Hey ya all! How are you all?
And no, I'm not in trouble lol. It's just that I've been so busy lately. With assignments, seminars, publications, and I've got a job now too! Life's hectic but fun and exciting too! That's why I've not been able to type much on watty. And some other reasons as well. Hehe... 😜
Love you all! ❤❤❤
Moving on...💃💃💃
"Words in double quotes." - Talking.
'Words in single quotes.' - Thoughts
Timeline : After Laksh and Ragini's marriage.
It had been a century since he saw Ragini.
Okay, he might be exaggerating since its only been 5 days.
Laksh smiled to himself as he stepped into his home. He had been stuck at his friend's house when the "home-arrest" according to him was announced. However, he managed to get himself home after 5 days only after he had gotten himself checked and proved of being COVID-19 free. Not wanting to disturb anyone, he told the security to open the guest house and rested there till morning.
"Ragini! Sanky?! Maa, Baba!"
"Shh! It's only 6am. Maa, Baba are sleeping you dickhead!"
Laksh stood stunned at the kitchen entrance. He never heard the sanskari Sanskar cuss like a sailor. "Wow! Finally learning something from me, big bro?" Laksh's chuckle died at his throat on seeing Sanskar's glare. "Man, chill will you? It was only a joke."
"Your big brother is a joke to you now, brat?"
'Seems like the five days of quarantine has him all riled up.' Laksh raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?"
"Inhaling food and eating air." Sanskar replied in a deadpanned tone.
"Shouldn't it be inhaling air and eating fo-"
"Tada! Another one of my new recipes." Swara exclaimed, coming into the room. "Oh hey Laksh! Come try this!"
"Like I have been for the past 5days, 2hours and 21 minutes." Sanskar muttered with a miserable face.
'Swara has been killing her boredom by force feeding bhai for these days. No wonder he looks like he would be anywhere else but here.' Laksh seweatdropped. "Later Swara bhabi. I need to find my Ragu first."
"Oh. She's in the garden."
Sanskar stood up abruptly. "My Ragu? You dare romance infront of your elders, jerk!"
"You're only two years older to me bro."
"That gives you no right to disrespect me!"
"Okay, I'm sorry! Geesh! Forgive me."
"Why should I?"
"Um...because I'm your little brother?"
Suddenly, Sanskar smiled. "Ah. Right! Such an intelligent little brother I have, no Swara?"
'Quarantine definitely has his mind screwed.' slowly and stealthy, Laksh stepped out of the dining room and ran outside. "Now to find my beloved!"
Laksh looked around the array of roses and tulips in the garden. "Should I pluck a tulip or a rose to gift her?"
"You are doing no such thing!"
Laksh smiled to himself as he turned around. "Never had been so happy to hear someone shout at me." walking closer, he pulled her into a hug. "I missed you Ragini."
Ragini smiler and breathed in his scent. "Not as much as me."
Laksh smirked and kissed her neck. "Wanna bet?"
Chuckling at his antics, Ragini hit him on the shoulder and stepped back. "Notorious as always, eh. Took you long enough to get home. I...I was worried."
Laksh puffed up his chest. "Like a tiny virus would be able to kill me!"
"Don't joke Laksh. It's really serious."
"If he's serious, that I'm Bellatrix. Get it? Hahaha..."
Ragini glared at her husband. "Is everything a joke to you?"
"Hehe...sorry, sorry."
"Laksh, it's really serious! Haven't you seen how many have lost their lives due to this virus?! And here you are joking like its nothing?!"
Laksh's playful smile left seeing her agitation. Seems like he really managed to piss her off. "It's not that. I just don't think th-"
"Exactly! You never think!" Ragini shouted, turning away and storming off with the whiskle.
"Aww...don't be like that Ragini. Raginiiiii. Ragu? Rags?" however, she continued to water the flowers ignoring him. "Ragini? Raguuu? Rampuri?"
"The heck?!"
"At least you answered." Laksh grabbed her by the arm and took away the whiskle from her hand. Placing it on the ground, he held her in his arms. "I'm sorry, okay? I promise I'll be more serious about the COVID and not worry you, okay?"
"You'll start joking again, I know it!"
"That's my nature Ragini. When life throws me lemons, I find humor to find a positive light in it. Don't think I'm not concerned about you, or my family...okay?"
