on the conversation they were having as he could hear faint echoes bounce up and into the surrounding area.
As he listened, he picked up small words like, 'join, safe, want, refuse, death.' Ranboo was a little confused on what the two were talking about until Ranboo saw the predicament that Techno was in. The piglin hybrid layed on the floor, blood vines twisted around his joints while his armour and sword layed around him, covered in blood with a few blood vines resting limply on a few pieces of armour, keeping him in place while Bad loomed over him, sword drawn.
The enderman hybrid watched as Bad slowly walked forward towards the injured hybrid, his sword slowly being lifted into the air until the hunter stood infront of the blood god, sword raised high into the air, both of the demons hands resting firmly on the handle; pure horror slowly starting to etch it's way onto the trapped warriors face.
At that moment, it felt like something snapped inside the teen, as if his patience had finally reached its limits, seeing the person he looked up to who rarely ever showed any sort of emotion, looking up in fear at the person he once considered a neutral ally.
Anger started to swell up in the tall boys chest, an angered look creeping onto his face, his hand resting on his sword handle. Before Ranboo even knew what was happening, he jumped down into the large crater, water mlg-ing before he started racing towards the pair, his sword now drawn and adrenaline starting to pump throughout his body, a new found strength starting to sprout in his being causing the teen to run faster.
Right as Bad was about to strike the last blow, the blood gods head held down in defeat; a loud clank echoed around the deep pit, causing Techno to snap his head up. His eyes widened as he immediately recognised who stood infront of him.
Ranboo stood between the pair, his eyes squinting at the the skilled hunter infront of him in anger, his left hand on his sword handle while the other rested on the flat side of his blade, stopping Bads sword from striking the injured piglin hybrid behind him.
Ranboos eyes squinted more, his eyes glazing over in a light purple. The teen unconsciously baring his sharp teeth, letting out a low growl before pushing the stunned hunter away from him, providing him with the time to get into a fighting stance, his tail flicking behind him showing that the teen was thoroughly displeased.
Bad stumbled back slight, quickly regaining his composure before staring at the teen for a moment. How did he get here? Wasn't he not here a few moments ago? Questions swirled around in the hunters head, seemingly making the already pissed enderman hybrid even angrier.
Without thinking, Ranboo lunged at the dazed demon hybrid, slashing his sword aggressively at the man. Bad snapped out of his dazed state and quickly side-stepped the blade, narrowly missing a sword to his chest.
The cloaked man, took his sword and swung it back at the boy, quickly being blocked by the teen before the teen retaliated with his own attack. This continued for a couple of minutes, the two clashing their swords together and when Bad got too close, Ranboo would push him back and get more aggressive with his attacks.
Finally, Ranboo had enough with the continued swords play, knowing that the two were both equally as skilled and knew that this fight would continue until the other backed down which the teen knew wouldn't happen. He decided to take a risk and prayed that this would work, he hasn't worked on this move too much but knew it was the only way to stop the fight from raging on.
The teen looked for an opening, bidding his time as he carefully searched the hunter for any sort of hesitance. It didn't take long for the older man to forget to cover his tiredness, giving the teen the chance he needed.
Ranboo rushed at the slightly swaying man, running at him before jumping and pushing against the mans chest, one of his feet hitting the mans hand that was holding his sword, making the man let go of his blade, allowing it to fly away with the teen. The boy swiftly landed on the ground, the mans sword falling into the tall hybrids hand. Ranboo sighed, relieved his plan had worked before directing his attention back to the now unarmed man.
The boy slowly stalked towards the demon hybrid, his tail flicking behind him, anger clearly resonating from the boy, the feeling only growing stronger the closer he got to the man. When he was in reach, his tail came around the teen and tripped up the hunter, said hunter falling to the ground with a loud thud.
Ranboo raised the demon hybrids sword up in the air before plunging the tip of the blade into the ground, allowing the teen to lean over the cowering man, a menacing aura encasing the boy.
