[6] Challenge 17
Last time on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter, the final four had to build something in Minecraft that incorporated elements from the six seasons of Radish's Kik Comps. Rebel's build ended up being the best, so she got to decide who was eliminated again. Just like season 5, Anna was chosen to be eliminated in the final four. It's the final three: our biggest villains and the two floaters. Who will make it to the finale? Find out right now, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!
Remaining Stars (3): Thomas, Dark, Rebel
It's the final three. You know what that means.
Wattpad Scavenger Hunt time!
The final three had four days to find as many of the items on the list as they could. The contestant with the least items correct would be eliminated, and the other two would move on to the finale. Each contestant also had the opportunity to use one hint, but it could only be used on one item.
Since it's the last one, I made this scavenger hunt the most difficult one yet. All items could somehow be found through my profile, except (probably) 1-5. Those had to be from memory.
Here are the items on the sixth Wattpad Scavenger Hunt, with the answers in parentheses.
1. An item from the first Wattpad Scavenger Hunt (answers will vary)
2. An item from the second Wattpad Scavenger Hunt (answers will vary)
3. An item from the third Wattpad Scavenger Hunt (answers will vary)
4. An item from the fourth Wattpad Scavenger Hunt (answers will vary)
5. An item from the fifth Wattpad Scavenger Hunt (answers will vary)
6. The chapter of AMS that season 1's "Find the Comment" was on (46)
7. The chapter of AMS that season 2's "Find the Comment" was on (58)
8. The chapter of AMS that season 3's "Find the Comment" was on (Authors note 3)
9. The date Todd reached 1k followers (Sep 16, 2017)
10. Todd's 1,000th follower (@Patrick_stump_is_hot)
11. How old Todd's puppy was when he got her (9 weeks)
12. The date Todd went to New York in 2015 (May 9th)
13. The amount of questions asked to Todd on Todd's 900 follower Q+A (113)
14. The name of the spaceship invented by Todd (Radish-Stellar 3000)
15. The program used to edit the picture on the cover of "The Great War" (PowerPoint)
16. The amount of followers Todd had when he finished "The Hunters" (574)
17. The last time Todd published a chapter of a book other than "Radish's Kik Comps" (Nov 2)
18. Todd's favorite fictional character (K2-S0)
19. The winner of season 4's writing challenge (Ry)
20. Todd's little brother's birthday (September 8 2004)
21. The person who helped make the cover of "Total Drama Biome Tour" (Kirai)
22. The total amount of contestants in all of Radish's Kik Comps combined (veterans count multiple times) (139)
23. The four contestants that were considered Radish Stars but did not participate (Naomi, Corey, Justice, Aj)
24. The amount of false statements in Todd's 50 facts (23)
25. The average amount of reads per chapter in "A Minecraft Story" (1,465)
As you can see, a lot of these are very difficult.
All three Radish Stars used until the last day to finish their answers. Thomas sent in his first, Dark next, and Rebel last.
The Radish Star with the highest score was Thomas. He's moving on to the finale.
The Radish Star with the second highest score is also moving on to the finale.
That Radish Star was Rebel.
Here are their scores and answers:
Thomas: 20/25
1. Bethany_Beth ✅
2. Gamergirl44 ✅
3. Three_Ts ✅
4. Three_Ts ❌
5. Three_Ts ❌
6. Chapter 46 ✅
7. Chapter 58✅
8. Authors note 3✅
9. Sept. 16, 2017 ✅
10. Patrick_stump_is_hot✅
11. 6months ❌
12. March 23 ❌
13. 117 ✅
14. The Radish-Stellar 3000 ✅
15. Piccollage ❌
16. 574✅
17. Nov 2, 2017✅
18. Blind dude from Rogue One✅
19. Ry✅
20. Sept. 8✅
21. Kirai✅
22. 139✅
23. Justice, Aj, Naomi, Corey✅
24. 23✅
25. 1475✅
Rebel: 19/25
1. The day Todd reached 100 followers ✅
2. When did Rebel first publish her book, "The Fighter"? ✅
3. The day Todd reached 500 followers ❌
4. The day Todd reached 600 followers ❌
5. The day Todd reached 800 followers ❌
6. Chapter 46 ✅
7. Chapter 58✅
8. Authors Note 3✅
9. September 16th, 2017✅
10. Patrick_stump_is_hot✅
11. 6 months❌
12. March 23❌
13. 117✅
14. The Radish-Stellar 3000✅
15. Pic Collage❌
16. 574✅
17. November 2nd, 2017✅
18. Chirrut✅
19. Ry✅
20. September 8th✅
21. Kirai✅
22. 139✅
23. Justice, AJ, Naomi, Corey✅
24. 23✅
25. 1475✅
Dark: 8/25
1. ❌
2. ❌
3. Thomas's first follower ✅
4. ❌
5. ❌
6. Chapter 46✅
7. ❌
8. Author's note 3 ✅
9. September 17, 2017 ✅
10. MC_Superior ❌
11. ❌
12. ❌
13. 361 Questions ❌
14. Radish Stellar 3000 ✅
15. Picsart ❌
16. 574 ✅
17. Oct 25 ❌
18. Steven universe❌
19. Ry ✅
20. ❌
21. ❌
22. ❌
23. Naomi Aj Corey❌
24. 23 ✅
25. ❌
Dark did not submit several answers. He was working on it a few hours before the end of the challenge, but disappeared. He didn't see his elimination when it happened either.
Dark was eliminated.
Dark's Stats
Confessionals: 1
Missed Challenges: 4
Votes: 0
Previous Team: Villains
Place: 3rd
Thanks for participating, Dark!
Dark's last words will be in the next chapter.
See, when I don't rig, my two best friends make it to the finale. Usually I try to rig against them so it doesn't look like I rigged for them and got them into the finale, but no, Rebel just has to be good at everything and get herself and Thomas to the finale and make it look like I rigged for them.
I just can't win.
It's down to the final two Radish Stars. What more do I have in store for the contestants? What will the finale challenge be? Who will lose? And who will be the champion of season 6? Find out next time, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!
Are you Team Rebel or Team Thomas?
Comment here for Team Rebel!
Comment here for Team Thomas!
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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