Ragini let out a deep sigh and hugged him. "I'm sorry too. I...I over-reacted."
Laksh smiled, happy to return the hug. "It's okay. I guess you had a valid reason."
"Yeah I...I just.."
Ragini bit her lip, hesitating to speak. "I just imagined what it would be for someone who got the virus. I mean he or she would be taken away from their family to a place where they would be tested. Their family won't be able to take care of them. And...and even if they die there, their family won't ever get to meet them. It's..it's just so scary even thinking about it!"
"Hey, don't think those things." Laksh held her by the chin and kissed her forehead. "We'll get out of this...safe and sound. Okay? Believe in me."
"I hope so." Ragini sighed and looked up at the sky. "If one thing I've realised from this situation is that we should never take anything for granted."
"True. Who would have ever thought such a dystopian reality would happen in the world?"
"I...If anything happens..."
"Nothing will Rag-"
"Let me finish. Like I said, nothing is sure anymore. So I just want to confess something I've kept to myself for long." Ragini looked at him with moist eyes. "When...when you went missing, there was a time when I really thought you died."
Laksh looked at her with knowing eyes. "It's understandable Ragini. I didn't make things easy anyway."
"That's not all. For a moment I..." Ragini looked away. "I took a liking to Nikhil."
Laksh looked at her in disbelief. "Nikhil?! That pigheaded stupid excuse for a tree limp?!"
Ragini shut her eyes, afraid of his anger. "I'm sorry! He resembled you in his charms and...and please don't hate me."
Laksh glared at her. However, it soon turned into a chuckle. "Seriously Ragini?" he stepped away and pointed at himself. "I'm a guy who cheated you, tried to fool you, tried to kill you, took advantage of your vulnerability, and also...acted like I was dead. You really think your crime even counts as one compared to mine?"
Laksh put a finger to her lips. "No buts. All I know is that we're humans, and emotions are our weaknesses. But what you eventually do is what matters."
"So you...you really don't hate me?" Ragini asked timidly.
Laksh knocked her head lightly with his. "Of course not, silly girl."
This seemed to pacify her and she gave him a soft smile.
"By the way, I also have to confess something...something which I have held with myself for long."
Ragini nodded at him with all seriousness. "It's okay. I will understand Laksh. Tell me."
"Alright, here it goes." Laksh took a deep breath and looked at her with a grim face. "You...you often fart when you're in deep sleep."
"Huh." was all Ragini could utter, looking at him with blinking eyes and clueless face.
"Yeah. It smells so much an-ow!"
"You're messing with me again! Why?! Why are you like this?!"
"Haha-Ow! He-ow! Stop hitting!"
"I hate you! Go back to your friend's house!"
"Awww...but I want to be with you during the lock down. Take care of me since you were worried!" Laksh ran after her with a pouty face.
"Not anymore! Go, shoo!"
"But you love me!"
"I think I'll reconsider going to Nikhil. He would take me more seriously and won't keep embarrassing me."
"Whaaaaa?! No damn way. I'll slay him with my bare hands!"
"With what? Your nails of terror?"
"Don't mess with me Ragini. I'm serious!"
"Hah! How does it feel now, huh?" as he tried to hold her, she pushed him away. "You're sleeping on the couch from now on."
"But that's not fair! I thought you were worried for me, no?"
"Yeah, so I'm practicing social distancing." Ragini bit her lip to keep herself from bursting into giggles seeing his bewildered expression. 'That's what you get for teasing me.'
"Ragini, please!"
"I think Swara is calling you. Swara! Here! He's here. Let him try your new recipe."
"What, no! Are you crazy?!"
"Swara! Here!"
"Why are you doing this to me Raguuu?"
"Hmm, I think I'll go find myself Nikhil's phone number." Ragini whispered dramatically.
"Nikhil's a dead man. Six. Feet. Under!"
"You can do that Laksh. But first, try my recipe." Swara cheerfully declared, dragging him by the arm.
"No! Damn it, why is it that workplace is closed when you want it open?!"
#Somewhere in a jail cell#
"Oi! Don't get your Corona-germs on me, useless!"
"Shut it Mansi!" Nikhil glared at her. "And it's not Corona. I think someone's speaking of me."
"Nothing good, that's for sure."
Nikhil shivered. "Yeah. I think the same."
Over and out.
~ 🌹Mona🌹
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