anaz1994 hope it has the right length 😉
Mona_Ammani hope those pictures enjoys u
Recap; Laksh is angry on Sans. He can't forget the past. Ragini n Sans share a gud bonding. Laksh feels jealous but he doesn't know it. Ragini shouted at him bcz his behaviour toward Sans.
Laksh; What? he asked her with a slight touch of anger. Ragini; what?!. U r asking me What?!. U r just a horrible person. How can u be so arrogant n ignorant to Sans. He is suffering from a pain of a lover with a broken heart. U know what this pain means! U r suffering from it too. She shouts at him unknowingly what she just had said....
Laksh looked at her in anger n hate. - Arrogant who made me arrogant Swara. Ignorant who made me ignorant Papa -.
Ragini comes near him she hold his collar with all of her strength. Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari. Don't forget u r the younger brother u have no right to behave like this. She pushed him. I can't believe it. How can u be so blind not to see the poor lover. Suffering from the same pain. But Laksh u r lucky that u had an alternative. It is a sin what u did n what u r doing but still I won't leave ur side. But one thing is for sure.
Laksh was confused - a sin!? What kind of Sin I have committed? -.
Ragini was crying. I'm ashamed to call u my first love... My Only Love.
Laksh doesn't know what was going on in him he pulls her toward him n sealed his lips with hers just to make sure she won't say another word which could hurt her or him.
Ragini's eyes widen. She was breathing harsh. She was in a rage of anger n trying to hit him. She somehow could break the kiss n pushed him away.
Laksh was shocked abt his act but he did it to make her shut but deep in hia heart he knows it had to mean sonething else but he isn't ready to agree to it. He left the room immediately before Ragini could say anything.
Ragini was standing ther numb holding her lips. - He kissed me... He stole my kiss! y? What for he said he will wait for me. He won't force me.. -.
Ragini fall on the ground n starts to cry.
Laksh rushed down with an inner fight - What the hell I have done. She will never forgive me! But there was no other way to calm her right?. Wrong u could have used ur palm to make her quiet U idiot!. Haan I could but I felt the lips were right. But y?. Bcz U have feelings for her... No! she is a friend n nothing more. Then y u steal her kiss? I don't know...? -.
Laksh sat on his regular seat when Sans saw him with a grin on his face 😁. Sans was giggling but no one understood y. Laksh was lost in his world of thoughts.
Laksh - What I have done I risked my friendship for what???. Anger? Hate? betrayal? I sweard not to use her n here still I'm right doing what I never wanted to do. Ya I'm her husband byt not her's. She justed called me her first no... her Only Love then y I feel so guilty. Bcz my love toward her isn't genuine...? Or it is??? -.
He was holding his forehead
Sans was still giggling at him. Psst.. Lucky...! He calls him. But Laksh didn't gave him the attention. Sans hihihi. Lucky... Lucky... he wasn't shouting or whispering but the way he called was only giving him weird looks. Lucky... hihi he also tried to suppress his laugh but then burst out in a loud laughter.
Laksh finally was back of his inner monologue bcz of Sans laughter. Laksh; What?! He said annoyed but not as angry as usual. Sans stood up. Psstt he shows him to stay quiet. I'm coming 😁. All were surprised abt Laksh calm behaviour.
Laksh waited for Sans he sat on the chair next to Laksh. Sans; Lucky look at ur face. All looked at Laksh. There was nothing suspicious on it. Laksh; what is on my face. Sans calls Laksh near he wanted to speak in his ear. Laksh hesitates first but he agrees feeling the gaze of all the family members on him.
Sans lips were close to Laksh ear. Sans giggles while he tries to speak. Hihi Lucky... lipstick.... Laksh jerks. He first wanted to push Sans away when his word hits him like a storm n he reminds what he could mean.
Laksh hold his lips... to cover the lipstick print. He blushes n felt embaressed. He stood up with a lowered head. Excuse me. He was excuses by DP n rushed to the was room.
Ragini was controlling her emotions. - What is wrong with me. I'm married to the man I love or loved? I don't know what I should feel. But it is true he is me first love no my Only Love. I never have these feelings for anyone else but still he forcefully used the situation. But Y?! He promised me not to do anything without my permission -.
Anger was raising in her. Ragini stood up n walks to the washroom to clean her face. Her eyes were red bcz if the tears but she washed her sadness away n her anger was visible.
Laksh has awaken another side of Ragini the fearful n scary Ragini died with the taken kiss. Now the fearless tiger was ready to attack her abuser.
- He first rejected me!.
He used me for his deeds to get closer to Swara!
He made me fall for him giving me wrong hopes!
He took revenge on me for Swaras betrayal! -
- Now it is me who will teach u a lesson Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari. U stole my kiss I will steal ur sleep. I will make ur life as horrible as possible. U saw my kindness, understanding n love but now u will have to face my hate n my anger. I messed up with the wrong woman n don't u dare to do anythjng to my friend Sans. I will not leave U -.
(just want to clear one thing she loves him but he took a wrong step n she is just angry on this!).
Ragini set herself n comes down.
She comes down in her boldness appearance. Sans was looking at her n giggles bcz he knows what she did before...
Laksh was also back on his seat after cleaning his face.
Ragini looked at him in anger.
- I accepted ur friendship bcz I love u!
I accepted ur sorry bcz I love!
I accepted this marriage bcz I love u!
I accepted all ur decisions bcz I love u! But the last decision u took was wrong! U have hurt me n I will take my revenge for this -.
AP looked at Ragini who's gaze were fixed on Laksh. Laksh on the otherside felt her cold n hateful gaze it gave him a shiver down his spine. Laksh turns to Sans. Bhai u seat here na... Where will ur paaluwali doost sit?
Sans looked at Ragini. His face expression changed. U sit on my right she will sit on my left. He looks at seat on his left which was empty.
Laksh releases a breath of relief he was scared if Ragini would sit on her usual place which was opposite of Laksh. She could easily kick him but now she was a few meters away n between them it was Sans 😁 being there as a shield.
Laksh was happy that Sans was there after all those years he felt somehow connected to him. Ragini sat next to Sans... he giggles looking at her.
Ragini gave him a death glare n Sans lowered his head. Lucky Bhai look at her. Sans pout. Ragini pout n Laksh was stucked in the situation.
Hope u liked it
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