chapter 4
Reader P.O.V
I didn't want to bug Sanha. Maybe later but not now. I maybe...just wanna be alone for awhile. Calm down and think of everything. What just happened. I never believed in soulmates. I don't even know anything what those are. My best friend hansung a girl she found her soulmate. She told me when you see you're soulmate splashes of colours would apepear when you see they're face. I dont believe it. everything does seem black and white to me. A boring life. No its not boring its just. Empty. I tought i found colours. The one who would paint this cruel world for me. But faith was just playing with me.
It hurts. If he's happy then im also happy. I don't care if im lonely. The only thing i want to see is that he has someone to rely on and has someone to make him happy. I gazed to the stars. They say the stars look like gold shining sl bright. But i just see white. I don't see that gold color people talk about. I don't understand.
I was just gonna run around in the night looking at the stars looking at how they just be so white. So plain, trying to understand what people meant by it being yellow gold, shining. I felt broken, he was playing around with me. Calling me his sunshine. Why didn't he tell me he was getting married to eunha unnie. its 9.00pm and unnie is calling me, by unnie i mean my other unnie and oppa is also calling me.
I was running and didn't know what to do. I didn't notice there was a car passing buy. I closed my eyes tightly. Hoping i wouldn't get in a car crash but i felt like someone pushed me.
But nothing happened i opened my eyes
A guy trapped me in his hands. Not trapped but his hands were next to my hands so its like he was trapping me in his hands i was underhim he was ontop when i saw his face. Colors just splashed. It was so colorful i saw the stars it was shining! Real shining yellow goldish so bright. He has a great eye smile. He was also looking at me, but the next thing he did shocked me.
He kissed me. My first kiss was taken by a stranger!!!. I pushed him and ran away feeling embarassed. I can't believe this MY FirSt kiss TT^TT. I tought mingyu oppa was gonna give me my first kiss, but i guess fate has other plans then.
Jeno P.O.V
( finally :'D )
A few hours ago
"I don't get it" i said pissed. Donghyuck has a soulmate now and he says you can see colors when you meet you're soulmate. Where's mine?!. Hansung said her best friend also hasn't found her soulmate. I also wanna feel hows it like having someone destined for you. So far the only ones who found they're soulmates are only chenle, renjun and donghyuck or haechan. I still can't believe chenle found his soulmate faster than me his hyung TT im crying.
Mark knows alot about soulmates but hin himself hasn't found his. Which i think is funny. "I wanna go ask taeyong hyung aboyt this so ill be back!" I said. I went to taeyong hyungs dorm and asked him some stuff about this soulmate things. "Hyung what if.. my soulmate has a boyfriend already?, what will happen will she abandon me or?"i asked.
"Well its just gonna mess up some of the system alittle bit, but im sure she's gonna let go of her boyfriend and go to you jeno-ah" taeyong hyung said. "What if the guy can't move on and keeps trying to get her back?" I asked curiousity took me. "I don't know. Ive never been in that situation as i said its just gonna mess up the system alittle and maybe could get more interesting, but both you and you're soulmate aren't gonna let go of each other in the end and im sure of it cause fate wants you to be together" he said patting my head. I became more curious.
Finally jeno's appearance :D im trying to not make spelling errors so ;p. Bare with me if i still have some spelling errors. Be patient when its with me. I hope you enjoy the story so far :D
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