Ragini vs. Swara
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anaz1994 hope it is long enough for u 😉.
Recap; Baby convo of Laksh. Swasan went to the hospital for yhe check up. Swara is jealouse n tries to make Ragini feel guilty for her lie.
It's been more than a week since the true is out. Ragini has got more love than with the fake pregnancy announcement.
Laksh was at his room sleeping peacefully when Ragini comes to wake him. Ragini looked at the time 😲 it is so late. Laksh! She shook him but he was in deep sleep. Ragini was thinking y he hasn't woke up yet.
Laksh slowly opens his eyes... he yawns loud. Ragini! y r u making so much noise. Ragini looked at him. Laksh u r getting late come on u have to go. She took his hand n tried to pull him. But Laksh hold her hand tight. She stops he pulls her to him. Ragini screams in scare of her belly but Laksh... hold her n the belly with care.
Laksh; zara sa bhi bharosa nahi mujh par {don't do trust me}?.
Ragini; more than myself.
Laksh starts to kiss her neck. Ragini blushed. Laksh anyone could come please let me go. Laksh; no way after the confirmation of the pregnancy u r getting so much love from everyone that u forgot me. Ragini; 😮 I could never forget u. She hugs him tight.
Laksh turns her in bed n kisses her unconditionally.... Knock knock. AP n Pari enters the room. Laksh saw them with anger. Ragini go they r all waiting. Go Go go... Ragini smiled n left the room with AP n Pari. Laksh was holding the pillow tight in anger 😡.
All were down stairs n having breakfast. A Postmam come n rings the door bell. Sujata; I'm going u all carry on. AP; Ok. Ragini open ur mouth... Ragini couldn't eat anything anymore. Laksh hold her hand. Seeing her face he had to laugh. Sujata; jii. Postman; I have a letter for Swara Sanskaar Maheshwari. SwaSan stood up. All turned to the door.
Swara took the letter. Sanskaar n Swara both were reading it. Swara; burst out in anger. No! She rips the reports. Sanskaar; Swara cool down nothing is lost. Swara; hold Sanskaar collar in front of everyone. Sanskaar everything is lost. I'm not able to become a mother.... She broke down in front of all. Ragini wanted to console her but Laksh shook his head holding her hand tight.
AP saw that she too feels something wrong by ger behaviour. AP stood up. Swara please control urself. Swara; baari maa 😢😭. AP; no problem. Swara we r not angry od unhappy. We receiving soon a new happiness for all of us. Ragini is giving us a new hope which is blossoming in her. It will be ur child too. Ragini; haan Swara U don't worry. It will not have only one but 3 mothers n fathers. Laksh kisses her cheek. Mera bhi haq dediya. {U gave my right too}. Ragini; chup🙊. They laughed on their nhok jhok.
Swaras plan got ruined reading her problem she act sad. She wanted more sympathy from the others. Pari; Swara come have some food. Sanskaar hold Swara n walked to the dining table with her. They all continue with the breakfast but Sujata was unhappy Swara knew it. Even f she tries to cover it.
Ragini n Laksh were up in their room. Laksh r u angry with me? Laksh looks at her in confusion. Ragini y would I? Ragini; woh I said na our baby will have 3 mothers n fathers. Lalsh smiled. How Lucky iyr child is it will be pampered by everyone like his papa was... 😣. Ragini; Laksh... She cups his face. What happen?. Laksh; they don't pamper my anymore 😢 a fake tear rolled down his cheek. Ragini hugs his head 😊.
Ragini pampered... 🤔. She kisses his forehead... his cheeks n nose but stop on his lips... Laksh; y u stopped?. Ragini; I have to ask for permission. Laksh; U have my permission... Ragini laughed not ur budhu... his touching the belly. Laksh; his... no hers... Ragini; acha/really?. Laksh; haan.
Laksh gave her a passionately kiss n left for office. Ragini; papa is naughty be like him... 😊.
Ragini comes down always with care. AP; are Ragini what r u doing in the kitchen... She turned to AP with a Achar {pickle} bowl in her hand n filled mouth. AP laughed she comes n cleaned her face. AP feed her real food with Achar.
Swara was burning in jealousy. What can I do to get the attention of everyone? Swaras thought was broken by Uttara. Bhabhi what happen? Swara; look at Ragini she is getting so many happiness even afterall her lies n betrayal to this family... Raginis eyes were filled with tears... AP; Swara!. Swara; baari maa My intention wasn't to hurt anyone. But how is life playing with us? I did so much I suffered that much n still I feel left alone. AP; Swara we r here u r not alone. Ragini; Swara u know na. As long as Ragini is there Swara can't be alone we r one soul SwaRagini. Swara smiled fake n hugs her.
Swara was back in her room. My plan failed it even back fired me. Now Baari maa loves Ragini even more I have to get Pari bhabhi on my side to make Raginis life to hell....
Pari was so happy that no one could turn her. Ragini u need to rest. U can't raoming around here n there at least not alone. Ragini nod. Laksh enters the room with a smile seeing the new bounding. Laksh; Ragini... Pari bhabhi. Pari; Are Laksh see ur wife she isn't listening to me. Laksh; what I am hearing there. U r not listening to Pari bhabhis order u know na she like my choti maa. Ragini nod.
Sorry won't happen again. Pari n Laksh laughed abt her childish behaviour. Laksh sat on the bed. Pari Bhabhi I'm very happy. Pari; of course u should be... Laksh shook his head. I'm happy abt the pregnancy but more than this I'm happy to see u happy the glow on ur face it's shown I'm so happy I can't describe it. Pari; u r giving us a new member I will pampered it so much... first I was jealous but soon I changed bcz Ragini gave the right to be baari maa. Pari wipes her tears away. Now u both take rest. I will send food n water. N Ragini juice for u.
Soon RagLak were alone n Ragini told abt her day. Laksh was listening to her carefully while changing. Laksh turns when Ragini talked abt Swara. Laksh; how dare she?. Ragini; Laksh... u won't do anything we sorted out. Laksh; no Ragini u r naive. Don't tryst her blindly. Swear U won't. Ragini; Laksh...?. Laksh; my heart says she up on something swear. Ragini frighten but she swore nit to trust her...
So hope liked it Sorry for the delay n any mistakes.
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