Doctor Vist
(8:20 am)
(the earth started to rumble)
Kyoto=the crap!!!
Josh=the heck is that!!!!
(read baby saskue to understand what's happening)
(the earthquake stopped)
Josh=oh man.
Josh=I'll get the kids.
(20 minutes later)
(in the living room)
Reporter=the earthquake came out of no where as the source is unknown the tectonic plates seem to be intact so this earthquake was caused by a outside source but on the bright side nobody has died no report of injury and no structure damage so its all good now to john adams with sports.
Josh=well that is a little weird but its all good I guess.
Kyoto=great now cook some food.
Josh=are you forgetting something.
Josh=we are going to the hospital.
Josh=for the kids.
Kyoto=oh yeah right well lets get dressed.
(after kyoto and josh got dressed)
Kyoto=what about these two?
Josh=put them in ther onsies so it will be much easier to undress them at the doctors.
(kyoto shook both of the boys a little and then they both started crying hard then they both started to hack and cough uncontrollably and their nose's started running)
Kyoto=they don't look to hot.
Josh=where are the thermometer's?
Kyoto=bathroom cabnet.
Josh=alright go get them dressed real quick.
(once josh got the thermometer and kyoto dressed the boys into their onsies romp he buttoned the snaps on each of them hiyotomi has the blue one while sarutobi has the red one after that josh came back with the thermometer's stopped and wondered for a moment)
Josh=is there a certain way we have to do this?
Kyoto=maybe...To the internet.
(once kyoto searched up how to take a toddlers temperature they stopped on a article and they were shocked at what it read)
Kyoto=so we are supposed to shove it up they're.
Kyoto=this does not feel right.
Josh=yeah but we have to.
Josh=well let's get this done.
Kyoto=uh yeah.
(so kyoto undid the snaps on each of the onsies and took off both of the twins diapers josh rubbed vaseline on the thermometer's and he gave one to kyoto)
Josh=uh alright then.
Hiyotomi=(sniff) (hick) daddy.
Josh=uhh hey umm we need to take your temperatures okay.
Hiyotomi=(cough cough)
Josh=okay then.
(so josh started to take hiyotomi temperature which only left the toddler crying.
Sarutobi=n no wan do dat.
Kyoto=sorry man but we need to take your temperatures.
(kyoto gave sarutobi his pacifier and started to take his temperature sarutobi whimpered for a little bit but he soon calmed down and sucked on his pacifier quietly minus the sniffling and the coughing josh soon gave hiyotomi his pacifier and hiyotomi stopped crying and sucked on his pacifier quietly to)
(beep beep)
Josh=alright it's done.
(josh took both of the thermometer and read the temperatures)
Josh=109.2 we need to go to the hospital now.
(at the sagachi memorial children hospital)
Receptionest=yes sir.
Josh=we two toddlers with a temperature of 109.2.
Receptionist=go to room 108.
(in the said room)
(the young adults laid the twins on the examination table)
Twins=(whimper)c cold.
Kyoto=I got ya.
(kyoto draped his hoodie jacket of the twins)
Josh=so hiyotimi how do you feel.
Kyoto=being sick sucks doesn't.
Sarutobi=uh huh sickies bad.
Hiyotimi=me wan juice.
Josh=yeah I got some orange juice it been said it improves your immunity system.
(josh filled the twins sippy cups with orange juice and gave it to them and the twins started to drink it)
Sarutobi=(cough cough)
Kyoto=whoa slow down.
(kyoto pats sarutobi's back)
(a man came in the room)
Dr.Hachi=good morning I am dr.Hachi and you must be the couple the receptionist told me about.
Kyoto=we're not gay!!!!!
Josh=calm down kyoto...No sir this is my room mate we are both in school.
Dr.Hachi=oh my bad anyways these two little kids are my patients.
Josh=yeah the kid with the glasses is hiyotomi and the one with the spikey hair is sarutobi.
Sarutobi=(cough cough)
Dr.Hachi=alright let's get a looksie then.
Kyoto=wait aren't you a bit young to be a fully pledge doctor.
Dr.Hachi=I am 23 years old I know what to do I ve been through harvard.
Dr.Hachi=yep alright you two say ahh.
Sarutobi=ahh(open's mouth)
Hiyotomi=ahh(open's mouth)
(dr.Hachi get's two tounge depressors and and he get's his little flash light and he presses down on hiyotomi's tounge and look's at the back of his throat)
Dr.Hachi=it is a little red.
Hiyotomi=mmmm id wike candy.
Dr.Hachi=these tounge depressors are flavored this one is cherry and the other is lemonade.
(dr.Hachi then proceeds to check the back of sarutobi's throat his was the same)
Sarutobi=mmmm id wike juice.
Dr.Hachi=alright the back of they're throats is a little red but some antibiotics will take care of that now you also mentioned that these two have major bruising and diaper rashes on the private area's.
Josh=yeah we adopted these kids and we think they're old parents did this to them.
Dr.Hachi=well let's see how bad it is soo uh would you mind.
Josh=oh yeah sure.
(josh and kyoto undid the snaps on the twins onsie and took off they're diapers to say the doctor was shocked at what he saw)
Dr.Hachi=uh w who could do such a thing to mere babies!!
Kyoto=we thought the same thing.
Dr.Hachi=well the bruising can heal on it's on but the diaper rash will require a shot so let me get those ready also I can prescribe some diaper rash cream that you can pick up at the front desk.
Josh=sounds good.
Dr.Hachi alright I will call for the shots then we wait.
(after he called in the shots he sat down in his chair and got out a 3ds and started playing super smash bros)
Kyoto=is that smash bros.
Dr.Hachi=yes it is why ask.
(kyoto pulls out his black 3ds and connects to the wi fi)
Kyoto=I challenge you.
Dr.Hachi=alright then.
(fifthteen battles later dr.Hachi was a undisputed champion)
Dr.Hachi=I win.
Twins=heh heh.
Nurse=dr.Hachi I brought the shots.
Dr.Hachi=perfect all right are yall ready.
Josh=alright hiyotomi this might hurt a little but it will help.
Sarutobi=bud me don won id huwt.
Kyoto=yall will be fine be good and me and josh will buy you guy's ice cream.
Twins=yeah yeah(cough cough)!!!!
(once the shots were given the twins started bawling but the were comforted by josh and kyoto which made them a bit better but then the shot wound closed up)
Kyoto=that's new.
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