I don't know why, but lately, I've just been angry at everything. Can't explain it, maybe it's old age setting in, who knows. The point is I want to just look at people and go, "Are you really this stupid?" (or in the case of the internet, type it)
It might seem weird, but I honestly think people are getting dumber as the years pass. Also, more inconsiderate and rude.
Please tell me how kids who grew up with computers don't know how to send an email? It isn't hard, seriously most things are done through email or online nowadays. Why can't they figure out how to post a link to something either? I grew up with no computers, no cell phones, or any of the electronic gizmos y'all have now. We didn't see computers until I was in middle school and our excitement was playing Oregon Trail once a week in the computer lab. There were no graphics, it was word prompts on a screen, it was basically a choose your own adventure book. No one really had a home computer. And if you did, there was no wireless internet, it was dial-up. Plug the phone in and dial into the internet. Which meant your phone line was tied up while you were using the computer. Cell phone? HAHAHA! I had a pager in high school. I didn't get a cell phone until I was an adult. Y'all do not have it rough. Everyone whines so much about things it makes me twitch. Try having to go to the library to do research for a school paper. We couldn't just google things in my day.
How hard is it to hold a door open if you see someone coming or say thank you if someone holds the door open for you? Or stops so you can cross the street? People blindly pull out in front of you and then give you drity looks or flip you off if you honk. Pardon me but I did have the right of way and you pulled out in front of me and nearly caused an accident, I think I have a right to be pissy. I drive for Uber eats and I've lost track of how many times I've almost died because people think they're the only car that matters on the road and just pull out without stopping to check for traffic.
No one thinks rules apply to them anymore. I hate this whole COVID mask thing and I'll whine like crazy when I have the stupid thing on because I'm asthmatic and I have a near panick attack that I can't breathe with the damn thing on, but I wear it because it's been mandated by our Govenor. It's also required by Uber, so if I want to work I must wear it. It sucks, but it's a rule I must follow, even if I'm whiny about it. I mean come on, I live in Vegas it's 110 or more here in the summer, all my face does is sweat with the mask on and I'm trying to suck air like a fish out of water. But rules are rules, no matter where they are. On websites, in stores, at your job, on the street. Just follow the damn rules. We have become a world of bitchy Karens who think the rules don't apply to them and the world is out to get them.
No one can say anything about a damn thing or someone gets offended and suddenly you're attacked, bullied and forced into silence. This is why no one speaks up about anything if they see wrong doing going on. We are nothing but countries filled with fearmongers, we force silence by frightening people into beliving their opinion isn't the correct one.
Entitled folks piss me off the most. You are entitled to the life you've been given, it is up to you to make that life what you want. You are not entitled to a damn thing beyond that. Kids think they should get everything. And there are parents who hand it over willingly. I know a woman whose kids get whatever they want, all the time, any time. Her full grown son still lives with her because she does eveyrthing for him and buys him whatever he wants (then she whines on facebook about how she has no money, but sees no connection between her behavior and the lack of cash) her thirteen year old threw a tantrum and smashed his laptop. She bought him a new one. My kid would get nothing. She would have to save up and buy her own laptop if she did that. That child learned no lesson and will continue to expect everything to be handed to him. A lot of kids these days do not understand the value of money because they don't have to work for a damn thing. My ex sat our daughter down one day and handed her some fake money and went, "This is your pay from your job." She thought that was cool and it was a lot of money, until he said, "You need this much for food, rent, electric, water, gas, car payment, insurance, and maybe a little for shopping or going out." There was very little left and she was sad, but she learned that life costs money. A lot of money. Not many kids learn that and it's a shame. In middle school we had an entire semester class where we learned how to balance a check book and pay bills. They should still do that. Hell, they should still have cooking and sewing classes, but of course they don't. My daughter's friends think it's totally amazing she knows how to sew.
Everyone wants their rights considered, wants their group to be recognized or whatever, but while you're pursuing that, take a little time to consider those around you. You aren't the only one living on this planet, we're all here together and we have to get along. Have a little consieration for everyone else and maybe, just maybe, everyone else will do the same. I'm not holding my breathe, but I hope it can happen at some point before I die.
Right, I'll just go sit in my rocking chair and knit or something now ... ha, who am I kidding, I'm gonna go play games on my phone. lol
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