[5] Challenge 10
Last time on Radish's Kik Arcade, the players had to create a team pic for their own team. The Pretty Purple Pixels won again, and the Glorious Greens had to vote someone off. Collin and Naomi argued once again, and Cole quit and rejoined once again. Cheshire told everyone to vote her off, and some did. But, someone purchased a Vote Turnaround, causing the player with the second most votes to be eliminated. That was Somus, so it was Game Over for him. Before he left, he confessed his love to Naomi #Naomus. What crazy challenge will the players do today? Find out right now, on Radish's Kik Arcade!
Pretty Purple Pixels (9)
Venn, Stab, Kelsey, Cole, Collin, Poke, JT, Thomas, Ry
Glorious Greens (9)
Naomi, Glitch, Jimmie, Sky, Anna, Tech, Dagger, Cheshire, Cookie
Hi. This is Rebel. If you weren't part of the comp for the past few days, you may be wondering: Rebel?! Oh mighty overlord, what are you doing on this plebeian's account?
Well that's a medium length story that I shall explain in screenshots and captions.
So prepare for the story of how I had overthrown Tood.
It was a few hours after the elimination in the last chapter. I was tired, Tood was Tood. He had published the chapter and everyone was chilling. Until he came to the chat with some news.
Val (who placed #24) is actually Thomas's second account :0
Tood wanted to ban his other half, but I wasn't having any of it.
We did a little argument (which I so won), and then I took it a step further by telling Tood that he was eliminated.
Yes, I was (and still am) owner of the chats. You see, the day before, Tood's Kik was lagging, and he left the chats, giving me the ownership of the two group chats and the main chat. He was invited back and given admin, but I still didn't give him ownership lmao
And then things got more intense when I accused him of rigging.
Now this isn't a new thing. Tood has been accused countless times (actually you probably could count them but that's difficult) of rigging the competitions, from giving out secrets to making the wrong team win the challenge. But he always got away with it.
Idek who I was shushing tbh. Prolly Chess. That was rude of me.
Then things got more intense.
I sent him a picture of his story while I was on his account. He admitted he gave me his wattpad password.
This part I am not proud of. And I just want to say that I would never have actually deleted his story. I was being cruel, but I'm not that cruel.
Dagger was angry with me and shouted at me (😥), and Chess was kinda chill the whole time tbh.
Ry and Naomi showed up to watch the show.
When finally...
He admitted it.
*dun dun duuunnnn*
And now, the list of rigged moments:
I'm just gonna type these out because there's a 20 pictures per chapter limit.
"Okay so. Yes, I tried to get Neon to get people to eliminate Naomi this season"
"Season 4, I tried to get Collin to get people to eliminate Braxton and Star. He wasn't lying when he sent that screenshot. It was me"
"Also in season 4, I told Thomas to tell Stab and Poke that Ry has the immunity Idol. I did that so Ry wouldn't get eliminated, and Poke was eliminated instead"
That earned shocked reactions from Naomi, Ry, and Kelsey.
And Tood crushed Ry's rainbows and made her spit out noodles.
True story.
"I don't remember this one as well. But Thomas had already been eliminated, and he told a lot of people to vote off Collin and Echo because he hated Collin. Because I liked the drama that Collin made, I made it so Chess and Izzie were eliminated instead, allowing Collin to make it farther"
"I told Karim (Yuri) to be Dimitri in season 2 so we could have an 'outside villain'"
I didn't know that tbh
"Alvin had the choice of who was eliminated. He was insistent on eliminating Choco, but I persuaded him to eliminate Thomas. I told him the challenges were being rigged for Thomas, even though that was a lie. I really just didn't want Thomas to make it any farther than he did. So I told Alvin I'd get him father in the season if he eliminated Thomas. He did, and in season three he told everyone about it. I played it off as a lie, but it wasn't"
"Naomi, you were in 3rd place in the Wattpad Scavenger Hunt of season 3. But I wanted you in the finale, not Glitch. So I told Thomas to tell you to change a few of your answers. That way, if word got out, it would look like Thomas did the rigging. But no, it was me. Without that, you wouldn't have made it to the finale of season 3"
Let's just say Naomi was upset with that.
