[4] Challenge 10
Last time on The Radish Nations, the teams merged, and the delegates had to find a certain comment on "A Minecraft Story". Only six of the ten remaining countries found it, so the other four were nuked. Andrew, Dark, Braxton, and Echo were eliminated. What challenge will the delegates do this time? Find out right now, on The Radish Nations!
Remaining Countries (6):
North Deolark (Leo)
South Emeraldia (Ry)
North Lorien (Poke)
South Lorien (Stab)
North Minetopia (Star)
North Republic of Demolition (Collin)
Before we begin this challenge, here are some last words of contestants eliminated last challenge.
Dark's last words:
"Fun experince here in Kik Comp! I love it... Thanks for the drama you all caused, and I caused intentionally... for all ny fwends, those are not newbies, I love you guys! Goodluck, I hope you win this Comp! But I'll advice you all, guys...
D O N' T T R U S T T H E N E W B I E S
Okay, so, these will be my last words...
For all the fun you gave me, the help, everything you did, especiallycto my pardner, thanks for everything... You did work hard for our team.
For my fwends, Anna, Blue, Chess, Iz (well, she doesnt talk to me since the beginning but still), Cass, you inspired me...
To all drama I caused, lol. The rant I made, especially to all the newbies, still, F*** YOU GO DIE IN H*** BACKSTABBERS ESPECIALLY U AJ F*** YOU..
Collin, Stab, Poke, Star, Andrew, Braxton, actually, you have been the villains here in the comp... . /. I still love you guys, even tho I made you feel bad lol.
The alliance we have made, Goodluck to my last fwends...
Actually, i feel bad when my fwends got eliminated...
Well, I won't forget what you did to me, my friend... I think you know who are you now. Youve been ______ all the comp because of your puberty... I still wont forget you
Remember me.
And for the Messenger, thank you, my friend, for the service you gave to me... I wont forget you, youve been my support... I salute you, bro... You made me feel full...
Ok that would be my last word... lmao words...
I love you guys, but still, F * * * Y O U"
I have two things to say about that.
1. Who is Cass
2. What Messenger ≖-≖
Whatever. Now here's Braxton's last words, which revealed something groundbreaking:
"F***!! I went to my aunts Funereal and i forgot about this!! It was super fun competing with everyone. Also, heads up Star is Corey."
Braxton was Star's partner, so if anyone knows that about Star, it's Braxton. Star still denied that he is actually Corey, though.
Andrew and Echo didn't give last words.
Now it's time for the actual challenge.
The remaining six countries were informed that a new country had arisen, a dictatorship known as Radish Land. Here is Radish Land's declaration:
"The country of Radish Land will be ruled by the one and only Todd. He shall be known as the Supreme Radish. Everyone in the country obeys the Supreme Radish without question. Radish Land is great because it is the superpower of the world. It has an army full of super soldiers from the genetically engineered radishes they ate. Radish Land is the most powerful country in the world. There is no way any country could defeat it.
The first strategy the Supreme Radish uses to rule his land is brainwashing his citizens. His personal scientists genetically engineered radishes that brainwash whoever eats them. All persons who eat these special radishes immediately believes the Supreme Radish is their leader. They believe all that the Supreme Radish says is true.
The second strategy the Supreme Radish uses to rule his land is using super police. These police are strengthened by another type of genetically engineered radishes. They ensure that nobody steps out of line in Radish Land. If a citizen is caught doing something they shouldn't be doing, they are immediately arrested by the super police.
The third strategy the Supreme Radish uses to rule his land is by executing threats to his power. Whoever commits any crime against the Supreme Radish is immediately sent to his castle, where he personally executes them. To question the Supreme Radish's ways is not a good idea.
The fourth strategy the Supreme Radish uses to rule his land is lowering wages and increasing taxes. This maximizes the amount of money going to the Supreme Radish, which he can spend on more genetically engineered radishes and more super soldiers.
In conclusion, Radish Land is the greatest country of all time. Rebelling against it is a very dangerous plan. In Radish Land, all citizens are brainwashed to obey the Supreme Radish, are watched over by the super police, are executed for disobeying the Supreme Radish, and are the recipients of lower wages and higher taxes. Radish Land is great. Long live the Supreme Radish!"
(I had to do that for a project for my English class)
Anyway, the delegates' task was to write a one part story about how their country defeats Radish Land. The story could be as long as they want, as long as it was only one part.
The best story would earn the choice of which country gets nuked next.
If you would like to read the stories, they are in a reading list on my profile called "Kik Comp 4 Entries (Defeating Radish Land)".
No drama occurred during the challenge, so let's skip right to who won.
It was close, but Yuri and I decided Ry's story was the best. Leo came in with a close second, and Stab ranked third place. We didn't rank the other three.
Because Ry won, she got to choose who was eliminated. She clearly didn't want to, but if she didn't, she would be eliminated instead.
During the time Ry had to decide who was eliminated, Collin suggested everyone say why they shouldn't be eliminated. He went first, saying he had never won a challenge and deserved to stay in.
Star said he was afraid of being eliminated, and Leo said that was the same with everyone.
Then, everyone asked Star if he was hiding something. He said no, but then Leo asked if he was Corey. Star said he might be, but he might not be.
Then that conversation ended.
At one point Ry decided to choose herself to be eliminated, but then she changed her mind. In the end, she chose North Minetopia to be nuked.
Star was eliminated.
Star's Stats
Confessionals: 2
Missed Challenge: 4
Votes: 1
Country: North Minetopia
Place: 6th
Thanks for participating, Star!
He denied he was Corey one more time before he was removed. Then he sent me his last words to be sent to the chat:
Pretty dramatic, eh?
Also, another immunity idol bomb defuser was given out during the challenge. But who was it given to this time...?
Collin: 4
Star: 1
Poke: 1
Five contestants remain. Fifteen nukes have been fired. What more do I have in store for the delegates? Who will make it to the final four? Who has the bomb defuser? And who will be nuked next? Find out next time, on The Radish Nations!
Meeting adjourned.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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