[7] Challenge 24
Last time on the Radish Reunion Comp, the final six contestants had to build a birthday gift for Rebel in Minecraft. Sky won and earned immunity, and Anna received the most votes, so she was eliminated. Moments later, someone purchased an Instant Death and used it on Sky, so he was eliminated as well. We are now down to the final four, so all Radish Points and Rewards are invalid. Who will make it to the final three? Find out right now, on The Radish Reunion Comp!
Remaining Competitors (4): Andrew, Collin, Glitch, Luna
When the final four began, we got a public confession from Andrew, saying:
"Congrats on making the Final 4, Luna, Glitch and Collin! I bet all of us worked hard to make it here and I'm excited to see what happens next! I'm not going to let up though, and I'm going to be giving my all! I hope the rest of you do as well :)"
A few days ago we sent a poll to everyone asking who they want to win The Radish Reunion Comp. If you haven't voted and would like to, find the announcement I sent on my profile on July 15/16, 2021. But don't vote for the person who was eliminated today lmao
Here are the current results:
The next challenge was a really fun one and is arguably one of the best challenges in the history of the Radish comps. It was to solve a murder mystery.
This challenge relied heavily on the story element, so it's hard to explain in the way that I usually do. Therefore, I'm going to explain the challenge in story form. Here we go.
A folder slams down on a table.
"Alright rookies, listen up," says a female voice. "As recent graduates of Detective University, I expect you to be on top of everything I tell you in the next few minutes. There's been a murder, and it's our job to solve it."
Detective Rebel stares down the four graduates in front of her. She begins pacing the room in front of them.
"Thomas Bushyman was the manager of Radish World, an amusement park in the country of Radish Land. He was riding the Loop de Loop ride when it suddenly malfunctioned, causing him to crash and the entire ride to explode. We suspect someone sabotaged the ride. No body was found after the explosion, only ashes and melted beams," Rebel continues.
"The explosion occurred at 11:07pm Eastern time. Radish World closes at 10:00pm, so the ride had to have been sabotaged after closing hours. There were five people in the park at the time of the explosion, so they are our major suspects."
One of the rookies raises their hand. "Um, Rebel?"
"That's Detective Rebel to you."
"Yes, Detective Rebel? Why was Thomas riding the ride after closing time?"
Rebel points at the rookie. "Good question. We assume it was for inspection, but the reason for the inspection is unknown. Once we interrogate the suspects and other employees, maybe we'll find out."
"What were each of the suspects doing?" another rookie asks.
Rebel points at that rookie. "They each have an alibi, but we'll be able to interrogate them further soon. For now, here's what we know."
"Alvin: an employee at Radish Land. Allegedly was riding the Radishing the Tood ride when he heard the explosion."
"Tommy: a new employee at Radish Land. Allegedly was asleep in the staff center when the explosion happened."
"Ryan: the head of maintenance at Radish Land. Allegedly was voluntarily cleaning the Bone Coaster when he heard the explosion."
"Fall: a former employee of Radish Land. Allegedly had just returned that night to pick up her final paycheck from the staff center when the explosion happened."
"Dagger: another former employee of Radish Land. Allegedly was busy graffitiing the House of Tood ride when the explosion happened."
"This is all we know so far. After we interrogate the five suspects, we can talk to some other former employees that might have some further information about the case. But first, let's start with these five," Rebel says.
Rebel and the Rebels—I mean, rookies, stand in the interrogation room.
"Alright, bring in the first suspect!" Rebel shouts.
Alvin walks into the room and sits down. "Any of you hot men free for a date later?"
Rebel rolls her eyes. "Where were you when the explosion happened?
"I was riding the ride Radishing the Tood near the other side of the park. I had been doing that for about an hour since it's such a handsome game ;)" Alvin replies.
"Did he just say "winky face?"" one of the rookies whispers.
"Alright. What was your relationship with Thomas?" Rebel asks Alvin, ignoring the rookie.
