Chapter 4
Jack's POV
The next morning I did what I did every morning. Clean. But today, I felt a bit happier then usually. I felt as if something special is gonna happen today.
I started singing one of the songs that I wrote while cleaning.
And then someone interrupted me. It's was Arthur. "What do you think your doing?! I don't pay you to sing!"
"Um actually, you don't pay me at all."
"Are you Sassing me Jack?"
"No sir. I'm done cleaning. Am I free to go?"
He looks around then says "You're free to go- drop your brothers CD off to the Majesty Records for the Talent Show!"
"Andrew and Lloyd have a CD?"
"Yeah you jealous Jack? Don't worry, once your brothers become famous, I'll let u clean their dressing rooms!" He then started to laugh, he was impressed by his own joke.
I just left and ignored what he just said. My step brothers Andrew and Lloyd, or their group name, Androyd (pronounced as Android) have a 0 percent chance of winning. If your wondering what the winning prize is, its an invitation to a party and they get to perform on stage in front of all the people there. And may I add, celebrities will also be there.
(The video is the Audition of Andrew and Lloyd's CD for the Majesty Records. Sorry I couldn't a video with good quality)
He told me where to drop them off and I realized that's exactly where I needed to go! Remember how I said I was going to get that janitor job? Yup that's the place.
"Remember your Curfew is Midnight!" He shouted right before I left.
When I got there, I gave a lady that worked there the CD. "Are you attending a job?"
"Oh! Um yes I am" I replied. I almost forgot.
She then gave me a paper for me to sign. I decided to work as janitor. While I was signing the paper, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and I saw that guy that told me about this place when I was performing with my guitar outside.
"Oh Hey! I never really caught your name!" I asked "It's Shawn." He took his hand out for a shake. "Jack Frost" I shook his hand. "Wait so you work here?" I asked before looking back at my paper
"Yeah, studio engineer"
"And you wanna work as... " he looked at the paper to see what job I was attending. "As janitor."
"Yeah ever since I was a little kid I always wanted to scrub toilets" I joked and chuckled lightly. He also laughed.
I handed my paper to the lady "you start tomorrow" she told me and smiled. "Thank you, have a nice day" I waved to the counter lady and Shawn then left.
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