"Listen here Bad, I don't know what you were doing but I certainly don't like it. Techno has no reason to join your egg cult if that's what you were trying to do, he has been through enough and shouldn't be forced into anything by the likes of you. This is your only warning, leave Techno alone or you'll be facing me." Ranboo threatened, his tall figure looming eerily over the possessed man, a new type of malice slowly creeping into the boys voice, seemingly paralyzing them underneath him.
Ranboo slowly got up and moved away from the demon hybrid, shieving his sword as be did so. This allowed the scared man to get up and run, taking his sword with him as he went.
The teen sighed lightly, listening to the intense pitter-patter of feet get quieter the farther the man ran away. The boy walked towards the trapped armour of the still trapped warrior, freeing them with his sharp nails before picking them up and putting them away. This continued for all of Technos armour and sword, his angry demeanor slowly dissipating until nothing was left of his once angered state, his face turning to one of someone who is calm.
Ranboo started walking towards the trapped man, whipping his communicator out and quickly sending the a certain nirf hybrid a text to come there with bandages and health potions before walking up to the injured man, drawing his sword and swiftly cutting the man free of the blood vines, helping the man sit up once he finished, his tail resting beside him in worry.
Within minutes, Phil arrived with a bag full of bandages and his arms carrying as many healing potions as he could. And when the older hybrid spotted the injured warrior, he immediately got to work with starting to patch up the man with help from Ranboo. The teen helped the piglin hybrid drink the healing potions, holding the bottle so the man could conserve his strength.
Pretty soon, the two had done all they could to help heal the blood god at that moment, all they could really do was bring Techno home and let him rest for the next couple days. And that's what they did.
Ranboo had the pink haired man on his back with the winged man leading the boy on and creating a pathway so it was easier to get home. It took a while but with the assistance of Phil and pure determination, they managed to get home without many accidents.
As soon as the boy entered through the oh so familier doors of Technos cozy cottage, he immediately rushed to Technos bed, gently putting the now unconscious hybrid in his bed and covered him with his sheets, his eyes trailing up and down the piglin hybrids injured features; his tail and ears down in worry as his eyes stared longingly at the sleeping man.
Phil caught sight of the teens worried look, slowly walking up and placing a comforting hand on the teens shoulder, causing the boy to look at the winged man who held a reassuring smile on his lips.
"Don't worry mate, Techno will be fine. This isn't the worst thing hes been through and it certainly wont be the last." Phil uttered, his smile slowly growing larger at the stupid things that the blood god had done to get himself hurt.
Ranboo sighed, "I know. I just can't help but feel worried, ya know?" Ranboo explained, his eyes turning back to the pink haired man.
"I understand, he'll be better in no time, I can promise you that. Nothing keeps him down for long." Phil reassured, the hand that once on the teens shoulder now limp at his side.
The two stood next to the mans bed for a bit before the both of them silently agreeing to turn in for the night, for the sake of both them and the injured warrior. Ranboo still felt anxious though and decided to sleep next to Techno that night, hoping to ease his worries, and surprisingly, it did.
For the next couple days, the enderman hybrid refused to leave the mans side, regardless of how healthy the man was. He felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him whenever he stayed away from the man for too long and was always by his side whoever he felt like he needed to.
Ranboo was also a lot more generous and helpful as well, insisting on doing things for both Techno and Phil whenever he got the chance to. He would farm potatoes, feed the dogs, he helped with Phil's extension, everything that the teen was able to help with, he did it.
When Ranboo deemed the piglin hybrid as safe and healthy, he left the man alone, letting the warrior do his thing. He did, however, keep an eye on Techno when he could because he was still a little bit on edge from the incident, but other than that, nothing else happened and the enderman hybrid eventually forgot the incident, although bits and pieces still remained in his head but he ignored that, opting to just continue his day with not worrying about anything; letting everything go back to normal.
2272 words
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