"Thomas definitely had a thing for me. We've fucked a few times no big deal. Jk don't write that down. But yeah Thomas is really hot," Alvin answers.
Rebel sighs. "Do you know of anyone that would have had it out for him?"
"I dunno, he was a pretty hot boss. That one kid Ryan is annoying tho, so maybe he did it to be even more annoying," Alvin responds.
"Write that down, rookies. Okay, last question for now. Did you see anything suspicious the night of his death?" Rebel inquires.
Alvin shakes his head. "Um, it's not out of the ordinary, but Ryan cleans all the rides up most nights, including the Loop de Loop, so he was definitely over there at some point."
Rebel nods. "Okay, you're free to go."
One of the rookies slams their hand on the table as Alvin gets up to leave. "DID YOU KILL HIM?"
"Whoa, calm down, noob," Rebel tries to pacify the rookie as Alvin leaves the interrogation room.
Tommy sits at the interrogation table, seeming like he was going to fall asleep. Rebel tases him to wake him up.
"Owwwww. Rude," Tommy complains.
"Okay Tommy. Where were you when the explosion happened?" Rebel asks, putting away her taser.
"I think I was asleep in the staff building. I fell asleep at some point during my shift and woke up when I heard the explosion idk," Tommy answers.
"Why is he saying text acronyms out loud?" one of the rookie asks.
"Idk," another rookie replies.
"It's because we wrote these lines for Discord, not an actual story," Rebel whispers. "Anyway, next question. What was your relationship with Thomas?"
"Um, I think he was my boss? Yeah, he gave me my paycheck and bossed me around a lot so he probably was. I dunno, he seemed like a demanding guy and I doubt I'd hang with him outside of work," Tommy replies with a shrug.
"Do you know of anyone that would have had it out for him?" Rebel asks.
"I don't know, I'm a new hire. I don't really talk to anyone here. I think that one girl quit recently, so maybe her?" Tommy suggests.
"Okay. Last question for now: did you see anything suspicious the night of his death?" Rebel questions.
"Nah," Tommy says. "Oh wait, yeah I did. When I heard the explosion I woke up and looked out the window. I saw a girl running away from the explosion, but I couldn't tell who it was. I don't think she was wearing a uniform. Idk tho"
"Very interesting," Rebel nods. "Alright, get outta here."
Tommy has fallen asleep in his chair. Rebel tases him again.
Ryan sits in the interrogation room, blabbering about chess and classical music. Rebel and the rookies ignore him.
"Alright kid. Where were you when the explosion happened?" Rebel interrupts him.
"I was deep cleaning the Bone Coaster ride, as it can get pretty messy by the end of the day. I volunteer to clean it every night, even though it's a long and grueling process. I just care about the park a lot and want to make sure it looks its best. When I heard the explosion, it shook the ride, and I thought I was gonna die for a second there. But when everything cleared, I stepped out and saw smoke and fire coming from halfway across the park. I was totally in shock, I could barely breathe," Ryan says all in one breath.
"Okay, that was way more information than what we needed to know. What was your relationship with Thomas?" Rebel asks.
"I know Thomas doesn't like me because I annoy him, but I still respect him as my boss since he could fire me at any point and I really enjoy this job. I kinda feel like Thomas doesn't make us work hard enough because I see a lot of other employees doing nothing most of the time. I'm always working hard, though. I'm not lazy like Thomas is," Ryan responds.
Rebel sighs. "Alright. Do you know of anyone that would have had it out for him?"
"Um, I don't know. No one's really come up to me talking about how they're gonna kill Thomas obviously. But why would they, because that's just an awful thing to say. You know now that I think about it, Dagger is pretty bloodthirsty. She created a ride that kills people for Christ's sake! She also did get fired a couple weeks ago, so maybe she was mad at Thomas. Please don't tell her I told you this. I don't want to die too," Ryan pleads.
Rebel rolls her eyes. "Did you see anything suspicious the night of the explosion?"
