Road Trip: Chapter 3
You're in the same town... You should have known this would happen.
You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom, playing a card game of your own invention. You had invited your cousin Pacifica over, ostensibly to meet Bill and Will but actually so you could interrogate her about Dipper.
Will had predictably hidden behind you during the introductions, but Pacifica was an expert in the art of setting people at ease. Bill had been standoffish as well, but Pacifica's captivating smile had soon left both of your boys practically eating out of her hand.
"So, Paz," you started casually. "Jasmine tells me you have a new boyfriend?" You tapped the deck. "Take two cards, by the way."
Pacifica picked up two cards from the pile. "Ooh, I have bingo!" She put down five cards in a row, shooting Jasmine a scowl before responding. "Yes, the loudmouth is right. Dipper and I have been dating for almost three months now."
"You have bingo already?" Bill cut in. "All I have is two jokers and an Uno card!"
He irritably picked another card off the pile. You watched him with a slight frown. He caught your eye and smirked at you, winking subtly. You rolled your eyes.
You couldn't help but dwell on what had happened last night. You appreciated Bill standing up for you to your father, but the scene had been an uncomfortable reminder that Bill was not domesticated. No matter how much he may act like your lapdog, on the inside he was still very much a wolf. And like all wild animals, it made him unpredictable and dangerous.
"What's he like?" you asked Pacifica. "I need six twos and an instruction card."
"What's a two?" Will asked.
"They're over here in the Phase 10 deck." Pacifica passed you a stack of cards. "He's very reserved; he doesn't talk much. But he's a gentleman. He's always polite to me, and he's very considerate to his sister."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that Will's face had turned completely white. Bill scooched slightly to bump shoulders with him supportively.
"Is... that so?" you asked carefully, beginning to stack the base of your card tower. "What's she like?"
"I've only met her a couple of times, but she's... interesting," Pacifica said hesitantly.
"Interesting how?" you pressed.
"Well, she's nice enough, but... it's like she's hiding something."
"I bet," Bill muttered under his breath.
"What was that?" Pacifica asked.
"Nothing," he said quickly.
"Anyway, if you want to know more about him, you can ask him yourself. I invited him over. I hope that's all right?"
The card house collapsed under your hands.
"You built three levels! You get ten points, Y/N!" Jasmine exclaimed.
You didn't answer, staring at Pacifica like she was suddenly a scorpion. "You did what?" you shouted.
Before she could answer, you heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. You shared an alarmed glance with Bill, who already had his arm protectively around Will. You jumped to your feet, rushing out of your room and leaving a perplexed Jasmine and Pacifica in your wake. You nearly barreled right into Carla, who was coming up the stairs with Dipper at her heels.
"Y/N, your friends are here to see you," she said as you reached them. You ignored Carla, grabbing Dipper roughly by his collar and throwing him against the wall. He grunted as the breath was knocked out of him.
"Now you listen to me, Diaper," you hissed. "I'm sure you remember what happened the last time we met. Just know that if you or your sister ever hurt my cousin in any way, I'll come for you. And I'll bring a lot more than just a crossbow. Do you understand me?"
Dipper nodded hastily. "Perfectly," he gulped.
"Y/N, what was that?" Carla demanded as you released Dipper. He straightened his lapels. You noticed he was dressed much less formally than he had as a stage magician, though his hair was still impeccably styled with his birthmark on display.
"It was nothing, Carla." You turned to return to your room, only to notice too late that there was someone else behind them on the stairs.
"Mabel," you snarled.
You heard a squeak from behind you. You whirled to see Bill standing just outside your door, sheltering Will against the wall behind him.
You were torn. Do I take down Mabel? Run to Will? Smooth things over with Carla?
Your moment of indecision cost you. Mabel took the opportunity to step onto the landing, half opening her mouth to speak.
"Y/N, I- AUGH!" A yellow blur knocked you aside. You stumbled against the wall and caught yourself in time to watch Bill hit Mabel with a full-body tackle and send them both crashing down the grand staircase.
