A happy family
A happy family, that's what Ranboo wanted. That's what Dream wanted, a happy family. They both had a common goal so why were they even fighting against one another? It was probably because they didn't know what the other wanted so they continued to fight. But not this time.
Thoughts whizzed in and out of their heads as the two sat beside eachother, gazing longingly across the moon lit sky, a comfortable silence hanging over the two individuals.
This was a rare occasion for the both of them, sitting together, not fighting or at eachothers throats physically or metaphorically, it felt......nice in a way, to just not be fighting for once. The two didn't talk, not wanting to ruin the comfortable silence.
They gazed across the sky, colours of blue, pink, purple and white splattered across the large canvas, a masterpiece made inbetween the chaos of the small splodges in the sky, the moon casting a blinding light down on the sleeping land, its light dancing with the tree leaves and water like a dance rehearsed until every step is done naturally like how the wind gently blew across the grass or how someone breaths in the night air.
It was a refreshing change for the two, to just settle down for a bit, even if it was just for a moment. The pair had constantly been fighting for something, either being blinded by power or the thought of doing something for a friend. But that didn't matter at that moment. The only thing that mattered was how the two were comfortable with eachother, despite the conflicts the two had held ever since the enderman hybrid joined the smp.
It was a good change in pace, at least Ranboo thought that.
Dream slowly turned to face Ranboo, his mask getting illuminated by the bright light the moon emitted, making it look like his mask was glowing in the dark night.
"Ranboo?" Dream muttered, his mask staring at the teen with its blank stare.
"...Yes?" Ranboo replied hesitantly, his head turning to face the skilled man, his tail coming to rest anxiously at the teens side, the tail tense with anxiety.
"Why have you been doing all this? What's your goal?" Dream asked, his voice laced with curiosity and wonder.
"Well... um- I've just wanted everyone to get along really. No fights, no deaths, no worries. Sorta like a big happy family, ya know?" Ranboo explained, his eyes turning to look up at the sky, his eyes holding hidden emotion that he didn't want the man to see in fear of it being used against him.
Dream stayed silent.
"Ya, like a happy family...." Dream mumbled quietly, following the gaze of the tall teen, thoughts slowly starting to swirl in his head.
Dream, despite not showing it, he was a little shocked at the answer he had gotten from the boy. Because that's what he wanted, everyone to get along and be happy. He didn't know how to express how he felt the same way without sounding like he was, I guess the only way he could put it was bitter.
You see, he hadn't ever had a proper family to call his own so he held his friends close to him and considered them all family. But now with all the conflicts that's been going on, hes losing all the ties he had to people. He tries not to let it show but it hurts, a lot, so it feels nice to just be in the presence of another being that isn't cowering in fear at the meer sight of him. He felt pity on the people that were scared of him and he hated it. Wasn't he suppose to be cold and ruthless?
"That's what I want as well...." Ranboo looked towards the man curiously, his tail flicking at his side in curiosity.
Dream continued. "That's what I've wanted ever since L'Manberg was formed. The only thing I didn't agree with was their drug use. That's the one thing I didn't want them to use but they refused all the chances they were given to stop, that's why I went to war with them, because they refused to listen. They forced my hand" Dream explained, his mask hiding the flashes of emotions that crossed his face with each word that flew from his mouth, his voice remaining monotone throughout his little explanation.
Ranboo sat staring at the man in stunned silence. What was he hearing? Whatever he was hearing, it felt important, subconsciously, he quickly flicked open his memory book and jotted down what he was told before putting his book away, looking back at the skilled man.
He wondered, what urged the man to tell him this? Was it because he wanted to get it out? Was it because he wanted someone to know his perspective on everything? The boy did not know, but just decided to stay silent as his response would most likely be a jumbled mess of words, either that or he would press and possibly trigger the hunter.
The teen decided not to question Dream on the matter, despite his growing curiousity telling him to pry at the subject.
The two sat in silence for a while, the pair unsure if either of them should take the plunge and try and talk to the other.
Soon, the silence became deafening, causing the enderman hybrid to take in a breath, fighting the urge to ask the warrior beside him by what he meant by, 'they forced his hand,' his curiousity had started to gnaw at him, pushing the hybrid to want to ask the man even more.
He eventually couldn't stop his curious mind and asked, holding his breath after his question, a habit he had picked up when he was anxious.
Dream just sighed at the question and mumbled something about it, 'meaning to be vague' and that's all the answer Ranboo got. He was a bit disappointed with the answer he received but knew he wasn't going to get anywhere if he continued asking, so he backed off the subject and just started asking Dream random questions like his favourite place on the smp, what he usually did in his free time, you know, the basics.
The both got so into the random subjects they were talking about that they didn't realise that they gradually got closer to eachother until they were leaning against eachother.
And what the pair didn't notice was the bond they had started to create with one another. They both trusted eachother greatly by the time the sun had started to rise, the sun's colours projecting through the sky.
I guess you could say they saw eachother as family, because they did without even realizing. The two trusted eachother so much that they started to ramble about a few personal things, only increasing the trust they held for eachother.
The two men knew they had to stop talking at some point but they didn't want to, everything felt right for the first time in years, at least for Dream it felt like that. It felt nice to lean on someone for once, lowering his walls and letting someone in was new, a good kind of new, he was sure of it.
The pair eventually stopped talking, but instead started to discuss when they would meet there again because they both enjoyed eachothers company and wished to talk again as soon as possible. They both agreed to meet at that place at the end of that day, something the two were a little bummed about but it was better than nothing.
The two stood up and bid eachother farewell before walking back to their houses, fatigue slowly started to make it's way into their steps as the reality of sleep made itself present.
That day, the two slept soundly, smiles stretched across both of their faces as they remained in deep slumber, happy to finally have someone to lean on.
1330 words
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