"Not really, I was cleaning up the rides the whole time. It's my job as the head of maintenance. Well, technically I don't have to. I could have other people below me do it, but I want to make sure the job gets done well, so I do it myself. But yeah, anyway, I saw nothing. I was too busy doing my job," Ryan replies.
"Okay. I've had enough of him, let's get him out of here," Rebel says.
"You're my favorite, Rebel!" Ryan shouts as he's escorted out of the room.
Fall sits in the interrogation room. "Can we hurry this up? I want to get back to Pocchi."
"We'll take as long as we need," Rebel answers. "First question. Where were you when the explosion happened?"
"I had just picked up my last paycheck in the staff building. I was leaving the park when the explosion happened. Why do you care?" Fall retorts.
"We care because there was a mu-" one of the rookies starts to reply. Rebel puts her hand up to silence them.
"How was your relationship with Thomas?" she asks.
"I mean, he was my boss and I was his employee, so we weren't friends or anything. After tonight, I didn't plan on seeing him ever again. I got a better job offer and stuff," Fall replies.
"Interesting," Rebel says. "Do you know of anyone that would have had it out for him?"
"Hm, I'm not sure. Before I quit, Alvin was telling everyone how much he loved Thomas. He seemed obsessed with the guy, so try asking him?" Fall suggests.
Rebel writes something down. "Did you see anything suspicious the night of his death?"
"Not really suspicious, but I saw some guy asleep in the staff room a few minutes before the explosion. So that dude is probably good," Fall answers.
"Okay. Get out," Rebel says. Fall leaves the room.
Dagger sits at the interrogation table, flipping a dagger around in her hands. The rookies seem scared of her, but Rebel is unfazed.
"Where were you when the explosion happened?" Rebel asks.
"I was spray painting penises on Tood's faces on the House of Tood ride lmao. Sue me i don't care," Dagger replies nonchalantly.
Rebel nods. "Good choice. How was your relationship with Thomas?"
"He was a dick as a boss tbh, firing me cause of complaints, but I dont really care anymore. I'm over it," Dagger answers.
"Do you know of anyone that would have had it out for him?" Rebel asks.
"Idk man. Try the new hire, I heard all he does is sleep all day. Thomas probably didn't like that," Dagger shrugs.
"Did you see anything suspicious the night of the explosion?"
"Bruh, I just jumped the fence and ran for the nearest ride. I didn't see anything and I didn't care. Can I leave now?" Dagger asks.
Rebel nods. Dagger leaves.
"So all five suspects pointed to another one of the suspects," one of the rookies pointed out.
"Thats convenient to the plot," another rookie replies.
"Fall saw Tommy asleep in the staff room, so he's probably good," the third rookie says.
"Unless Tommy lied and sabotaged the ride before falling asleep," the last rookie replies.
"And Tommy saw either Dagger or Fall running from the explosion, since neither of them work there anymore and were not in uniform."
"Enough," Rebel says. "We have new people to interrogate. They're not suspects, but they can give us more information about the suspects and possibly Thomas's death. Let's begin."
Leo sits at the interrogation table.
"Okay Leo. Tell us what you know," Rebel says.
"Before I got fired for not showing up to my shifts, Thomas told me that he was going to inspect all the rides himself because the CEO of Radish World was going to visit the next day. Apparently Tommy called the CEO and told him to come visit for some reason. Thomas had an argument with Tommy about that the other day. That's all I know," Leo answers.
Dark sits at the interrogation table.
"What do you know, Dark?" Rebel asks.
"I don't know a lot, but I do talk to Fall, and I remember her complaining constantly about how crappy Thomas was being to her. I guess he was a bad boss. Didn't treat her with much respect," Dark answers. "uwu"
Chess sits at the interrogation table.
"Tell us something, Chess," Rebel says.
"Dagger and I are pretty close, we tell each other everything, but for some reason she keeps a secret about Thomas and Alvin. She won't even give me a hint," Chess responds. "Also I fucked your mom."