"Mabel!" Dipper shouted, leaping down the stairs after his sister. You turned around again in time to see Will disappearing around the corner down the hall.
"Will!" you called, but he was gone. You gave chase but halted when you passed Jasmine and Pacifica.
"Y/N, what on Earth is going on here?" Pacifica demanded.
"Paz, I'm so sorry, but I don't have time," you said breathlessly. "Please just get Dipper and Mabel out of here, and I promise I'll explain everything later. Jazz, grab Bill and bring him up here. We have to find Will before something happens to him."
You dashed down the hall in hot pursuit, desperate to reach Will before a worst-case scenario occurred. In his terror, it wouldn't surprise you if he did something inadvisable... like jump out a third-story window.
Rushing up the next set of stairs, you paused at an intersecting hallway. Why is my house so huge? you thought in frustration.
Jasmine and Bill met you at the top of the stairs. Bill's nose was bleeding, and you could see the beginnings of a magnificent bruise forming on his tattoo.
"We need to search the house," you instructed. "He couldn't have gone downstairs, so he's got to be up here somewhere. Bill, you go that way. I'll take this hall. Jazz, we're going to need a mega-size blanket fort, so get started building it while we find Will. And... break!"
Bill took off down the left-hand hallway while Jasmine ran back down the stairs. You hurried in your chosen direction, stopping at every room to check under furniture and behind doorways. You tried to be fast but methodical, knowing all too well that Will had the ability to seemingly fold up his bones and bulky organs to fit into impossible hiding places.
You threw a closet door open, scanned the interior, and almost closed the door again before you noticed a shape in the darkest corner of the closet, half-hidden under a discarded coat.
"Will?" you asked quietly. There was no answer from the lump, but you noticed it was shaking. You crouched to reach him. "Will?" you asked again.
There was still no response. You lifted the coat, revealing Will curled in a tiny ball, staring at nothing with tears streaming down his face.
"Oh, Will," you murmured, laying on the floor and curling yourself around him, pulling the coat over you both. "I'm so sorry, baby, please forgive me..."
His face was hauntingly blank. You were terrified that seeing his living nightmare in person once again, despite all of your promises that he was safe, had driven him into irredeemable despair. Even after all this time, he was still so fragile...
No. This won't destroy him. I won't let it. He might not be listening, but I still have one recourse...
He didn't react when you pressed your lips against his. You didn't pull away, holding still for a few seconds until you felt him start to kiss you back. You tasted his tears as he clung to you, breaking away to bury his head under your chin and start sobbing anew.
"Will, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," you whispered to him. "I promised you wouldn't have to see her, but I didn't know she'd come over here... can you please forgive me?"
You felt him nod slightly and hugged him tighter. "Thank you, Bluebird. You know I'll never let anything hurt you, don't you? Just stay with me and don't be afraid. I'll always be here."
You started humming to him under your breath, holding him tightly for nearly half an hour until his panic attack finally quieted. Even still, he stiffened in fright when you tried to stand up.
"It's okay, sweetie," you reassured him. "We need to get up because Bill's probably still searching for you, and Jasmine's building us a deluxe blanket fort. That's the safest place in the world, don't you know?"
He nodded reluctantly, allowing you to take his hand and pull him to his feet. The moment you stepped out into the hallway, you spotted Bill as he hurtled around the corner.
"He's over here!" you called, a bit unnecessarily. Bill crossed the distance in a heartbeat, nearly tackling Will to the ground in a fierce hug.
"Don't make me worry like that, idiot," he growled, releasing him quickly.
"S-sorry," Will mumbled.
Will was still pale and shaking, like he might be about to fall over. You took his hand and led him towards the stairs, Bill grabbing his other elbow.
"Come on, Will," you said to him. "You know there's nothing that can hurt us as long as we're together, right?"
You felt Will's hand tighten around yours.
"N-nothing," he agreed.
"Nothing," Bill echoed.
(This needs a bit of editing, but I'm tired. I'll polish it up tomorrow.
Deleted scene: Bill making a really horrible pun about the blanket fort. Y'all will have to remind me to work it in later.)
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