New leap
Hi thank u for ur reply n positive response sorry that I didn't comment back 😶. I'm so sorry foe confusing but after thinking of the new plot I made my mind n Laksh will stay the culprit. I delete the Information chapter... Sorry 🙉.
Recap; RagLak r engaged n here my new story starts after another leap of 3 months. In total 9 year n both r married.
The house was full decorated with flowers. Ragini was sitting on a swing it was her ghodbaray (baby shower party). Laksh was sitting next to here holding her hand tight.
Ragini, Laksh leave my hand everyone is watching us. Laksh; haan haan let them. There is no shame to hold the hand of the woman who carries my baby. Ragini looked down.
Pari become jealous seeing this. Afterall she is the eldest bride of the house byt unfortunately she is unable to become a mother all the attention goes to Ragini n her unborn. Adarsh; Pari come. Let's give them the gift. Pari smiled fake. Both went to RagLak.
Adarsh; this is for my new niece or nephew. Pari; na.. for our new house member. He or She doesn't belong to u. We all have a right. Laksh; of course Pari bhabhi. Ragini nod.
Swara; hmm humari taraf se yeh double gift. {Hmm here u get double gift from us} AP; kyun Swara? {y}Swara; kyunki hum maasi bhi hain our chachi bhi😁. {bcz I'm her aunt on double relation}. All smiled. Sanskaar; well those two gifts t from both of us. She just wants to gain the credit for it. Swara; oh please mister it was me who bought them. Sanskaar; but it was my idea.
Uttara comea inbetween them. Uffo it's my time now 😀. Ragini; Uttara what is this? Uttara; for the coming baby 😄. I saved a bit of my pocket money. Laksh; oh baby isn't here n u r already getting pampered. AP; Laksh not pampered but loved. Ragini u r giving us the most precious thing I don't know how to thank u for that. Ragini had teary eyes. She looked away she couldn't face her.
DP; uffo AP don't make her cry it is not gud for the child health. AP; I'm so sorry bcz of my emotional talk u have teary eyes. Sumi [is not pregnant]; AP ji now only happiness will come to ur house n our house. Sujata; Oh Sumi ji ur words in Gods hands may ur words stay true. AP rolled her eyes. Daadi comes n sits next to Ragini.
Daadi; Ladoo y r u so quiet is there something? Laksh hold her hand a bit tighter. Ragini shook her head. No daadi there is nothing. Daadi; ok. Look what I have. Wear this n u will stay save n the babys health won't get effected by any illness. Laksh; daadi give it me. I will tie it on her wrist. Daadi gave Laksh the talisman n he tied it kn Raginis right wrist.
All were happy just one wasn't n that was Ragini she was hiding a big secret...
Laksh; Ragini please try to fake ur happiness not for me but for the family. Ragini wipes her tears away n nod with a heavy smile. Laksh nod too.
All were celebrating n then Swara starts a dance with Sanskaar.
Didi Tera Devar Deewana
{O Sister! Your brother-in-law is crazy}
Ho Didi Tera Devar Deewana
{O Sister! Your brother-in-law is crazy}
Haaye Ram Kudiyon Ko Daale Daana (x2)
{Oh Lord Ram! (Hindu Deity/God) He keeps on flirting with women
(This isn’t anything specific to Lord Ram in any way, but it’s just a common expression like ‘Oh God!’)}
Dhandha Hai Yeh Uska Purana
{This is an old habit of his}
Arre Dhandha Hai Yeh Uska Purana
{This is an old habit of his}
Haaye Ram Kudiyon Ko Daale Daana (x2)
{Oh Lord Ram! He keeps on flirting with women}
All applauds to them. Sujata; Oh Swara now it is ur turn to make me a grandmother too. Sanskaar I won't hear any excuses from u. Swasan blushed.
After a while the party was over RagLak were both in their room. Ragini changed her clothes n took out a fake pregnancy belly. She throws it away n cried heavily. Laksh saw that he made a move toward her but she stops him n gave him a death gaze.
Laksh; Ragini I'm sorry but what else could we do?. Ragini; sniffs. telling them the true. Laksh; have u gone mad? Ragini do know what this would mean? Kavya would return with this lie we can save this family.
Ragini stood up with red eyes n angry face. She pushed him. Save?... U want to save this family?. U already ruined it. I asked u if u were intimate with her. U refused see the result she is pregnant with ur child in last month. I have to fake a pregnancy then I have to fake a miscarriage just to allow u to adopt ur own child. What is wrong with u???. Laksh; I can't tell them U know I did so much in past how can I.... Mom will definitely hate me. Ragini please just a few days more... Ragini; Laksh even if we have the child do think! Kavya won't ask for something?.
Laksh had thought abt it but he was helpless. He can't let his child life with psycho n Ragini isn't pregnant as they haven't tried yet. He knows he is asking a big favour from her but he can't tell the family the truth. Just niw he has them back. How can he lose them again... No. He won't.
Laksh comes closer but Ragini pushed him again. Don't u dare to come closer to me. The day u told me Kavya is pregnant our relationship broke again u broke my trust...
So please tell me is it something for u? Sorry for the confusion... Big secret Kavya will deliver at any time Laksh baby n Ragini is faking it all... for Laksh who broke her trust once again.
Please comment n vote n tell me to write or stop!
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