[5] Challenge 16
Last time on Radish's Kik Arcade, the players and Rebel forgave me (Todd), and let me go back to hosting. For their first merge challenge, they had to design their game avatar. Dagger didn't turn one in, making it Game Over for her. The best avatar belonged to Sky, so he won immunity and a Radish Point. After everyone voted, Jimmie had the most votes, but a Vote Turnaround was once again purchased. This caused Collin to be eliminated instead. What grueling level will the players play this time? Find out right now, on Radish's Kik Arcade!
Remaining Players (10):
Stab, Kelsey, Poke, Ry, Naomi, Glitch, Jimmie, Sky, Anna, Tech
Here are Dagger's last words:
"I rejoined this comp in hopes of a). Catching up with people and b). Actually doing something. As you proly all know I did neither of those things. I don't really have an excuse. I am honestly surprised I lasted this long. But after like no contemplation period (because I am too lazy to contemplate stuff like this) I realized that I don't care. Quite frankly all of you are overreacting quite foolish people that jump to conclusions faster than Glitch types (which is rather fast) and after reading tons of convos and seeing tons of drama and rude comments towards each other I have no sympathy towards any of you. Also stop trying to make people out to be bad guys, this isn't some TV show it's just a bunch of people squabbling 24/7.
But whatevs, good luck to whoever is left.
When you guys decide to stop being petty contact me maybe I won't mind talking.
PS all the alliance drama is stupid
PPS I don't understand why everyone hates Naomi, making mistakes is only human.
PPPS Y'all horrible to each other and you have too much "righteous" anger"
After Collin's elimination, I told the players that the next challenge was not technically speed, but being there when I announced the challenge was recommended.
Since I've said this for the past 5 seasons, everyone knew the challenge would be Find the Comment.
And it was.
I used a super secret alternate account to comment "I beat Rebel's high score" on Chapter 3 of "A Minecraft Story".
I told the contestants that someone commented something about high scores somewhere on "A Minecraft Story", and that they had to find it. Once they did, they had to pm me what the comment said, who said it, and what chapter it was on.
The last person to find the comment would be eliminated.
Along with anyone who didn't find the comment at all.
Now, this comment was much harder to find than the four from the previous seasons. Why?
Because it wasn't just a regular old comment.
It was a reply.
I did not tell the contestants this, which is why it took almost 40 minutes for the first player to find it. I suggested they purchase a Host Hint with 5 Radish Points, but the players that considered that didn't have enough points for one.
Anna found the comment first, earning a Radish Point for herself.
Both Naomi and Sky found it next, 3 minutes after Anna, which is suspicious ≖-≖
Stab found the comment next, 11 minutes after the previous two.
Then came Glitch and Ry at the same time, 2 minutes after Stab. Also suspicious ≖------≖
Rebel: ≖-≖
About an hour later came Poke, who was camping and lost wifi for a bit. He was afraid he had been the last.
But, Jimmie found the comment about ten minutes later. He was also afraid he had been last.
Kelsey found it next, about an hour after Jimmie.
And then there was Tech.
Poor Tech said he didn't have wifi and couldn't find the comment. Since he didn't find it at all, that meant he was eliminated.
Game Over Tech.
Tech's Stats
Confessionals: 2
Total Points: 4
Missed Challenges: 3
Votes: 0
Teams: Yellow, Green
Place: 10th
Thanks for participating, Tech!
The last newbie has been eliminated.
If he has any last words, they will be in the next chapter.
Tech wasn't the only player that was eliminated. Since he never found the comment at all, that meant Kelsey was the last one to find the comment.
Which meant she was eliminated as well.
Game Over Kelsey.
Kelsey's Stats
Confessionals: 3
Total Points: 8
Missed Challenges: 2
Votes: 0
Teams: Red, Purple
Place: 9th
Thanks for participating, Kelsey!
I pointed out that out of the three seasons she has participated in, she has never been voted out.
In season 3, she was the last one to find the comment.
In season 4, she and Venn didn't complete a challenge, eliminating both of them.
And in season 5, she again was the last one to find the comment.
Rebel: I said she should get a medal
Gg, Kelsey.
If she has any last words, they will also be in the next chapter.
Also, during the hours after everyone except Tech had found the comment, Jimmie said he wanted to quit. He said he knew he would be eliminated eventually.
I told him that everyone will be eliminated except for one person anyway, so why quit now? Rebel added that his logic was basically like "since I'm gonna die anyway, I might as well kill myself".
Jimmie stayed.
Eight contestants remain. What more do I have in store for the players? Will any drama occur? Will I think of any good teaser questions? And have the readers realized I have at least one chapter with teasers like this every season? Find out next time, on Radish's Kik Arcade!
Wait what really
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
OnE LiNeRs
- A blind man walked into a bar. And a table. And a chair.
- Children in the dark make accidents, but accidents in the dark make children.
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
^ my favorite
- There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
- I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
- I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised.
- I bought my friend an elephant for his room.
He said, "Thanks."
I said, "Don't mention it."
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