Movie Night
(in josh and kyoto's apartment)
(10:00 am)
(the boys were eating breakfast)
Kyoto=so what movie are we seeing.
Kyoto=aww but thats a kids movie.
Josh=we have two toddlers options are limited.
Hiyotomi=wan see movie.
Sarutobi=me wan see movie to.
Kyoto=fine so whats our plan.
Josh=well we get some dinner before the movie at about 7:00 pm then at 7:30 we can hit the arcade and at 8:20 we can catch the movie.
Kyoto=wow its like you wrote all of this on a planner.
Josh=whaat noo hey whats that.
(josh threw his planner in the trash)
Kyoto=anyway what do we do till then.
Josh=(sniff sniff)ew.
Hiyotomi=heh heh daddy change me an saru daipy!
Sarutobi=change our daipy!!
(then the two kids started to climbed up to their new fathers)
Kyoto=eww don't climbed on me josh change them.
Josh=we both change them I get hiyotomi and you get sarutobi.
Kyoto=dang it I hate diapers.
(in the living room)
(the two guys put the toddlers on the floor and took their pajamas off leaving them in their dirty diapers)
Josh=(sighs)alright lets get this over with.
Kyoto=dang it whoever invented diapers should get punched.
(after the twins diapers were changed kyoto and josh dressed the two kids in to black overalls with red and blue shirts with black shoes with blue and red highlights hiyotomi is the one with the blue and sarutobi with the red)
Josh=see not that hard.
Kyoto=now time for me to get dressed.
(kyoto wears dark jeans with a black and purple plaid shirt with a chain on his jeans and black vans josh wears dark jeans with white tennis shoes with a white dress shirt with a red tie with his dress shirt sleeves rolled up with a dark blue sweater vest)
Kyoto=now we are dressed.....What time is it?
Josh=1:30 pm.
Kyoto=hmm I got an idea lets play super smash bros.Brawl it has a four player story mode...We can invite jane early.
(josh hooked up their alien ware console up in mere seconds and kyoto asked the girls to come early)
(one hour later)
(knock knock)
Kyoto=thats them.
(kyoto opens the door and the girls were there jane was wearing wearing a skirt with black capri pants and a sweater with red sleeves and white torso that only went down to her elbows while her friend jaycee had a red shirt with mickey mouse on it blue skinny jeans with a rip on the knee she has red hair fair skin and red eyes)
Josh=hey jane.
Jane=hi josh.
Jaycee=you still look like a black veil bride reject.
Kyoto=and you still look like the nasty birth child of miley cyrus and robin thicke
(a pink energy wall came between the two enemies)
Jane=no fighting.
Jane=hey there hiyotomi did you sleep well.
Hiyotomi=m mommy.
Josh=no she is not.
Jane=yes I can be your mommy.
Jaycee=aww he is so cute.
Kyoto=where is your brother at.
Hiyotomi=saru pway sounds.
Kyoto=sounds hmm.
(kyoto walks to the twins room and he saw sarutobi listening to his alternative rock music playlist on his galaxy s5 phone)
Kyoto=hey little guy.
Kyoto=you are a cool kid.
Sarutobi=me wike dis daddy.
Kyoto=you can keep on litsening to my music c'mon.
(in the living room)
Kyoto=he likes rock music just like me.
Josh=don't have it to loud baby ears are sensitive.
Kyoto=I know.
Jaycee=aww they're twins.
(kyoto laid sarutobi on the couch the toddler yawned and just laid there)
Kyoto=he must be still tired.
Josh=I am going to put you back to bed.
Hiyotomi=wan be hewe wif ou daddy.
(josh sat on the couch and he layed hiyotomi on him)
Jane=aww you two are so good to them.
Josh=oh you know.
Kyoto=lets get this game started!!/
(the game started and the young adults picked their characters josh picked ike jane picked sonic jaycee picked sheik and kyoto picked snake)
Josh=now last time we played we were at .. Subspace everybody ready.
Jaycee=I am.
Kyoto=me to.
(in the game)
(the fighters spawned in)
(ike grabs a laser gun and shoots a tow tow which angers it and it comes charging towards him but ike slips which leaves him open for a attack but sonic does his homing attack and hit tow tow and he does a metor smash and k.O the enemy)
Josh=thanks jane.
