Chapter 5.
She had no idea why it triggered her. It just did. Maybe it was because of everything they had told her so far had her more on edge than she had wanted to admit or maybe it was simply because she missed the calming presence of Lucas as he usually was the one to calm her down in situations like this.
She couldn't even remember her mother and when Marric had told her she had died, she did not have such a strong reaction as she did now. The end result was the same though, no matter how it had happened. Her mother was long gone, died soon after escaping Marric. So why was she going berserk after Killian told her how it really happened.
The Phoenix was on a rampage inside of her. It simply couldn't decide where to start with feeding. She felt the flames roll around in her body, tickling her and actually begging to be released. It heated her up, comforted her, embraced her as the world around her seemed to cloud up in darkness as she became a bystander of her own actions. For once she did not feel alone. But had she ever felt alone in the first place? She had people that cared, loved her so why would she feel alone in the first place?
As soon as she started questioning herself, her motives, the Phoenix cocked its head towards her and its shining black eyes bore into her own. She relished in its power, drowned in its beauty and wished she could be it. She needed its powers to be hers and not just like she could borrow it. She wanted to the experience the feeling of deciding whether someone lived or died. She wanted to burn everything and she knew the Phoenix shared that very same desire. It was why it chose her.
They were alike.
They were the same.
They were the beast.
They were the monsters and she needed to kill.
The Phoenix hovered next to her. Its tail feathers wrapped around her protectively. She wondered why it did not speak to her as it normally would but the idea left her mind as the burning fire within calmed her and cleansed her thoughts. She wondered about so many things but they all escaped her right as they took for, not allowing her to grasp the ideas making her mind turn up blank eventually.
Nothing was beautiful too.
Killian had to blink twice to believe what his eyes witnessed so clearly. After mentioning her mother, Azura had stared at them and for one moment she looked like herself and in the next her eyes had changed from the deep blue to blood red. It was the way she moved and slowly got up that was the second tell something was off. The third and last was when he could swear there were flames in her mouth and at the tips of her fingers. If he hadn't seen her do something similar to the one she called Floyd before, he would not have believed it.
It happened so fast Killian had no time to react before she had knocked him down with a blow so hard his ears were ringing. He had landed on his back and straight away he had felt something so hot close around his throat it felt like his skin burned away in an instant.
It was Floyd who got her off of him straight away. He had literally hurled himself against her, wrapping an arm around her neck and using his momentum to drag her to the ground. The struggle or fight that ensued was heavy and Floyd's advantage over her diminished in mere seconds.
Zahair immediately made his way over to Killian and hastily traced his soft fingers over the burned skin on Killian's neck. As Zahair seemed a little relieved, Killian judged it not to bad as the duration of the contact had been very short.
The same could not be said with Floyd and Azura... If it even still was Azura. She seemed completely out of control, something else entirely and Floyd was losing. His clothes were partially burned and you could smell the scent of burning flesh and hair lingering around them.
That's when he noticed the curious boy. He stood nailed to the ground, watching the fight just as they were. His eyes glowed a deep amber color and a sound erupted from the boy's mouth so animalistic it was unclear it came from his human side or his wolf as Killian watched in shock how the dark-skinned boy shifted to a gray wolf, tearing his clothes apart. The wolf, a little bigger than their natural counterpart, ran straight over to Azura and Floyd with pieces of Kaenan's clothes still clinging to him.
Floyd had noticed Kaenan, that much was clear as he managed to push Azura away from him, breaking the contact right at the moment the wolf pounced at her. Killian wanted to shout, to stop the wolf from killing her as he was sure would happen. Instead, the wolf pinned Azura down with its front paws on her shoulders and laid its body on hers while whining softly, nuzzling and licking her neck. Azura trashed against the weight pressing her down, pulled his fur and filled the air with a bloodcurdling scream of pure agony.
It was no longer a battle of her versus the rest, but a battle of her against herself. Killian quickly turned to Floyd who lay on his back panting heavy as Zahair had made his way over and carefully examined him. He was covered in burns and scratches. His nose and eyebrows were bleeding and his lip was cracked. His hands and arms had received the worst of it though as he had used them to defend himself. His clothes were torn and burned in places and his torso was covered in bruises and blackened skin.
Slowly Killian got back upon his feet, his ears still ringing from the blow Azura had dealt him. Her transformation and change had come so sudden he didn't even had time to react. He knew his species was more prone to get angry if provoked at times, but this... she...
She had her anger fits when she still lived with her mother in Scire. Even though Killian had been only eleven, he remembered how the almost two-year-old Azura threw a tantrum that had him scared out of his mind. Seven months later she had another fit. Killian couldn't even recall what it was about, only that Marric was at her mother's house.
Killian had just turned twelve two months ago and was on his way to pick up the little black-haired toddler when he heard shouting coming from their house. Eliora had been shouting at Marric and it made Killian freeze in front of their house. When he heard Azura start to scream and shout as well he became mobile again and rushed over only to see Marric stand in a corner with two very angry women of which one was not even three years old. Marric had said something to them and that had triggered Azura so bad she screamed so loud Killian believed the glasses could shatter from it. In her blinded rage she shifted and attacked Marric. It had been the strangest sight, a snow leopard cub chasing a grown man out of the house.
