🙏 Temple Romance 😍
V all have decided to go to that ancient temple in the mini bus as informed by Janki MA, so v all Maheshwari's r on the way to baadi...
San : " don't worry lucky... U will have enough time to romance with Raguma.... I ND Yuvi will make sure that..... "
I really have to thank both of them they r doing this much to me.... I just can't wait to meet my Ragini....
As soon as v reached v were welcomed by everyone but my eyes searched the one who has stolen my heart.....
Swa : " Lucky how am I looking??"
I just faked my smile........
Driver : " mam bus is ready... "
Jan : " let's go.... V all will surely enjoy along with this Pooja.... "
Arey I have big list but where is Ragini??
Yuvi : " MA but where is Ragini?? "
Jan : " she is getting ready... U all settle down she will come... "
San : " come bro... "
L : " u go I will come with Ragini... "
San : " u r here for Swara..." he whispered...
L : " what????"
San : " arey others r thinking like that only... Still u haven't told anyone that u r in love with Ragini....don't make others to feel suspicious.... "
He is right....
V all settle down and Swara was about to sit next to me...
Yuvi : " If I sit with u lucky do u have any problem?? "
L : " not at all.... "
Swa : " but I want b with my Lucky.... "
Yuvi : " Oho Swara u have full life...so y r u worrying in fact that day pandith told u to b far from lucky until pooja... "
Swa : " OK... I will sit with MA.... "
She went backside.....
I looked at Yuvi who assured me by blinking his eyes...
Sumi : " why this Ragini is taking this much time to ready?? See Janu Di everyone is waiting....my Swara got ready very early.... "
Like beti like MA 😑....
Ap : " it's OK ji.... She can take time... "
Jan : " actually whole night she was completing project and didn't sleep properly so I told her not to wake up early.... "
Suj : " u did good only Janu di... Let her come it's OK v will wait.... "
Sumi : " but.... "
Sanky : " there she is.... "
I turned around and found my 😍 looking even more beautiful....
She stepped inside and spoke with everyone.....
Everyone blessed and....
Y : " Ragu u sit with Lakshya I want to talk with Sanky.... "
He made Ragini to sit next to me and went behind.....
L : " Ragini u r looking beautiful.... "
She blushed.....
L : " haye haye I need to control myself..... Don't worry the kiss which was incomplete yesterday I will surely complete it with bonus.... "
She looked at me and I smiled.....
Driver : " mam shall I start....."
Dp : " do pooja of vehicle once and then start......"
Ap : " Swara did u take all pooja items,which is needed for pooja.... "
Swa : " ha MA I have taken....."
Dp : " I have called that pandith to that temple only so he will only tell once we reach there what and all v have to perform...."
V started our journey......
I looked at our entangled hands....
He is looking even more handsome and became so caring and loving too...
L " I love u..... "
I smiled....
L " u should also reply na I love u... "
R " let me think... "
L " what's there to think?? "
R " Swara is doing pooja for u and....
L " and I am doing pooja of u.... "
I just blinked my eyes while he grinned....
R " I don't know how u r going to inform everything to everyone and how u r clearing the mess u created... "
L " everything will happen but at present let's not waste this time... "
R " then??"
L " I love u..... "
Oh god!!
Y " love birds get out of the bus v have reached our destination.... "
That's when v looked around and found everyone getting outside the bus....
V moved out and were shocked to see the steps in front of us.....
Pandith " I was waiting here for ur arrival.... "
San " oh god!! It must b around 1000 steps...."
Y" I will b sitting here only then, from here only I will pray to Durga MA... I won't go up...."
Pan" there is a short cut to reach u ppl can go from that way.... "
Swa " then y r v waiting here lets go..."
Pan" u can't go beta "
Swa " y?? Y shouldn't v use shortcut?? "
Pan " others can use but not u as u r performing pooja...."
Oh my!!
Swara's face color turned pale....
Swa " lucky u also accompany me na "
L " no Swara my legs r paining a lot.... U do it, in fact v all will b waiting for u near temple...."
Swa " Ragini at least u come with me na "
L " nooooooooooooo "
Everyone looked at him....
L " I mean u r performing so u only should do it, it's best u come with ur parents.... "
Swa " MA.... "
Pandith " take all the pooja things and by climbing steps u and ur MA reach there and v all will b waiting for u both ... "
V all took shortcut and v youngsters were ahead and Sunyuvi were chatting with Uttara and they showed thumbs up to Lakshya....
I raised my eyebrows at him while he dragged me away from all and pressed to wall....
R " what's this Lakshya?? What if someone sees us?? Ndddd....... "
No words came from my mouth as it was sealed by his and as an involuntary action my hands started to ruffle his hair and he pressed my waist while I bet him on his shoulder but he did leave me till I felt suffocation to breathe...
I glared him but he was grinning....
L " u know the taste of ur lips is simply superb.... 👌👌"
While I couldn't control my blush so I hugged him tightly......
He hugged me back and kissed my shoulder...
L " Ragini, I am sorry... It's all because of my previous decision v r like this.... I...I.... I.. don't know but I am feeling guilty....."
R " sssh.... It's all over and at least now ur brain started to work na and I should make sure our children should not b like u in taking such impulsive decisions.... "
I looked at him who was showing me all his pearls....
He came near to my ear and whispered....
L " that means u have planned our future family planning also.... Very good so let's practice from now only na.... "
Her eyes went wide and she pushed me ....
L " I was just joking.... "
R " come let's go others will get doubt ..."
L " see because of me v r doing our Romance without knowing to anyone... "
R " what if everyone were knowing about us?? "
L " then I would have kissed u in front of others only.... "
R " shameless....."
L " thanks my love.... "
She went ahead and found our family members talking with each other and Sunyuvi were giving me teasing looks... Uttara eyed me little suspiciously......
Suj " where is this Swara?? And I don't know whether Sumi ji would have climbed up or not, Shekhar ji go and check once... "
Shekhar " Meee??? "
Pandith " see they r coming there....."
Swa " I am hell tierd, plz someone give water.... "
After she drank water and settle down then Sumi aunty joined us....
Pan " where is kalash beta??"
Swa " it must b in the plate only"
Pan " but it's not there.... "
Swa " might have fallen down... "
Pan " then u have to repeat again "
Swa " Whatttttttttttttt ?? I can't do it... say some other way.... "
Pan " then go 10 rounds around temple as a repent..... "
Swa " what the ----??? "
I looked around and found Sunyuvi and uttara were trying not to laugh out loud.... V all stuffed our laugh after seeing her miffed face and I kissed Ragini's right cheek.....
She opened her mouth in O....
I think even u ppl would have also opened ur mouth in O.... Heyhey because 3 updates in a single day....
How was the update guys??
As I was quiet free I wrote and updates, may b after 3 days u will get next updates.....
Put ur comments.....
Check the FFS which I have updated recently.... It's in the order -----
1. Darling
2. Naughty Lakshya Beauty Ragini...
3. Darling
4. LSA - RSK - today....
5. Darling - today.....
6. And this ff - toady 😂😂😂😂😂😂
See I gave complete details .....
Keep supporting.....
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