Jane=no problem.
(in the game)
As the group continued on they went into a room and came across the subspace armory there was laser swords and ray guns galore bombs etc)
Kyoto=lets grab some weapons for our inventory.
(and so they did)
After they left the room snake bumped into shiek.
Jaycee=watch it!!
Kyoto=you bumped into me!!
Then snake and sheik start fighting they used their weapons and they kept on fighting till their percenfage got to 999 so that is when sonic and ike got thier smart bombs and threw them at snake and shiek after the explosion the two were sent flying)
Kyoto=the crap!!!
Josh=we warned you.
(two hours later)
Hiyotomi=mmm daddy.
Josh=oh hey you're awake.
Hiyotomi=me hungwy.
Josh=alright lets get you some lunch.
Kyoto=hey kid.
(kyoto took his headphones out of sarutobi's ear's)
Sarutobi=me hungwy.
Kyoto=well why don't we all grab lunch.
(at a burger king)
(they all made their orders)
(the twins were in the play area).
Jane=I cannot wait to see frozen I heared it was real game changing movie.
Jaycee=yeah I can't wait.
Order number 8!!
Josh=thats us.
Kyoto=I'll get the kids.
(after josh got the food kyoto came with the twins and put them in two high chairs and gave them their food)
Josh=we got them eating alright lets dig in.
Kyoto=so I saving up for a wii u and 3ds now.
Jane=why how come?
Jaycee=those childish little things.
Kyoto=shut up jaycee.
Jaycee=make me man baby.
(kyoto turned his hand into a sword)
Kyoto=that can be aranged.
(jaycee emits a fire ball from her hand)
Kyoto=you wanna try.
Josh=umm hey jane I finished my food.
Jane=me to you wanna.
Josh=go yeah.
(before the two enemies can fight some froze both of their hands)
Kyoto=what the!!
Josh=who did that was it you.
Josh=no so it can only be.
(the young adults looked at the two toddler who has ice smoke coming from their mouths)
Hiyotomi=no fight bad.
Sarutobi=no do dat.
Josh=wow well how about that huh.
(jaycee and kyoto broke the ice off their hands)
Josh=when did you two learn to do that.
Jane=well we learn something new everyday.
(in the movies)
(josh paid for the ticket and they went into their movie)
Jane=its starting.
(after some minutes they made it to the let it go song)
Jane=this song is amazing.
Kyoto=are you humming this song.
Josh=its catchy.
Hiyotomi=heh heh.
Sarutobi=me wike dis movie.
Josh=they like it.
(hiyotomi got up from his seat and tugs on josh shirt)
Josh=yeah hiyotomi.
Josh=well then lets go.
Kyoto=I got him.
Josh=well here is their diaper bag and put the cream on him)
(kyoto got hiyotomi and left in a flash)
(in the bathroom)
Kyoto=god I hate that movie its to kid friendly.
Hiyotomi=me wike id.
Kyoto=of course you do...Man it smells in here.
Hiyotomi=daddy daipy.
Kyoto=dang it should have let josh do it.
(after he changed hiyotomi kyoto went back into his theater)
(after the movie)
Jane=that was great love the ending.
Jaycee=it was a twist.
Josh=well...You wanna grab some ice cream.
Jane=that sounds wonderful.
(in the ice cream shop)
Josh=umm I will take one chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone.
Jane=same here.
Kyoto=I will take the root beer float.
Jaycee=I will have the napoleon ice cream in a funnel cone.
Josh=what do you two want?
Twins=chcowite chcowite!!
Josh=and one medium size sundae.
(each person got their ice cream and they sat down at a table)
Jane=mmm this is delicious.
Josh=so good.
Kyoto=friggin love ice cream.
Jaycee=its awesome.
(the twins were pratically coated in they're ice cream they were a chocolatey mess they tried using the spoons but it did not work out so they used they're hands)
Josh=uh oh.
Jane=I can feed them.
(josh got some paper towels and wipe the twins he and kyoto can give them a bath later after they were some what clean jane started to feed them they're ice cream)
Sarutobi=me wike ishe cweam.
Hiyotomi=me to.
Jane=thats good.
(after that they all went home the twins had a bath and they were off to bed)
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