The rage Killian had seen with her then was exactly the rage she was in now, only it seemed as she couldn't get out of it. Back then it was Eliora who had been able to calm her as her mother but only after Azura even had a go at him. It was the first time he had ever seen someone shift so young and back then, he had no idea what it implied. The next day Eliora and Azura were gone.
"Is Floyd ok, Zahair?" While he asked the question Killian looked over at the gray wolf who was still on top of Azura. He was licking her face as her body went from trashing to convulsing. Foam stood at the edges of her mouth as if she was infected with rabies but she was almost hugging the wolf as if it was the only thing alive.
"Y-yes he isss f-fine. A-are you?" Killian just nodded at Zahair while doubting whether to go over to Azura to check on her. She might flip again if he came close but the boy wolf seemed able to calm her down quite easily. Slowly he made his way over, sweat coating his palms. As he came within two meters reach, the gray wolf turned his head around and stared him right in the eyes. Killian stopped and gulped as he looked right back into the glowing amber eyes. This was the boy that had vouched for them so he was not a danger, yet seeing him in his wolf form was something else.
"Kaenan, Can I see her?"
He had no idea why he asked. It just felt like the right thing to do. Azura laid on her back on the ground, staring at the sky. Her body had stopped convulsing and she was breathing slowly. Even though her eyes were open, she had a vacant look in them as if she was not really there. Any aggression she had shown was gone.
The wolf turned his head back to Azura and moved away from her only to turn around and lay down next to her with his head on her lap. Killian sat next to her and grabbed her hand carefully. It was still warm but not burning anymore. He was still confused about how she was able to do what she did but she would eventually enlighten him. Just as he would enlighten her on Lucas' whereabouts later.
"Azura? I don't know if you can hear me but I assume you do. When I was ten years old your mother gave birth to you. I always had been fond of your mother before that but with you in the picture, I had found myself a second family. Every time I had free time on my hands, I would show up, play with you and take care of you as much as a ten-year-old could. Your mother loved having me around. Said she'd liked for you to have an older brother to look up to. I'll never forget the first time you smiled, the first time you walked and the first time you decided to become mad as hell because you couldn't have another cookie. You were just a year and a half old and had just started walking. Yet, you threw a tantrum right there, pounded on my chest as I held you and you even tried to hit your mother. She just laughed and sang this beautiful song which actually helped calm you down. You actually scared the crap out of me back then but I was too afraid to show it."
When Killian mentioned the song, Azura blinked and she took an extra deep ragged breath. She was there, she was listening alright.
"Even though I myself was only a stupid teenager I did recognize those little tantrums of yours to be extra strong compared to the others. We all had our tempers at times but you were on another level. Your mother never cared though, she loved you and I know now she probably always had her suspicions about your true nature. She knew you were an ancient soul even before it showed itself. There's no doubt about it. That song she sang, it always calmed you down. She said your father had taught it to her when she found out she was pregnant with you."
This time he felt her hand twitch underneath his. Her face seemed more at ease although she was still sweating and a clear black eye was developing. Another presence made itself known though and it made every hair on Killian's body stand up. He refused to look over his shoulder. The shadow that was cast over them was enough of a giveaway. A second, larger wolf had joined them and it was a strong one. It took everything he had to keep focusing on Azura and not give in to these urges and power he felt radiating from the presence behind him. Killian swallowed and spoke up again, hoping it would take his mind back to Azura.
"Between the ages of ten and twelve, I had a baby sister to protect and a very nice big aunt who looked after me. Eliora, your mother was beautiful, strong and smart. She knew what Marric wanted with you so she made the one choice that would protect you. I was heartbroken when the two of you were gone and Marric took me under his wing as a way to comfort me. Foolish as I was, I had no idea he was grooming me. He was filling my head with lies, which was easy since I was a confused teenager whose mother had no answers for the questions that preyed on my mind. Marric did have them, or so I believed. That's how I became his right-hand man, yet somewhere deep inside there was always something nagging me. That feeling only grew as your mother came back, without you. I saw her fleetingly and the only thing she did was tracing four fingers from the top of her head to her chin. A gesture she would always make to both of us to show us we were fine and loved. I knew what she meant by it. You were safe."
Her head turned his way and she blinked a couple of times. Her eyes were no longer that dangerous red but had become their regular blue again. She was almost back to herself. Killian hesitated with what to say next. He already knew but if it was the sensible thing to do was the other question. They were five words that could make anything happen.
"I..." Drool dripped on his shoulder and a low dangerous growl erupted next to his left ear. Azura never broke their gaze though and neither could he, no matter the fact that there was a pissed off alpha wolf baring his teeth next to his face. "I know where Lucas is."
She moved so fast. She grabbed him by the top of his coat and yanked him down as she placed her forehead against his.
"I... need... him..." Her voice sounded fragile but it was a delight hearing it. Killian couldn't help but smile slightly.
"I know, sis... I know." She let him go. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at him pleading as if he held the secret of the world.
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