Anyway. Tood said he had one more that he could recall.
"The finale of season 1 was Rebel vs. Yuri. They were at the last question. If Rebel got it right first, she won the comp. if Yuri got it right first, it would be a tie. After that question, Yuri got the correct answer first. In my excitement, I forgot it would just be a tie. And I didn't want Yuri to win. So I said Rebel got it right first, meaning she won the season. But really, Yuri had a chance"
Yeah that kinda stung when I first heard about it.
Anywho, Tood was done. I reminded him that there were also all those times where he tried to make a team lose because he didn't like the members, and when he gave out secret information that he shouldn't have given out. He agreed to doing those as well.
Tood apologized afterward, saying, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for all the rigging. I just do what's best for drama, and best for the book"
People (Ry and Naomi) showed forgiveness. And tbh I was tempted to do it as well. But then Tood continued.
"I wish I could say I won't rig anymore, but idk if I can trust myself"
"I've had five chances to do it right"
"Every time I start another comp, I tell myself I won't rig anymore"
"But I always do"
You get the idea.
I wasn't feeling as forgiving as the others.
I politely told Tood that he was my best friend, but he should take a break.
However, Tood retorted with a paragraph about how even I said myself that I'm too unorganized and lazy (true), and that I was busy with softball and my book (softball is over now lmao). He ended it with the cliche villain thing "you can't do it".
And while I did say all those things myself, seeing them come from him got me angry.
And I banned him.
(NOTE: Soup is a code name for his girlfriend. He did not want her to be revealed).
But yeah.
There were mixed reactions after I removed him. Naomi was mostly angry with Tood, Dagger was kinda upset and suspicious of me, Ry was shocked about the whole thing, and Chess was chill. Lmao.
Sky and Glitch showed up later on showing their distaste for the situation and their annoyance with Tood.
And that was about it.
Now let's move on to regular competition stuff.
The challenge: The contestants had 36 hours to create a board game (similar to the "create your own video game" challenge). "You must think of a title, a short summary of how the game is played, and a set of rules. Be sure to include important things like how many players can play, how long it would take, etc. Be creative, and don't do some cheap knockoff of some already-famous board game."
The Pretty Purple Pixels got to work right away, while the Glorious Greens only started talking about it when Sky sent his idea a few hours later. After some editing, they decided to send in Sky's halfway through the challenge.
Meanwhile, PPP had a few options to go for: Thomas's and JT's. They ended up sending in Thomas's about 12 hours before the challenge ended so they at least had one submitted. After that, they wanted to discuss a little more about JT's, but they never did. However, JT's board game was submitted later on without much discussion about it.
Pretty Purple Pixels' board game:
The board would be like Monopoly, but except, it has four corners, a blue side, a red side, a green side, and a orange side
2-4 people in order to play
Each player has to choose a corner, then they take two certain cards of that specific color, and choose to either keep the card, or discard it.
Once you choose the card, grab the dices(1-6 on both dices) and roll, if you roll a double number on both, you can roll again(but only once) AND, you get to steal a card from one of the other players, you need to have at least three complete sets of cards in order to win (4 makes a set)
There are 6 sides on the dices, if you roll and odd number, you move that amount of spaces, BUT, if you roll an even number, you get to move DOUBLE the amount of spaces
1- move once
2- moves four times
3- moves three times
4- moves eight times
5- moves five times
6- moves twelve times
The Glorious Greens' board game:
The Radish Games
The Radish Games' board is 8 tiles by 8 tiles.