"Not again," Rebel sighs.
Kelsey sits at the interrogation table.
"Go ahead and give us your pre-written lines of dialogue, Kelsey," Rebel says.
"Ryan told me that he wants Thomas's job and that he works harder than Thomas so he deserves it more. You know how that kid overshares all the time? Yeah, he just told me that one day without me asking. So maybe Ryan killed Thomas xD" Kelsey says.
"Did she just say xD out loud?" a rookie asks.
Kidd sits at the interrogation table.
"What do you know?" Rebel asks.
"I mean, this is pretty common knowledge unless you're not good at your jobs lol, but Dagger was in charge of maintenance before she was fired. So yeah she knew all about the inner workings of the rides. I'm not saying she did it, I just wanted to put that out there," Kidd answers.
"Looks like we need to go back and ask some more questions now that we have more information," Rebel says to the rookies. The four of them nod in agreement.
Tommy sits at the table.
"Welcome back," Rebel says. "We got word that you called the CEO of Radish World the other day. What's your relationship to him?"
Tommy raises an eyebrow. "Uh, he's my brother. I thought you knew that? I needed a job, so he hooked me up at Radish World. Is that nepotism? Maybe."
The rookies gasp. Rebel sighs. "Y'all are terrible detectives. Even if you don't know something you're supposed to pretend you do know. Anyway, what did you and your brother talk about on the phone?"
"Oh I called Todd a couple days ago because Thomas kept yelling at me to do more work and I didn't want to. Todd said he would show up to Radish World to talk to Thomas," Tommy replies.
"And we heard Thomas got mad at you for calling him, could you tell us what that was about?" Rebel asks.
"Thomas got mad at me for bringing Todd to Radish World because he always rides the rides and that would mean he would have to inspect them. I don't care though because he can't fire me lol," Tommy answers.
"Interesting. Thank you for letting us know. NEXT!" Rebel shouts.
Ryan sits at the table.
"Oh god," Rebel sighs. "Ryan, a little birdie told us you want Thomas's job. Could you tell us about that?"
"Well, yeah I want a promotion. But answer me this: who wouldn't want a larger salary and more recognition? Plus I work hard in this park, even when I don't have to. I feel like I deserve his job. No, I know I deserve his job. Thomas just was too lazy, and I know I could do better. It sucks that he died and that this is the way it would happen, but now that the position is open, I'm applying for it. And I will get it," Ryan says.
"Interesting. Okay leave," Rebel says as he starts to open his mouth again.
Fall sits at the table.
"Fall, we were told you quit because Thomas treated you poorly. Could you tell us about that?" Rebel asks.
"Yeah, Thomas was a sucky boss. But I got a new job, so that's why I quit. Not because of Thomas," Fall answers simply.
Dagger sits at the table.
"Dagger, we were told you have a secret about Thomas and Alvin. Care to share?" Rebel asks.
"It's not relevant, so you don't need to know, and I don't see how a bitch like you could make me," Dagger responds.
Rebel shrugs and pulls out her taser. She tases Dagger a few times before she finally submits.
"Okay, ugh, fine, Jesus don't get your panties in a twist. Man, you suck. Look, I walked in on Alvin making a move on Thomas and Thomas ended up rejecting him. But I ended up taking a pretty incriminating picture, so I wanted to keep it a secret so I could blackmail them eventually lol," Dagger says.
"Thank you for cooperating," Rebel says as Dagger walks out.
Alvin sits at the table.
"Okay Alvin, we heard that you made a move on Thomas but got rejected. Can you tell us about that?" Rebel asks.
"Well, like, he was playing hard to get, yeah. But I knew he wanted some. I didn't press tho cause I got my eyes set on a more powerful man: Todd <3"
"Uh huh. Okay. You can go," Rebel says.
"Man, it could still be any of them," one of the rookies says. "How are we supposed to figure this out?"
