[7] Challenge 22
Last time on the Radish Reunion Comp, the contestants had to make a better comp picture than the one I was using. Collin won the challenge and earned immunity, and many Radish items were used during elimination. Sky got the most votes but he had an idol, so Alvin was eliminated instead. Andrew would've been eliminated with him, but he had an idol so he was safe. What will happen next? Find out right now, on The Radish Reunion Comp!
Remaining Competitors (6): Andrew, Anna, Collin, Glitch, Luna, Sky
The next challenge was a speed challenge with a twist. It was the competitors vs the eliminated folk. If the competitors won, they would get to vote for one of the (participating) eliminated contestants to return. If the eliminated won, the ones that participated would get to vote one of the current competitors to be eliminated.
A lot of the spectators (eliminated) indicated that they would attend the speed challenge, so it looked like they'd have a huge advantage. Twelve of them said they'd be there beforehand, and there are only six current contestants.
But, only seven of the spectators actually did show up. Alvin, Dagger, Dark, Fall, Kidd, Ryan, and Stab attended the speed challenge. All six current competitors attended, but Sky left a couple rounds in and Andrew and Glitch were going in and out because they were busy with work or homework.
The speed challenge was Hangman with a twist of last words trivia. I would ask the question: "who said these last words: *last words*" and whoever answered correctly first gave their team a chance to guess the letters/word for the Hangman word. Guessing the word correctly would earn their team a point, and the team with the most points by the end of the challenge won.
The challenge took forever. It was like an hour and a half before we finished. There were many reasons for this, the main one being bot difficulties. The second reason was that both teams had members that were trying to throw the challenge so their team would lose.
Ya see, some of the spectators wanted their team to lose so one of them would have a chance to be voted back into the competition. But some of the competitors wanted their team to lose because they didn't want to deal with having to eliminate another competitor.
It was pretty funny watching both teams try to lose the challenge. They tried things such as guessing very uncommon letters such as Z or X, pretending they were busy so they didn't have to participate, taking too long to guess so that we skipped them, or just guessing nonsense words, such as "Spites Rations." It was quite entertaining, but of course it took forever.
We were originally going to send fifteen last words, but since it was taking so long we dropped it to ten. Then we dropped it to the first team that got five points won. Both teams ended up getting at least four points, though, and there were a couple words that neither team got, so I think we sent almost all fifteen last words anyway.
Here are all fifteen last words we were going to send (I'm not sure which ones we didn't use tbh):
1. "what a ride this comp was. It was super cool to meet and reconnect with everyone again." (Stab)
2. "I would say I'm feeling blue about being eliminated, but I think everyone knows I'm just kidding. Good game everyone!" (Cat)
3. "I hate this game." (Ryan)
4. "This is a relief and an honor, I am just sad all my 15 radish points went to waste." (Chess)
5. "If you read this ur gay" (Poke)
6. "Hey, first of all, to the person who eliminated me, I know who you are, but I think not revealing you could cause more drama, so I won't :)" (Dagger)
7. "I have no words lmfao. Just why" (Venn)
9. "However, that doesn't mean I'll be gone for long. I will still be around, sooner or later I will see you all again either before or after." (Kelsey)
10. "This post is sponsored by NordVPN. Staying safe online is an ever growing difficulty and you could be exploited by hackers." (Rymle)
11. "I can say one thing the Chosen Ones are fake lol I started it for fun so anything from the TCO is fake" (Jimmie)
12. "You all fear my power. I can destroy you all. Stupid ass smh" (Unknown)
13. "Good to see everyone here again, and I'm happy you are all still alive over the years and despite the pandemic. It's been fun to talk with the good ol friends, do the challenges, and fuck around together." (Dark)
14. "Mark my words however, if there is ever another comp cough annual reunion tood? i will make a challenge to win. anyway love yall" (Tech)
15. "Well, as a wise dog have said, "Oh I'm die, thank you forever" (Somus)
And here are the fifteen Hangman words they had to guess (I'm not sure which of these we didn't use either)
1. Radish
2. Christmas
3. Arcade
4. Minecraft
5. School
6. Global
7. Hero
8. Villain
9. Video game
10. All star
11. Teacher
12. United Nations
13. Wreath
14. Reunion
15. Chaos
The spectators earned the first point, and the competitors earned the second point, tying it up. Then the spectators got to three points, and then the competitors tied it up again. The spectators got to four points and then the competitors tied it up a third time. Now both teams had four points, and whichever team got the next word correct would win.
The spectators got the last word correct, so they won. The seven spectators that attended the challenge got to vote for any of the final six competitors to be eliminated.
The spectators had a big discussion about who they should vote that I didn't get a chance to read all of. Some points of interest: Dagger revealed that Luna was the one that insta-killed her, Alvin said that Fall was the one that conjoined Aj and Stab (but Fall didn't seem to recall (ha that rhymes)), Kidd said Glitch and Andrew can't possibly have another idol, Fall said she voted for Anna randomly, Ryan and Dagger tried to get people not to vote Anna because she's nice, Alvin said to vote for Luna and later said to vote for Sky, and just some genuine surprise that their team actually won all around. Wow that was a lot.
We also told the spectators to vote who they want to vote and not to listen to who the competitors were telling them to vote (because we got word that they were). They didn't listen to us 😐
The competitors didn't get to vote this round, but they were able to use some Radish Rewards if they wanted to, such as vote turnarounds and minus one votes. Their immunity idols were still active as well.
The seven spectators voted, and there was a tie for the most votes between Collin and Luna, both of them having three. But, a vote turnaround was used by one of the competitors, so the contestant with the second-most votes would be eliminated, even though they only received one vote. Andrew had the second-most votes, but he had another immunity idol, so he was safe as well.
There were no votes for any other competitors. So, nobody was eliminated.
The spectators were very mad about this, as this was their only chance to eliminate one of the competitors, and they failed. Sucks to suck.
We spun the wheels. Anna spun the wheel of fortune and got to reveal all the spectators' votes, which she decided to do privately. Andrew spun the wheel of misfortune and lost three Radish Points.
Luna: 5
Sky: 3
Glitch: 1
Six contestants still remain. What more do I have in store for the competitors? Is there anyone who doesn't have an immunity idol? Who will be eliminated next? And will we ever make it to the final five? Find out next time, on The Radish Reunion Comp!
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