There are seven characters in this game:
Contestant, 10 pieces for each player
Villain, 4 pieces for each player
Alliance leader, 4 pieces for each player
Victor, 2 pieces for each player
Traitor, 2 pieces for each player
Rebel, 1 piece for each player
Todd, 1 piece for each player
24 pieces for each player
Player 1- a person who will play the game
Player 2- a person who will play the game
The Radish- a person who will look who will look who dies
Piece Details:
Contestant- can kill another contestant
Villain- can kill a contestant, another villain, and a traitor
Alliance leader- can kill a contestant, a villain, another alliance leader, and a traitor
Victor- can kill a contestant, a villain, an alliance leader, and another victor
Rebel- can kill a contestant, a villain, an alliance leader, a victor, and another Rebel
Todd- can kill a contestant, a villain, an, alliance leader, a victor, Rebel, and another Todd
Traitor- can kill everyone except a villain and an alliance leader
All pieces look like the same but the piece's names can only be seen by its owner.
To remove all the opponent's pieces or simply kill a player's Todd
1) Both players should make their pieces in formation of their choice
2) After forming their pieces, players will choose who goes first
3) A piece only moves in a straight line (forward, backward, left or right)
4) If a player tries to kill an opponent's piece with his own piece, the Radish will check if he succeeds. If his piece's rank is higher, the Radish will put away the opponent's piece but if his piece's rank is lower, his piece will be put away and the opponent's piece survives
5) If both pieces have the same rank, the player who moved and decided to kill his opponent's piece survives and the other one will be put away. This could be applied to all pieces
After reading both carefully, I decided that the Glorious Greens' Radish Games was the winner.
Therefore, Pretty Purple Pixels had to send someone home.
Cole wanted people to vote him out. He said that he was the villain and yada yada yada.
Later on, there was some arguing between Venn and Collin (not surprising) about who is going to get voted off. Venn argued that Collin does nothing for the team, while Collin continued to say she had the most votes. Eventually it got to Venn's fear of spiders (that, kids, is called arachnophobia), and Collin started sending gifs of spiders to freak her out.
When that was all over, we talked about some other fears. Then it got to pit bull puppies, and Thomas said that these are ugly:
Thomas is a gardening tool. And these are adorable.
Okay so elimination time.
I was about to type out who was safe, BuT Venn was very generous and spent 7 radish points to make it a vote reveal. Meaning that I had to say who voted for who.
Poke voted for Poke (lmao k)
Venn voted for Collin.
Cole voted for Thomas.
Collin voted for Venn (shocker).
Stab voted for Thomas.
Thomas voted for Venn
Ry voted for Thomas.
So far, Poke had 1 vote, Collin had one vote, Thomas had 3 votes, and Venn had 2 votes. There's only one person left that had voted.
And that was JT.
And JT voted for Venn.
Which would usually end in a tie. However, JT bought a double vote, which bumped Venn up to 4 votes.
Therefore, Venn was eliminated.
Game over, Venn.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Venn' Stats
Confessionals: 6
Total Points: 7
Missed Challenges: 1
Votes: 4
Teams: Red, Purple
Place: 18th
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Thanks for playing! You were fun.
She already had her last words written and sent in advance, so here they are:
"So, I've lost.
I saw this coming. I was bound to be eliminated eventually.
Anyways, I just wanna say, we aren't the bad guys. We are only a team looking out for eachother. Wouldn't you do the same? And how is an alliance against us any different?
Anyways, we don't target people. We just vote as a group so that the person we vote is most likely to be voted out. It's the best way for us to do things.
Also, what will voting me off have accomplished? I'm still the leader, I just won't be able to vote or help my team. (That was a mistake on your part) Anyways, now that I'm out, who are you going for next, and how are you any better than us?
Good luck, you will need it.
Hopefully I never need to use this."
Well you did so thanks for writing them in advance. Rip.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Glitch (G): 1
Cole (P): 3
Collin (P): 1
Thomas (P): 1
Venn (P): 2
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Seventeen contestants remain. What is going to happen next? What will Collin do now that he eliminated the leader of the Endventurers? How will my reign go? Will Tood come back? Will we make up? Will I start replacing the word 'radish' with 'rebel'? Find out next time, on Radish's/Rebel's Kik Arcade!
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★ Rocknrebel44 ★
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