"Patience, young Padawans," Rebel says as the rookies clamor about. "We have more people to interrogate. Let's get started."
Cat sits at the table.
"Tell us what you know, Cat," Rebel says.
"I pick up Ryan every night that he works because he doesn't know how to drive yet, so I was waiting for him in the parking lot. While I was there, I saw some girl spray painting NSFW graffiti on the House of Tood ride walls. It was disgusting! I kept calling Thomas to tell him, but he wasn't answering. When I was about to call the police, the explosion happened," Cat answers.
"Hmmm..." Rebel trails off. "Thank you, next."
"What did you say, bitch?" Ariana Grande asks.
Jimmie sits at the table next.
"Give us your knowledge, Jimmie," Rebel demands.
"I know why Dagger got fired. Ryan kept complaining about her not actually doing her job as the head of maintenance and demanded that he replace her. Thomas didn't want to, but after the safety inspector died on the Bone Coaster he had to fire her. So you can see Ryan would do anything to move up in the ranks. And Dagger was pretty mad about Ryan getting her fired," Jimmie tells them.
":0" Rebel says. "Okay, next."
Stab and Poke sit at the table. But there's only one chair, so they share it.
"Why are we interrogating them both at the same time?" a rookie asks.
"They're a package deal; go everywhere together," Rebel answers. "They're basically the same person."
"We heard that," Stab and Poke say at the same exact time.
"Alright, just tell us what you know," Rebel sighs.
"Man, rip Thomas. He was a fun drinking buddy. Always a good time, especially when he vaped too," Stab says.
"There was that one time, though, he got way too hammered and started getting depressed, talking about how his job was lame and everyone treated him like crap," Poke continues.
"We told him to just quit but he said he needed the money for more vapes," Stab finishes.
"Okay. Thanks," Rebel says as the two of them leave in unison. "Next!"
"Ew," Rebel says, looking at the next person.
The CEO of Radish World himself, Todd McRadish, sits at the table.
"Hello to you too," Todd replies.
"I can sense you're about to go on a rant, so just let it out," Rebel says.
"I can't believe Thomas is dead. This makes my job so much harder. Now I have to hire a new manager, and the ratings for Radish World are plummeting because a ride that's not supposed to kill you has exploded, and on top of that Thomas's family is threatening to sue me for an absurd amount of money. Sigh. Anyway, Tommy called me the other day to tell me to come visit Radish World because Thomas was "working him too hard" or something. I only gave Tommy the job because he asked me, and he's my brother so I couldn't say no. Thomas didn't like that I hired him but I don't care what Thomas thinks. Oh right, he's dead. Uh, rest in peace," Todd rants.
"What a horrible person," one of the rookies whispers.
"Do you know anything about Alvin? We've been told he's in love with you," Rebel says.
"Is that the guy that sends me creepy love letters every week? I've barely even met the guy. His letters are so annoying, it's like he's obsessed with me," Todd replies. "I'm pretty sure in one of the letters he said something like "I'll do anything to work my way up this corporate ladder and be closer to you." Sheesh."
"We know you secretly like the attention, sicko. Get out of here," Rebel says.
"We have some more questions to ask the suspects. Since Cat confirmed Dagger was graffitiing, we know for a fact Tommy saw Fall running from the explosion. We have to ask about that, as well as ask Ryan why he got Dagger fired. And I guess we better ask Alvin about those love letters. Let's go," Rebel says.
Ryan sits at the table once again. "Wanna see me solve a Rubix cube?" he asks.
"Shut up," Rebel replies. "We know you got Dagger fired. Wanna tell us about that?"
"Of course I had to say something! She literally created a rollercoaster that KILLS people. Who would want that kind of sicko in their park? Not me, that's for sure. I would make sure all of my employees do the best at their jobs. And are mentally stable, I should add. So yeah, I filed a complaint and got her fired. It should've happened long before I worked there. I'm much better at her job than she was anyway," Ryan rants.
