Swara's true
Hi sorry for the delay.
TAHA2020 , swati1603 n RojaGodaba
Recap; a caring husband. Laksh is spending his whole time with Ragini. AP talked to Park abt adoption.
Laksh was sleeping holding Ragini tight in his embrace. Ragini who was awake couldn't move rightly she pout she even tried to remove his hands but he always tighten his grip round her.
Ragini somehow turns to him. Laksh!!! She shout his name. Laksh opens his eyes. He yawns. Hmm Ragini what happen? Y u shout?
Ragini; I need to pee but I can't as long as u r holding me that tight. She playfully hits him with her fist. Laksh laughs loud. Go! before u pee on the bed.
Ragini blushed but runs to the washroom. After she could empty her bladder she comes out with a relieved face.
Laksh was admiring her a lot. Her small changes were visible a small baby bump was showing. She was caring his child how much she has to resist? her body is changing her habits r changing she has to handle the changes all alone my part is so small but I will never leave her side.
Ragini felt his gaze on her. Laksh stop looking at me.
Laksh; I'm not looking at u!
Ragini; no u r not u r staring at me.
Laksh - caught! -
Laksh went to the washroom he comes after a shower in a towel. Ragini...? Ragini...?! Where is she? Ragini was downstairs with AP both were preparing the food.
Laksh was looking for her but he couldn't find her but he saw some clothes on the bed for him. He wore the clothes Ragini has choose for him.
Ragini was talking AP. Maa woh Pari bhabhi n Adarsh bhai do they really want to adopt a child?. AP nod. Haan I told Pari that Swara too could adopt a child within days maybe she knows someone from the adoption agency. Ragini smiles. It would be so nice another child in our house. I love the sound of kids. AP; haan u r right it is a wonderful sound. They fill the room with joy. Ragini; haan.
All were sitting together at the dining table. Laksh was holding Raginis hand under table his grip was tight. Ragini looked at him. Laksh leave my hand. Laksh; y should I. That u can vanish again? No way I'm here for u n my child but how can I protect u if u r not there? Ragini pout. I'm sorry.
Laksh smirks. Give me a kiss n I will release u. Ragini widen her eyes. Laksh!. That is my name 😉. Ragini smiles at him she comes near his ear to whisper but she kissed him n he released her hand.
Pari n Adarsh announced their decision for an adoption this made Swara nervous. She starts to sweating. Pari; Swara is it possible to give us the contact number of ur agent? Sans looked at Swara. Haan Swara Pari bhabhi is asking u something. Give her the contact number.
Swara nod but she hesitate to give her the number. Sans; Swara give her the number. Swara; stammers. B.. but... bhabhi ...y...y u want her number?. Sujata; oh chori y r u asking like this just give her the number. U very well know y she want the number.
Swara gulps n nod. She took out the number n gave it to Pari. Pari gave it to Adarsh who excused himself n starts to call the adoption agency.
Laksh was looking at Adarsh who's face expression changed in disappointment. He comes back. Pari; Adarsh ji please tell me how long will it take 3 days or 4 days?. Adarsh looks at Swara who was avoiding his gaze.
Pari saw that n followed his gaze. Adarsh ji tell me don't stare at Swara. Adarsh; will u tell them or should I tell them all?
All were shocked what was Adarsh trying to say. Laksh was sure the true has to come out someday n now the day has come.
Swara ignores everyone's gaze. Adarsh; I just talk to the agent but she said that Swara had planned this adoption a year ago. It was all planned, but y Swara?. Swara ignored it completely. Sans; I asked u Swara how u could adopt the child within a few days. Now bhai is saying u have planned this a year ago? U lied to me to all of us? For what?
Laksh; u know Swara u have blamed us for breaking the trust of everyone but now I want to tell u something it is u who broke the trust of us! U have adopted the child without Sans acknowledgement. Now we r getting to know that u had planned it a year ago. That means basically that u were well aware of ur problem n u hide it from us y?
Swara stood up. Laksh stop this nonsense haan I have planned this adoption a year ago n haan maybe I knew abt my prob but I wasn't hiding it. U were hiding the truth abt Kavya n ur fake pregnancy.
Laksh stood up. Swara how many time to remind u! We did lie for an innocents life. But u lied for ur own benefits. What was the problem? Y didn't u tell ur truth to Sans bhai or Ragini?
Swara; Ragini Ragini Ragini I can't hear her name anymore. Haan I knew I had a problem. But no one of u ever asked n I didn't consider it to tell u.
Sans stood up but he didn't say a word he just went up to his room. Swara rushed behind him. Ragini stood up to hold Laksh.
Laksh looked at her. U see I was right again she tries to put the blame on us. Ragini gave him a short smile.
krishrokz I will try to update love in the air too 😊
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