Final chapter
Recap: RagLak moment decision of Honeymoon...
Laksh was packing the their stuff while Ragini was still sitting on the bed edge think if it is a gud time to leave Sanskaar.
Laksh shook his head. "Ragini, he has a new friend who is already effecting him by his doings. He is willingly letting us go. Otherwise he would have cried!". He hold her hands n looked at her with a puppy face.
Ragini smiles. "Haan U r right! Fine!". She too helps him with the packing of the clothes n they left for their honeymoon the next day. Haan next day all wanted them to move on ASAP.
Sanskaar was waving them bye from the gate of the airport. "Btw where r we sending them?". He asked the family. All looked at him. "Sanskaar Mera beta {my son}. U know they both love the hills so we sent them to the mountains of Himalaya!".
RagLak reaches their. "Laksh this is so beautiful!". Laksh nods with a pout. "Ragini I have learnt one thing!". Ragini looked at him n blinks her eyes. "What?". Laksh hold her hand. "There is only one thing beautiful n that is u my only love!". Ragini blushes under his gaze. "Laksh...!". She playfully hits him n they reached their resort.
Laksh places the bags on the bed n was looking for the chimney as it was cold n he wanted to heat up the cottage.
Ragini comes from the back n hugs him. "Laksh I'm freezing!". She cuddles with him from back. Laksh liked it he smiles holding her hands which were resting on his chest. "Ragini... there r a few ways to get rid off the coldness. One is this chimney... which is not working as I have tried it quite long... {it's a lie}. Or I will give u some body heat of mine!". He turns to her n was rubbing her hands with his... "it's ur decision!".
Ragini smiles she comes closer. "If the chimney isn't working then we need to do something else to work!". She kisses his lower lip... 🙈.
Sanskaar was waiting for Swati who had a 'date' with Sanskaar. As she was doing his treatment.
"Sanskaar how r u?".
Sanskaar jumped up hearing her voice. "Swati u come? U r late!".
Swati hold her ears. "I'm so sorry!". She hold his hand n they went into the consultation room.
Swati made him sit on the big couch he was lying on it playing with a toy. "Sanskaar I want to help u! U r my friend right?". Sanskaar looked at her n nods. "Haan I am ur friend!".
Swati was happy. "Great I will question u n u will give me honest answers. Okay?". She lifted one eyebrow.
Sanskaar nods. N the questions starts...
Ragini was resting her head on Laksh chest he was sleeping peacefully, while Ragini took his shirt n wore it. She went to the chimney n lighten it up. Was he really thinking I didn't knew wha the was trying?.
Just then two strong arms enclosed her. Ragini smiles. "Sorry Ragini But I will repeat it again... after all it's our honeymoon!". 🙈🙈
Sanskaar was opening himself to Swati she was consulting him n guiding him. The way she as handling his situation gave him comfort he could share his pain, fear n the trauma he went through.
RagLak spend their time mostly in their bedroom of the resort. Less sightseeing only love was on their program. As if someone has started to move on n not backing off of it.
Their honeymoon was coming to an end. "Laksh leave me... I have to pack our luggage!".
Laksh pouts. "We can do it later together!". He pleaded at her but Ragini refused. "There is no later as our flight is in 4 hrs. What will u do in 4 hrs?". Laksh looked at her in disbelief. "U wanna know?".
Ragini startled. Oh oh I have waken up the sleeping lion...
Laksh come over her n showed her what he is capable to do in less than an hour.
They reached the airport. "U saw what I can do?". He asked her with satisfaction. Ragini was quiet... the way he loved her had marked her soul. She was his n his only his...
She rested her head on his shoulder her face was still reddish bcz of the love he made with her n gave her. They stayed there for 3 weeks actually only 2 but Laksh extended it. Now they had to go home....
They were in the plane n Laksh was looking at her intensely. Ragini looked at him. "What?". She asked him. Laksh smiles he comes closer. "A kiss!". He bites on her lips which makes her even more surprise as he just asked for it but here he took it. She closed her eyes n reciprocates to his wish.
A lot can change in three weeks correct? Haan with the right treatment there can be changes done. But Sanskaar needs time to move on. He is still not able to forget yet he has a new friend who is helping him through his toughest time.
They all were happy seeing RagLak that close and one each other.
Laksh n Ragini were in their regular work. "Ragini I don't want to leave u alone! Can't we make an excuse?". Ragini widen her eyes. She was naked as his only excuse is she... "it's okay Laksh I can handle myself u can go n work with all ur passion!". She pats his shoulder. "U have done ur work perfectly I need time to calm down of the ecstasy u gave me...!".
Laksh couldn't believe her words. "What did u say... ecstasy? Ragini this only makes me to give u more!". He rolls over her...🙈🙈🙈
Sanskaar was improving day by day. His fears were leaving him n his passion to live was returning. The way he was behaving was changing too he was opening himself toward everyone.
Now after 4 months of Sanskaar treatment process n success all decided to invite Swati for a dinner.
