17th (jeffmads)
A/N: creds to @TheGamingOtaku for giving me this idea
also kinda based on that one episode in season three of supernatural
Warning: I guess abuse idk I'll let y'all read it and decide if its really a tw or not
James' eyes fluttered open. He bolted up and was more confused than ever.
Aren't I dead?
James grabbed his phone and checked the date and time.
6:45 am
December 5th, 2018
James was very confused. He died. He was dead. So why had he gone back to the day before he died?
Was there something he needed to change?
And then he realized; Thomas was the reason he died.
James laid back down and texted Thomas. Since James had already lived through this day, he knew Thomas was awake.
James: Thomas?
Thomas: yes, jemmy?
James: don't drink today
Thomas: why?
James: just don't
James: please?
Thomas: ... Whatever
James sighed and turned his phone off, staring at the ceiling. He recalled the memories of his death.
James was sitting his bed, watching Netflix. He heard his front door open. James brushed it off, knowing it was just Thomas. He was used to this.
But he heard a frustrated groan. James' face contorted in confusion as he made his way downstairs.
He saw Thomas standing in the hall, a bat over his shoulder.
Thomas' face was slightly red and he looked drunk. James frowned.
"Have you been drinking?"
"Not at all, Jemmy James," his speech was slurred and he hiccupped after his sentence. Thomas raised the bat slowly, hitting James in the head with it, hard.
Thomas beat James until James had stopped breathing and everything had gone black.
And that's when James woke up.
Was it just a dream? Possibly.
Was it real? Also possible.
(Hotel? Trivago),,
All he knew was that he needed to change something.
And he believed that was Thomas.
That's why James had asked Thomas to not drink. Maybe that'll stop it. Thomas would do anything for his small boyfriend.
So, James filled his day with random activities.
But by the end of that day, he got shot. Before everything went black, however, James saw who had shot him.
A drunk Thomas.
James opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling.
What didn't he do?
James sighed and decided not to text Thomas this time.
But what happened?
James told Thomas not to drink.
The first time Thomas had drank by himself.
So maybe he did it in a group?
James refused to believe that Thomas wanted him dead. James rolled over and hesitantly fell into am uneasy sleep.
When he woke up, Thomas was calling him.
That had happened the first time he died.
"Yes?" James picked up the phone.
"Hi Jemmy. I'm going to be busy, so don't come over." Thomas rushed out. The first time, James was scared about what this meant, but now he understood.
"Can I keep you company? I need to talk to you anyways." James asked. Thomas sighed on the other line.
"Please?" James put on a sickeningly adorable voice, a voice he knew Thomas couldn't say no to.
There was silence on the other line until he heard a small 'fine.'
James knew this was going to work. As long as Thomas believed him.
"I love you, Tommy."
"I love you too, Jemmy. Bye." Thomas hung up and James turned off his phone.
Maybe this'll be the day he doesn't die. So James got dressed and everything else and made his way to Thomas' house.
James let himself into Thomas' house, immediately walking into his office. He noticed a strong scent of air freshinor (?? Honesty idk how to spell that). It was probably to cover up the scent of alcohol.
"You told me you needed to talk about something?" Thomas muttered, loud enough for James to hear.
"Yes, I need you to stop drinking." James said bluntly. Thomas looked at him weirdly.
"Because," James inhaled sharply, "you get violent."
"How do you know? I never get drunk in front of you!" Thomas raised his voice slightly, making James flinch.
"I-" he's going to sound crazy!
"This might sound crazy, but I'm supposed to die today." James held his breath.
James explained the past two Wednesdays that he's been through, making Thomas' eyes widen.
"Oh my fucking god." Thomas pulled James into a tight hug with teary eyes. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. Just stop drinking." Thomas visibly tensed at the thought as James hugged him back. "Or at least don't get drunk," he added, chuckling softly.
Thomas nodded, pulling away. They shared a long, love-filled kiss.
From that day forward, Thomas never got drunk again.
And James lived a full, healthy life.
I hope y'all liked it and pls request more stuff,,,
I swear I'll write pretty much anything except incest or whamilton
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