A happy family (part 2)
(Slight gore warning)
It had been a few weeks since they had met up and things were going,
ok-ish if you counted the war that was currently happening.
Back track a few weeks ago to when Dream and Ranboo were hanging out, they both thought everything was fine, that was until they were caught.
The two had just been chilling with eachother, laughing and talking and punching eachother, everything was fine until they got caught by Tubbo. The amount of emotion that flashed across the short boys face broke the tall teen as tears had started to run down both of their faces like the river Nile.
Ranboo had tried desperately to explain what he was doing with Dream but before he even managed to get a word out, Tubbo had declared war on the two, soon speeding off; leaving the enderman hybrid in tears, his heart breaking at the sight of his beloved running off and the thought of never seeing Michael or his now assumed divorced husband smile.
That night, Ranboo had cried probably the most tears he had ever let fall and it hurt, both physically and mentally.
Dream had stayed by the teen ever since those disastrous words were spoke, trying to comfort the boy in any way he could. He didn't want to lose anyone else, not again, he wouldn't be able to, especially since Ranboo understood him. He was like family.
But that was in the past. Fast forward to the present and the two were back-to-back with eachother, swords drawn with blood splattered on the two and looks of determination glazed firmly on their faces.
They protected eachother, keeping different Dream Smp members away from them. In a constant cycle of battle and blood shed. They both refused to leave each others side, no matter what the cost.
They fought furiously, slicing through animals and friends, anguish flashing across the duos faces whenever they heard TNT go off or a yell of pain from their former friends and/or allies.
It hurt, so much. They wanted to stop all of this but no one bothered to listen to their desperate pleas of explanation, instead, slashing at the duo harder and faster; cutting off their sentences as they pushed onward.
Chaos rang out across the battle field as the fight raged on, rain falling like meteors from the sky as the Dream Smp members fought. Clanking and screams ringing constantly in all of their ears.
Somewhere in the battle, someone had spawned a wither nearby Dream and Ranboo, causing the two to be blown away from eachother as soon as the wither had spawned completely.
Ranboo landed face first on some mud, immediately pushing himself off the ground as he stared across the destruction the wither had started to cause. He thought of helping kill the wither, but he knew that wasn't an option as he would most likely be slain right after it so he didn't bother wasting his energy on trying to help slay the monstrous beast. Instead, opting to find his one true ally in this mess of a war.
He pushed through the members of the smp, shouting Dream's name in a desperate attempt at trying to locate his lost friend, hoping, praying for any kind of response.
The teen didn't wish for any of this to happen, he didn't wish for more blood to be bled. He wished for peace and prosperity among all the members, not war and death.
The shrieks of the wither projected itself across the destroyed land, striking fear into everyone that heard it, including the boy.
He pushed forward however, wanting to get away from the sound but it seemed to only grow louder, sending the teen into a panic. The tall boy hoped that it was just a figment of his imagination but his thoughts got cut off when air whipped past him, the withers skeletal frame flying over head; petrifying the boy to his spot.
The hybrid watched as it shot its disaster prone skulls down onto the battle field, sending his ex-friends flying a few feet in the air before landing back down on the dead ground, sickening cracks racking through the musty air, screams swiftly following. All of this soon being deafened to the lightning strikes that rung through the air.
He looked away from the now bloody sight, focusing back on his mission, trudging through the thick mud, slashing his blood covered sword at anyone that stood in his way. The teen winced at every hit he landed on someone, his head screaming at him for doing such things.
The enderman hybrid didn't like to fight so in hindsight, this was the boys worst nightmare. He had always tried to stray away from violence but he knew that he couldn't stay away from it forever, so he wasn't at all surprised when he learned he would have to fight, he just didn't know he would have to fight so soon.
As the teen climbed over a small hill, he managed to make out the tired grunting of his ally, soon spotting him in the thick mist on top of a pile of bodies, fighting his way down the miniature mountain.
Ranboo could tell that Dream was tired, his attacks were sloppy and he was barely avoiding the attacks aimed at him. Blood was tainted on his enchanted netherite armour and he could see blood ooze from underneath his purple plated armour.
Speaking of armour, Dream's and his own looked like they were on the brink of breaking, they were chipped and they were bound to be beyond repair after this fight was over and Ranboo was starting to grow concerned at the amount of times he and Dream would be able to take hits until their armour ultimately broke.
The teen yelled to his friend, his pace picking up as he walked closer to the warrior. He stumbled up the uneven pile of bodies, using his sword to cut the legs of the people that stood in his way.
The boy was just within reach of his masked friend when the wither came up behind his green hooded ally. Ranboo shouted out Dreams name, quickly moving to use his body as a shield to block the blast, saving Dream but ultimately wounding him.
Time moved slowly as he got struck with the withered skulls, Dream screaming his name as he fell limp next to his one true friend in this forsaken land.
The hooded warriors eyes filled with fury as he turned to the beast, striking it down with his sword, getting a nether star from its remains. All his rage dissipating into nothingness as he turned to face his now slowly dying friend.
He sat down beside the withered hybrid, pulling the teen into his lap as he pulled up the boys inventory. Dream stared in shock and sadness. The boys hearts were slowly depleting, getting closer and closer to the end of its bar.
Dream pulled up his inventory in desperate hope of finding any sort of health or regeneration potions but found nothing in his shell of an inventory.
He looked solemnly at the dying teen, looking into the boys half-lidded eyes as he slowly started to turn to dust. The man pulled the teen into a tight hug, the boy hugging back as well as tears slowly fell from both of their eyes, steam slowly rising around them
They stayed like that, the tears falling faster the more of the boys body became dust. Dream watched as his last true friend disappear into nothing, his remains flying out onto the now silent battle field.
All was silent for the first time in months, but not the good silence. It was hung heavily on sadness and despair as he looked across the wave of bodies, the survivors turning to look at eachother as sorrow, relief and realisation washed over them.
They all turned away from the death and destruction, the weather brightening up as they stumbled further away from the blood shed.
However, Dream remained sat in that spot for a while, reflecting on all the good times he shared with the teen and all the words he wished he said now all hope gone as he stared at the teens remains, that being dust and the shell of armour and the tall boys crown.
He got up and turned away from the place of his friends death with Ranboos crown held delicately in his hands before hobbling away from the dead land.
After all of this however, he only has one regret.......
Not getting the chance to say sorry and I love you....
1453 words
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