Ragini wasn't sure abt it. "Laksh I'm okay!". Laksh was looking at her in anger. "U r not okay. I'm telling u to visit a doctor just for me n my satisfaction if there is nothing then y u r so scared? Please Ragini for me!". Ragini shook her head. "No Laksh, today is the dinner n I'm absolutely fine n if u again start to harass me then I won't tell u what I have!". She left without telling him anything which irks him more.
But Ragini knew what she has or better say what she is expecting to have!
They all were downstairs. "Ragini come sit here!". AP called her n Ragini sit next to Sanskaar. "Sans Bhaiya How r u?".
Sanskaar looked at her. "Fine!". He said in normal voice. Laksh come as the last one.
DP looked at him. "Did u found a little bit of ur precious time to spend with us? U know we have a guest coming still u took so long?".
Sanskaar stood up. "Baare Papa please don't say anything to Lucky!". He went to Laksh who was holding something for Sanskaar. "Thank U!". Laksh nods. They all sat on their seats n were having the dinner.
Ragini couldn't eat much as she starts to vomit as soon as she ate something she couldn't handle.
Laksh stood up. "Since morning she is vomiting how many times I told her to come n visit a doctor but no. Miss Perfect knows it better now she the result. I'm not going to clean ur mess!".
Sanskaar hits his palm on his forehead. "Lucky mere Bhai I think she is pregnant!". He said in a normal way as it's the most normal thing n he found out.
All looked from Laksk to Sanskaar n then from Laksh to Ragini.
AP n Sujata rushes to her. "Ragini!". Ragini cleans herself. She nods with a shy smile. Laksh couldn't speak his words weren't finding the way out of his throat.
Sanskaar pats on Laksh back. "Well done my bro! U did it!". Laksh come out of his trance. "Bhai u okay? I mean... u fine?". Sanskaar looked at him. "Oh Haan I am... fine!". He smiles. "But I think u should go n take ur wife in ur embrace as she needs u!".
Laksh smiles. He went to Ragini hugs her tight. "Y didn't u told it me?". He whispers in her ear. "Honestly I thought after so many times of having it u would count one plus one...".
Laksh smiles he kisses her forehead n made her sit. They all were happy. In the end of the day Sanskaar was walking his way with Swati.
Swati smiles. "So Sanskaar u have to tell me what is ur next plan. Now u have to inform me!". She was looking at him with full excitement.
Sanskaar hold her hand. "Woh Swati actually I wanted to thank U at first!". Swati was confused. "Sans what I did was for our friendship n more over I'm a doctor to help is my passion. I saw u n instantly I understood what could be wrong with u!".
Sanskaar stopped at one point. They were in the garden of the MM.
Laksh looked at Ragini. "Ragini come it's going to start!". Ragini comes running but Laksh glares at her. She slowed down n comes with a light blush on her cheeks.
Both were looking at each other while Sanskaar was trying to make a confession.
"U know Swati u brighten my dark life...!". He looked around. He awkwardly smiled. "Lighten my life...!". He looked at his mobile n the connection was there. Sanskaar turns to the other side. "Lighten my life!". He literally shouts.
Laksh n Ragini broke their trance. "Shit!".
Swati was looking. "Wow Sanskaar!". Sanskaar rolls his eyes. "Sorry for the delay but ur Ragini Doost has become more beautiful since she is carrying the baby!". Ragini playfully hits him.
Sans cleans his throat. "Uhrm... Swati I want to thank u for ur friendship n patience with me...!".
He bend down. "U have shown me that the life doesn't end just bcz someone left u! The life restarted for me when u entered my life. Swati will u marry me?".
Swati was looking at him.
"Laksh!!! That is ur time!!!".
Laksh nods. "Haan Ragini Wait!".
Swati looked at the whole garden which fully decorated...
She bend down to him. "Uhm so this friendship has changed into love? Very gud! Even I liked u the moment u hit me with the ball!".
RagLak bursted out in a loud laughter... "hahaha!".
"She is mad like him!!!! Hahaha!!!"
Sans disconnected the line n throw the mobile away... As Swati come n hugs him wearing the ring he gave her.
Ragini cuddles with Laksh.. "how cute!".
Laksh looked at her. "Not cuter than u!". He lifts her n she starts to shout. "Aaah Laksh!".
Soon the time passed by SwaSan got married n someone was in hospital.
"Laksh we never expected it from u!".
Laksh looked at the family. "Trust me neither did I!".
Ragini was shaking her head. "Excuse me what is with me? He did one job I did triple one! No one is caring for me!".
Laksh come to her. "I wanted a child, u gave me a half basketball team. Raksh, Ragya n Lakisha! Thank U!".
She smiles. "U welcome n u know what...!"
All looked at her. "no what?!"
"This was the first n last pregnancy!".
Laksh thought. "Ragini only one boy n two girls unfair we will discuss this later.. 😉!".
Ragini 😳😮🙈...
The end
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