Sirk's story pt.3
"oh euck, you spat it all out on the floor...." sirk shivers at the sight they'll have to clean
"oops- well uh.. continue?...
back with the story
"this is such a mess! ugh, Sirkellious, why'd you agree?!" lisa snapped.
"please, don't call me that..." sirk responded, crossing their arms in guilt.
"lisa! be careful with the child! they are only sixteen! they have no full control over their own choices!" nancy snapped back at lisa.
"and don't call them by their real name, you know what memories that triggers."
"oh shut it, nancy."
"go to your room sirk, let the adults handle this."
"y-yes, aunt nancy.."
sirk turns their back, going to their room and slamming their door shut.
"... its late. I should head back to bed."
they said, as they descended to their bed.
"what happened the day after?" orien asked.
"well, not really by surprise-"
I was woken up by uncle neal, it was quite early, the sun barely rose.
"howdy kiddo, how are ya?"
"..uncle, its.. 4 am in the morning.. shouldn't you still be asleep?.."
"eh, my farm, my rules kid. git' up!"
i was then dragged by neal to the garden, there were odd looking plants.
"uncle... aren't these septunathesyths?... they're only used for fending away krorou and for healing, why plant them here?.."
neal turned to them and said "oh, these pretty things? just for the fun of it, ya know?? they're bright n all."
"what are septunethasiyah or whatever it was called again?"
"do you really have to interrupt every bit of my story?"
sirk groans "whatever."
"septunathesyths are plants made for two different purposes. for healing wounds fast, and fending off a so called creature called the krorou."
"oh yeah, ive heard of the krorou. i gotta say, how does it work against such a hostile creature?"
"well, during night, a time a krorou often lurks, the plant puffs clouds of a liquid they have stored in them, it creates a delicate scent that often can put someone to sleep, considering the krorou's sense of smell is very sensitive, it'll try to go far from it, unless it wants to pass out of course."
"what about the healing part?"
"its similar to a cabbage, you tear it apart, and turn it into soup, feed it and there you go, you should be healed under 20 minutes."
"that fast?" "yeah."
"now can you FINALLY let me finish??"
"right, sorry.."
with margareth's perspective:
she was roaming around the corridors, looking for a horrid stench that has been irritating her nose since she got back.
she enters the storage room, she hears faint mutters, of which is in sirk's voice
"sirk, dear? is that you? it reeks of rotten rat here, are yo-" her breath hitches in her throat as she realized that..
there is no rat.
"m-mother, no,no no, it was a mistake!" they ran to her, their bloodied hands soaking her sleeves.
"i-i didnt do this, mother, please, believe m-"
"shh.. shh, its okay, i know.. i know you didn't, sweetie.. its gonna be okay.. i wont let them find you."
chapter 6 end :D
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