"Hmm, so you'd do anything to get a promotion, huh?" Rebel asks.
"If you're implying I killed Thomas to take his job, then you're wrong. I would never do something like that," Ryan says.
"Mhm. We're done with you. Get out," Rebel replies.
Fall sits at the table once again. "Why am I back?
"We have a witness saying you ran away from the explosion. Care to explain?" Rebel asks.
"Who saw me? Look, I was leaving the staff building with my last paycheck but I was looking for Thomas because he totally skimped me out on some money that I earned. But then there was a huge explosion right in front of me, so of course I ran away from it. Would you have run TOWARD the explosion?" Fall asks.
"Fair point," Rebel replies. "Okay, we're done with you."
Alvin sits at the table once again. "Back for more?"
"Todd told us you sent him creepy love letters. What's that about?" Rebel asks.
"Oh wow, Todd mentioned me? *simp emoji* Yeah, I sent the letters. I'm glad he got them, I hope they've kept him busy on lonely nights," Alvin answers.
"This dude really just said asterisk simp emoji asterisk," a rookie said. Rebel shushes them.
"Todd said one of the letters said you'd "do anything to work your way up the corporate ladder to be closer to him?" That's very suspicious, want to explain yourself?" Rebel asks.
"Yeah, I said that, but I didn't mean murder ffs. I meant blowjobs *bites lip*" Alvin replies.
Rebel sighs. "We should've guessed that. Get out."
Alvin leaves, doing the "call me" hand signal to the male rookies.
Rebel and the detectives sigh once more.
"Well, all five suspects are in the clear. What are we supposed to do?" a rookie asks.
"We have one more person to interrogate," Rebel says. "Bring them in."
Lana sits at the interrogation table.
"Uh...why is she here?" a rookie asks.
"No idea," Rebel replies. "I think we may have brought in the wrong person. Lana, do you know anything about this case?"
"I don't know why the fuck I'm here, I quit months ago. I'm so sick of shitty people trying to force me into things. I do whatever the fuck I want. I have my own fan club for my OnlyFans account! Just fucking let me go, I don't have anything for you. Thomas was a piece of shit and so is everyone else," Lana yells.
"Yeah, I figured. Well, we're all out of suspects and ideas then," Rebel says with a frown.
"Pft, I wouldn't be surprised if none of the suspects even did it," Lana says casually. "Because you guys all seem like idiots. Can I go now?"
A lightbulb appears above Rebel's head. "That's it! Okay, Lana, leave. Thank you."
"Fuck off," Lana says as she leaves the room.
"Guys," Rebel says. "We hit a dead end with all five suspects. But Lana made me realize something. What if none of them killed Thomas?"
"So it wasn't a murder?" a rookie asks.
"I don't think so," Rebel replies. "Maybe-"
A television in the room conveniently turns on to give them a plot point. A news reporter is on the screen, in front of the wreckage of the Loop de Loop ride at Radish World.
"Disaster at Radish World! The amusement park that is already famous for its controversy of killing its visitors over a certain height on a certain ride has killed one of its own. The manager of Radish World, Thomas Bushyman, was riding the Loop de Loop ride after closing when his car crashed, causing the entire ride to explode. No body was found in the aftermath of the explosion.
Officials suspect murder, so famous sleuth Detective Rebel and four recent graduates from Detective University have been interrogating suspects, witnesses, and other employees of Radish World for the past few days. Only five people were in the park when the explosion happened, so they are the main suspects, but we don't know anything more.
We tried reaching out to CEO of Radish World, Todd McRadish, but he wouldn't take any calls. We got word that Thomas Bushyman's family is planning to sue McRadish for a large sum of money, even more than what would be expected from a family of that size.
I'm Kirai with RRE News. See you next time."
Another light bulb appears above Rebel's head.
"There was no body. I've solved the case! Thomas faked his own death and is getting his family to sue so that he can keep the money!" Rebel exclaims.
The rookies celebrate as she is correct. I don't feel like writing an end to this story lmfao
god I forgot how much I hate writing stories
So yeah, that's the murder mystery that the final four had to solve. Obviously in the actual challenge, Rebel didn't actually help them, besides answering questions or nudging them in the right direction if they needed it. Each of the four also did all their sleuthing individually.
We used a certain bot on Discord that allows you to replicate users and make it seem like you're talking to them. The competitors talked to these bots to interrogate them (which were controlled by us), they didn't actually get to talk to the eliminated people. Because we can't trust them, lmao
Most of the dialogue that you read above was pre-written by Rebel and I the day before the challenge began, so once they asked the suggested questions, we gave them their corresponding answers. If they asked more specific questions, we just improvised the answer as the character then and there.
Also since it's a challenge, the competitors had to complete small puzzles to "unlock" talking to each person in the story. We gave new puzzles twelve hours apart to unlock different characters.
To unlock the five suspects, they had to unscramble these phrases related to the comp:
To unlock Alvin: Ti si meit rfo het iouernn (It is time for the reunion)
To unlock Tommy: Eetrh anc nyol eb noe nrwnie (There can only be one winner)
To unlock Ryan: Wettny xsi catsottsnne veha eben imaneelidt (Twenty six contestants have been eliminated)
To unlock Fall: Yonl rfuo fo eth oroismttpec aerimn (Only four competitors remain)
To unlock Dagger: Het pmco ilwl eb ennidg noso (The comp will be ending soon)
Twelve hours later, they were able to unlock the next five people to interrogate. To unlock them, they had to find the comment on each of my books.
To unlock Leo, they had to find the comment on "A Minecraft Story."
To unlock Dark, they had to find the comment on "The Fate of Minecraftia."
To unlock Chess, they had to find the comment on "Radish's Kik Comps."
To unlock Kelsey, they had to find the comment on "Total Drama Nether."
To unlock Kidd, they had to find the comment on "The Great War."
All the comments said "Good work detective, screenshot this comment and show your head detective to unlock ____" or something like that.
Unfortunately for the competitors, these are my five longest books. Fortunately for the competitors, none of the comments were replies, so at least it wasn't too hard.
Twelve more hours later, the competitors were able to unlock the last set of people to interrogate. Each person had a different small puzzle to solve in order to unlock them.
To unlock Todd, they had to solve a crossword puzzle with most of the eliminated contestants' names on it, and what place they were eliminated in as the hints.
To unlock Cat, they had to complete a word search with ten words related to the Radish comps, such as "Christmas," "school," "arcade," etc
To unlock Jimmie, they had to decipher this coded message:
"8r 697 w9of3e 5y8w t99e 294i 9h 5y3 dqw3 w9 rq4"
This says "if you solved this good work on the case so far" and to solve it you just need to shift each character up a letter on a computer keyboard.
To unlock Stab and Poke, they had to solve seven different Rebus puzzles, which are word puzzles that represent common phrases.
To unlock Lana, they had to complete a game of Sudoku and show us their finished game.
If you can't tell, all these small puzzles were ideas for side challenges that we never got around to doing, so we just threw them all into this challenge lmao
The winner of this challenge was not determined by speed, although that would increase their chances at winning. Basically, every competitor that correctly solves the case would be added to a wheel. The first person to solve the case would have a higher percentage of the wheel than anyone else, the second person to solve it would have the next highest, etc. If only one person correctly solves it then they automatically win, and if nobody does then I cry
Whoever the wheel lands on would get to choose who is eliminated.
The contestants seemed to have a lot of fun interrogating the suspects and other folk. Rebel and I had a lot of fun playing the characters, although it was a bit much at times.
Andrew did the most interrogating, talking to every available person several times and asking a lot of specific questions. He was able to clear 4 of the suspects pretty easily, and for awhile had decided that Ryan was the murderer. But things weren't adding up, especially since Stab and Poke mentioned Thomas's depression and Lana said maybe none of the suspects did it. This led Andrew to believe it was actually a suicide, which was almost close to the truth. Finally, after the news report and a bit of nudging from Rebel, Andrew was able to figure out that Thomas faked his own death about 13 hours before the deadline.
Collin did a good amount of interrogating, but I don't think he even solved the coded message to unlock Jimmie, so he never got around to that. But even though he did much less interrogating than Andrew, he was able to deduce that Thomas faked his own death. He cracked the case about 10 hours before the deadline.
Luna interrogated everyone pretty early on in the challenge. She didn't do as much as Andrew and in the final 24 hours she didn't do any interrogating, because she had already gotten most of the information. She eventually deduced that Ryan was the one to murder Thomas, and submitted this as her final answer about an hour before the deadline.
Glitch barely had time to do any interrogating, as he was busy with exams irl. He did a bit of interrogating the first couple days, but did the majority of it on the final day. He was interrogating people even in the last ten minutes of the challenge. After collecting as much info as possible (which I don't think was all of it), he deduced that Thomas was murdered by Ryan ten minutes before the deadline.
Since only Andrew and Collin solved the case correctly, they were put on the wheel to decide who would get to eliminate someone. Andrew got 67% of the wheel, and Collin got 33% of the wheel.
After spinning the wheel, it landed on Andrew. So he got to choose who was eliminated.
A few hours of thoughtful thinking later, he made his decision. He chose Glitch.
Glitch was eliminated.
Glitch's Stats
Confessions: 67
Radish Points: 2
Votes: 1
Place: 4th
Thanks for participating, Glitch!
Glitch seemed to already know he was being eliminated. He had already pre-sent his last words to us hosts, which said:
"I stopped caring about the comps a few challenges ago, so I don't care about being eliminated lmao
To be put honestly, the reunion comps found me in a bad time and place – and I simply did not want to try hard. I had big plans initially, but I just kinda let it go and enjoyed the ride, VTing the hell out of people. But I did enjoy dominating the comps and rigging the elimination ceremonies in our favor lmao. Since I'm going to be voted out (I asked Andrew to vote me out cuz I want to move on) and our job here is done, I'm going to spill the beans.
So first off – Andrew, Luna, and I were in a powertripping alliance and that's literally the most OP alliance ever. We got almost everyone out and it is kind of funny how y'all did not do enough when it was becoming apparent that we were becoming threats. It was literally "work with us, or else." It's crazy to think we did all that – blocking people off from challenges (sorry Ryan, I had to deny you immunity lmao), buying VTs (Kidd, Jimmie, a few others) and double votes (Anna and others), and even spent two instant deaths to get Dagger and Sky out of the game. We backstabbed too, but all for this. Luna has turned evil, I turned sadistic, and Andrew is Andrew. The entire comps got played by us, basically.
But I mean people don't care so technically victory is on your part too lmao
All I'm saying is, it was too late. We've had a few close calls, but we were OP generally lmao
So with that out of the way, my last words would be: Collin buddy, you're going to have a difficult time lmao. I won't complain if you win, but just know that it's gonna be difficult.
Andrew and Luna, I don't care who wins, though honestly I prefer Luna to win so she joins Rebel in the "competitors who won twice" club (though I think Rebel doesn't count her Season 1 win). But promise that you'll fight free and fair, the both of you. Twas difficult to hold the alliance together, so don't argue like you do often.
To be honest, I wanna try to get that title of winning twice as well, but I'm too tired to try. But either way, believe in the power of Pocchi and Kimchi, and Shrek.
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Also Andrew there's a consequence to your action. No more Kimchi pics and cat pics >:D"
We are now down to the final three.
Luna: 12
Andrew: 2
Three contestants remain. What more do I have in store for the competitors? Was everything Glitch said about he, Andrew, and Luna manipulating the competition true? What grueling challenge will the final three have to complete? And who will make it to the finale? Find out next time, on The Radish Reunion Comp!
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